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Just painted PICTURES of my 97 Boxster Ocean Blue

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Ok, finally had time to snap some photos of my 1997 Boxster, It recently under went some bodywork to repair the spiderweb cracks in the rear bumper and dings-galore around then entire car and painted bumperettes and received LOTS of clear coat... Still need to go back to the paint shop in a week for it to be color-sand then buffed once more cause the trunk has some funny clearcoat paint stuff going on.

I also had the interior peices painted Body color for a subtle upgrade from the soft-touch stock interior texture. Hope you likes!









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it looks really great, but it kind of highlights the condition of the seats :)



ps- are those 550 SE tailights?

i don't understand why you eliminated the amber on the rear and left the amber on the front- i like the clears most of the time, but on OB the ambers do look pretty good

Ok, finally had time to snap some photos of my 1997 Boxster, It recently under went some bodywork to repair the spiderweb cracks in the rear bumper and dings-galore around then entire car and painted bumperettes and received LOTS of clear coat... Still need to go back to the paint shop in a week for it to be color-sand then buffed once more cause the trunk has some funny clearcoat paint stuff going on.

I also had the interior peices painted Body color for a subtle upgrade from the soft-touch stock interior texture. Hope you likes!









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I'm not really into painted interior parts but it looks rather good on your car.... mind me asking what it cost?

Cost me $1800, father is a supervisor at the shop so all i paid for was supplies and hourly rate for the bodywork and painters time. Was told the job normally costs about $4000.

Yeah the painted interior does make the worn seats stand out, I havent conditioned them in some time now but were weathered when i bought the car, Yes those are 550 STYLE tail lights, i painted my original taillamps red, Havent have spent money on clear headlamps cause im not at that stage yet, i'd rather paint the car first then worry about upgrading my headlamps, Then maybe buying new seat covers. Looks pretty good for a Boxster with 108,000 miles huh :rolleyes:

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looks good. what exactly was painted - the whole car, just the rear bumper and trunk?

i think the interior pieces look great. i just painted mine with a can of Ocean Blue paint that i got from Paintscratch.com. i went with a matte finish instead of shiny. the only problem is that some of the pieces came out a little too dark, some a little too light, and some (IMHO) perfect.

i also have an OB 97 Boxster and i'm going to give it one more shot to see if the finish can be repaired. it's seen many miles (115K) and has spiderwebs galore. also many rock chips and scratches, etc. you can't really see the defects when it's waxed unless you're really looking. but sometimes in direct sunlight it just looks horrible.

nice work.

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Oh wow chris your winning me with your mileage, Yes i had the entire exterior of the car painted. with 108k miles it needed it, i had 1 spiderweb crack on the rear bumper, 4 gouges from a tow hitch pitting my front bumper and dings everywhere and swirl marks everywhere also.

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Oh wow chris your winning me with your mileage, Yes i had the entire exterior of the car painted. with 108k miles it needed it, i had 1 spiderweb crack on the rear bumper, 4 gouges from a tow hitch pitting my front bumper and dings everywhere and swirl marks everywhere also.

ok, gotcha. looks good. i want to see what it looks like after the color sanding, etc.

'normally $4,000'? i got a quote for $6K and i thought that was cheap! (i know you paid $1800 which is just unbelievable - i would do it RIGHT NOW if it was only $1800!)

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That looks really great. By front and rear bumpers are starting to take some wear. I was wondering, am I correct by seeing that the door handle and cover ar painted the same color as the car? If so, how did they remove those parts to spray them? I think mine need to be resprayed.

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Oh wow chris your winning me with your mileage, 'normally $4,000'? i got a quote for $6K and i thought that was cheap! (i know you paid $1800 which is just unbelievable - i would do it RIGHT NOW if it was only $1800!)

Group buy on Ocean Blue repaint jobs? :)

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Yes they did remove the door handles before painting them. You have to or else your rubber liner between the door handle and the door panel will be paint on it and that looks crappy.

If you all would like to call the shop for estimates on a paint job, feel free to call them, Its called Rapid Transit in San Pedro California. 310-832-6440... tell them you talked to Jr with the boxster. Im sure they will give you all a good deal.

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