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Single-touch operation of 987 hood

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I installed a modified relay which allows single-touch operation of the hood (up to 19mph) to my 986. This was a simple replacement of a relay (Oh yes, I had the hood changed to a glass window at BAS International as well to get over the Boxster chop). This totally enhanced my Boxster experience.


I am about to change to a 987, and have driven quite a few, now. Although the 987 allows the hood to be operated at up to 30mph, I found it very unsafe to operate even at low speed or traffic lights because (i) you are concentrating on keeping your finger on the button, and (ii) it was all to easy for the finger to slip from the switch, which was very distracting.

I have seen a mod for the 987 which is a bit more involved than a simple plug in relay, but it does allows the hood to be operated with a single-touch. It also adds other functions such as (i) automatically tilting the passenger side door mirror to view the kirb when reverse gear is selected, (ii) headlight illumination of the driveway for 30 seconds by pressing the key fob and (iii) a single or double beep from the horn when you lock / unlock the car. All these functions are programmable.

I will be undertaking this mod as soon as I find the right 987, but I wondered if anyone had any experience of it?

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FYI: on the 987, the top is automatic above 6 mph upto 30 mph. let me know how the mirror tilt mod works out. i'd love to have that feature...will it void the warranty?

as for the honking and 30 sec. illumination, thats in the 987 as well. if you get the PCM, those features are adjustable, too. Lastly, now that you know exactly what you want in your 987, why not just order the car?


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I have a LHD boxster with this mirror tilt function , and as I found out , it requires additional wires in the mirror loom to function properly. On my 987 I have the electric memory seats with mirror position memory. If you don't have the extra wires in the mirror then i'm not sure the mirror can return to the original setting after the reverse gear is de selected and you start to drive forward. Also im not sure how you would set the lower position of the mirror since it has no memory. If you are only getting the relay mod for the dipping mirror function for a 987 I'd look a little deeper into what its actually going to give you for your $$$. The OEM unit gives you a memorised position for the reverse function, and it can be turned on or off as a function by the position of the mirror knob in the car. It also resets the mirror to the original drivers position after you get above 5mph in forward gear , or you move the mirror knob to a different setting. If this aftermarket kit can do some of this functionality then it sounds a good investment and it will save kerbing those nice alloys particularly as the 987 feels much wider track at the rear compared to the front.

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FYI: on the 987, the top is automatic above 6 mph upto 30 mph. let me know how the mirror tilt mod works out. i'd love to have that feature...will it void the warranty?

as for the honking and 30 sec. illumination, thats in the 987 as well. if you get the PCM, those features are adjustable, too. Lastly, now that you know exactly what you want in your 987, why not just order the car?


Hi Toejam

I didn't realise the top was automatic above 6mph. I will check this out. Thanks. As for ordering a car with everything I want, I am looking for a 2005 Boxster from a dealer, and finding the required options is very difficult. Cruise control is very important to me, but rare, and PCM is even harder to find with CC.

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I have a LHD boxster with this mirror tilt function , and as I found out , it requires additional wires in the mirror loom to function properly. On my 987 I have the electric memory seats with mirror position memory. If you don't have the extra wires in the mirror then i'm not sure the mirror can return to the original setting after the reverse gear is de selected and you start to drive forward. Also im not sure how you would set the lower position of the mirror since it has no memory. If you are only getting the relay mod for the dipping mirror function for a 987 I'd look a little deeper into what its actually going to give you for your $$$. The OEM unit gives you a memorised position for the reverse function, and it can be turned on or off as a function by the position of the mirror knob in the car. It also resets the mirror to the original drivers position after you get above 5mph in forward gear , or you move the mirror knob to a different setting. If this aftermarket kit can do some of this functionality then it sounds a good investment and it will save kerbing those nice alloys particularly as the 987 feels much wider track at the rear compared to the front.

I would get the mod primarily for the single touch hood operation, even when stationary. The mirror tilt and other funtions are a bonus.

The controller is on


According to the installation manual


the door mirror wiring passes through the contoller. The mirror position has to be moved to the tilt position and then back to the normal position in 2 stages as part of the calibration cycle.

Let me know what you think.


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Sounds a pretty comprehensive device , though most of the options i already have , and the number of times I feel i'd need or use the stationary "one touch" may be limited. If you own or are buying a 987 without PCM / electric seats I can see the attraction and it looks simple to install. Question is how much ?

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Sounds a pretty comprehensive device , though most of the options i already have , and the number of times I feel i'd need or use the stationary "one touch" may be limited. If you own or are buying a 987 without PCM / electric seats I can see the attraction and it looks simple to install. Question is how much ?

249 Euros.

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