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My New exhaust.. Maxspeed Motorsports Dual Tip

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The switch over was easy total bolt on affair. Getting the tips lined up in the outlet straight with the two side pipes was a bit of a PITA but other then that, went on in about 1.5 hours start to finish including removing the rear bumper. It took me longer to paint my calipers than do the exhaust swap hahah. Next is headers, so stay tuned for that...

Thanks to http://www.maxspeed-motorsports.com for the exhaust system.

= YouTube Video.








Edited by 986Jim
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Not at all to be honest. Other than the fact that the muffler is louder than stock, it behaves just like the stock exhaust does. There is no RPM or frequency where things are loud and annoying or it sounds particularly annoying at a certain RPM.

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Not at all to be honest. Other than the fact that the muffler is louder than stock, it behaves just like the stock exhaust does. There is no RPM or frequency where things are loud and annoying or it sounds particularly annoying at a certain RPM.


From the clips, it sounds like it is a little deeper and bit more loud than stock. I like the stock tone, just does not have enough volume. Maybe this will work for me and from I can tell at $700, a second mortgage is not necessary. You happy?


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Not at all to be honest. Other than the fact that the muffler is louder than stock, it behaves just like the stock exhaust does. There is no RPM or frequency where things are loud and annoying or it sounds particularly annoying at a certain RPM.


From the clips, it sounds like it is a little deeper and bit more loud than stock. I like the stock tone, just does not have enough volume. Maybe this will work for me and from I can tell at $700, a second mortgage is not necessary. You happy?


Yeah at $599 plus shipping it was a steal. The sound is exactly how you describe, slightly louder but just the perfect volume, and a great tone. Its loud enough that you know its there but quiet enough you can ingore it if need be. I would absolutly buy again. Neither of my wives (dont ask) complain about it and love the sound.

The other mufflers in the same price range $599-649 ish with the two seperate mufflers have had some droning and noise complaints. I'm not particularly fond of loud exhausts so im quite happy with it. If anything it could have been just a touch louder, but hard to say what that would do.

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  • 10 months later...

Jim, was the exhaust easy to align with respect to centering within the existing opening. I have an 01 S and am looking to do the headers and exhaust, but on their website, the black boxster's exhaust looks really crooked...Just didn't want to get all this to the shop and have them say at the end of the day....sorry, we just can't center it up...

Your's looks very centered though. Did you have to do anything to achieve that? Jon

One additional thing...the muffler looks very different in the photos you have vs. maxspeed motorsports photos? Your's looks like a dansk sausage? What's the deal???

Edited by jwade
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Can anyone comment on why Jim's exhaust looks different than what i see on maxspeed's website? Surely someone can pipe in here. Jon

This was Maxspeed's first muffler and was more expensive than the new one. I had the new one until I got a used PSE. The new one has resonance and I think I would have liked this other one better. However, Maxspeed has a new one in development and should be out soon.


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I have had conversations with Nello @ Maxspeed and he has answered my questions. As a result, I plan on going with the sausage muffler (they still sell it, it's just more cash) and sport headers before too long. The sausage muffler has zero resonance from what I understand. Maxspeed has some really nice product and are not priced into the stratosphere...

I mean let's be serious, you can pick up on of these late model 986's for in the 20k range or less depending on how many miles / options / care the car has recieved so why would you blow nearly 4-5k on a fabspeed or other "percieved high end" exhaust system. That's like 25% of what the car costs. For under 2k installed, I think you are still getting the same performance out of the MS package for the 986.

After some emails with back and forth with Maxspeed, I cannot wait to get mine... Just my .02...Jon

Can anyone comment on why Jim's exhaust looks different than what i see on maxspeed's website? Surely someone can pipe in here. Jon

This was Maxspeed's first muffler and was more expensive than the new one. I had the new one until I got a used PSE. The new one has resonance and I think I would have liked this other one better. However, Maxspeed has a new one in development and should be out soon.


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