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Hey yall! I'm new here, long time lurker but now that I've come to a bunch of problems I cannot get resolve with the DIY or tutorial I was able to find on here or youtube I decided to open a post with my issues and see what you guys think! I have some (prolly) simple ones and some really weird ones. A little bit of context: I just bought my cayenne turbo (2004) 2 months ago from its 1st owner that neglected it for the last 3-5 years of ownership. I have done a lot of mechanical work on the car ( I can list everything if needed). These issues are mainly cosmetic and quality of life ones.


1st: The side view mirror shells. Are they suppose to be this flimsy ? the half shell does a plastic rattling noise when I close the door (mainly on the driver side)



2nd: Steering column adjustment. Now this one I read a lot about resetting the seat control by tilting it and stuff, done it, did not work. It did clear my memory settings for the seats but not reset the motor for the steering wheel. As you can see, it can go in and out, not up and down....



3rd: The PoS that is called the PCM Radio. I think the previous owner finger f*ck the hell out of the radio system because, well... It's not working great. Main issue it that the time keeps resetting and does not fallow the real clock, it just gets stuck and the date is now missing but used to be stuck in year 2000 (for a 2004 model) It's asking me to insert the GPS disk to get it to update I think now...




4th: The worst. Hopefully the video explains it....well, it's completely lost at where to throw the air...




I have another major one when I drive that it kick between gears (only some gears, only some times) mechanic told me it's the transfercase/module, interweb tells me it's the transmission valve body..., i'll make a video about that one later. Thank for the help in advance !

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Well, almost a week and no answer >.>


I was able to get some more work done and figured some stuff out.


1st: Side view mirror shells have 2 clips behind the mirror and another one towards the interior, that last one seems to have been broken on both mirror and made them rattling.

2nd: Nothing yet

3rd: Need to get an aftermarker radio, any advise ?

4th: Need to get some more details but it's between the flap actuators or the A/C crontrolers, I have an extra controller so I can do some more testing but I really need to get Durametric to make it easier and faster.

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1. About the mirrors, if you can get a small dab of silicone adhesive on the inside of it, that should hold it nicely and won't harden up too hard to where it'll break if it needs to be taken apart again.

2. It's possible that the motor that controls the up/down movement has gone, but sounds more like a blown fuse somewhere that is preventing it from getting power.

3. There's plenty of good aftermarket stereos : Kenwood Excelon DNX893S, Pioneer 5201 NEX, Alpine W960. All of those have GPS Navigation as well.

4. Sounds to me like the ducts have been removed or broken behind the dash, by the center console area, it could be something simple that the previous owner forgot to do maybe when they were changing the cabin air filter.

And there is a recall on the transfer case computer/motor. Give the dealership a call and see if yours qualifies as one of the cars with the recall. Mine doesn't unfortunately so I have to fix it myself.

Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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