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has anyone had the 5mm Porsche wheel spacers installed? How much did it cost? I assume that the effect is purely cosmetic, but I'd be curious to hear if ride/handling is changed at all. Thanks

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I think I paid roughly $225 for the 5mm spacers, which come with longer wheel studs, a must from a safety point of view. The looks on the car arent that much different, but the ride is harder and more suited for the track.

ps They are easy to self install.

Edited by Nick_USA
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Don't expect a harder ride out of 5mm wheelspacers... Nick, can you provide more detail on your observed ride changes after adding spacers? While it would increase the leverage your wheel/hub assembly has on the suspension geometry and damper, it's odd that the ride would get noticeably sharper or harder. Such a change almost sounds like your dampers are worn out and blowing through their stroke on compression.

I think I paid roughly $225 for the 5mm spacers, which come with longer wheel studs, a must from a safety point of view. The looks on the car arent that much different, but the ride is harder and more suited for the track.

ps They are easy to self install.

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I installed the OEM Porsche 5mm spacers a while ago.

I paid $200 for the 4 spacers and another ~$90 for the screws

and longer wheel bolts. Four bolts are the locking type

and the socket was included in the price.

It may look a little better? but I cannot honestly claim

that I noticed anything different in driving the car .

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Don't expect a harder ride out of 5mm wheelspacers... Nick, can you provide more detail on your observed ride changes after adding spacers? While it would increase the leverage your wheel/hub assembly has on the suspension geometry and damper, it's odd that the ride would get noticeably sharper or harder. Such a change almost sounds like your dampers are worn out and blowing through their stroke on compression.

I think I paid roughly $225 for the 5mm spacers, which come with longer wheel studs, a must from a safety point of view. The looks on the car arent that much different, but the ride is harder and more suited for the track.

ps They are easy to self install.

My dampers are fine, when I say 'harder' what I mean is you can feel the bumps more and you correctly state this is due to the increased leverage that the wheel/hub assembly has. The other thing a driver may notice, especially on worn blacktop roads is it is more likely to 'tram line' ie it tracks the slight hollows that the traffic has worn in the road which are more noticeable with a wider track.

I still like the ride all the same.

Edited by Nick_USA
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Cost around $50, cosmetic only and no need for longer wheel bolts. 7mm and larger are slightly more expensive and require new bolts.

The 5mm spacers offered by Porsche DO have longer wheels bolts as part of the kit- I wouldn't receommend using a shorter bolt - why take a chance?

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I bought the porsche spacer for about $240. I

had a 10% coupon. I like the idea that

I have them but do not notice any driving

feel changes. You will want to watch the curbs

more if you get them.


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