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New paint job on 996

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I'm curious as to what a new paint job on a black 996 would be, ballpark guess. Anyone with experience in this issue please comment.

Don't know about full paint job - I was quoted $2500 for removing two dings on the hood + painting the front half of the car (Hood, Bumper, Sides):

99' Cab 2 - Artic Silver.

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I'm curious as to what a new paint job on a black 996 would be, ballpark guess. Anyone with experience in this issue please comment.

I am wondering the same thing. My 996 was repainted over the front bumper, front left fender and driver door however no clear coat and it is looking a bit beat up. Would I get a quote from a normal body shop?

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Thee are paint jobs and there are paint jobs. If you have a really nice car and you want something that makes it look like a nice Porsche, then you're probably talking about between $4500-6000 for a really decent job....

You can get quotes a lot lower than that....but you'll get results that reflect the lower rates too.

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I'm curious as to what a new paint job on a black 996 would be, ballpark guess. Anyone with experience in this issue please comment.

Hello. The trunk lid of my black '02 had many dings and paint chips from stones. It looked like teen-age acne. Baron von Frier in Berkeley removed the lid, sanded it, and repainted it including clear coat for $900. The lid now looks like glass. I suspact a complete repaint would run $3000-$6000.

Edited by cyclocross
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I just had a full glass out respray. Cost was £5000. it looks great now!

There are a lot of things that can factor into the cost of a good paint job. One of the first things is where you live. In California I know that a "show quality" paintjob can cost between 6 and 10 thousand dollars. That same quality paint job here in Florida costs between 4 and 6 thousand.

The other main factor is if you are changing the color or keeping your factory color. If you are keeping the factory color they don't "have" to paint your door, trunk and engine bay jams. They can sometimes just fade the paint into there and you will never know the difference. That depends on how good your jams are.

The main thing is to make sure they do all the prep work correctly. Make them take off all the doors, engine lid, hood and mirrors etc. If you want it done "perfect" have them take off all of your window seals and glass etc. Then put all new seals in. This isn’t as important if you are keeping your original color.

Keeping your original color a good job should cost about 3,000. If you are changing colors and want it perfect expect to pay at least 6,000. Make sure you see customer cars that the shop has done. Don't let them show you their personal shop cars, those always look better.

Paint is one of those things that you really do get what you pay for with.

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I just had a full glass out respray. Cost was £5000. it looks great now!

There are a lot of things that can factor into the cost of a good paint job. One of the first things is where you live. In California I know that a "show quality" paintjob can cost between 6 and 10 thousand dollars. That same quality paint job here in Florida costs between 4 and 6 thousand.

The other main factor is if you are changing the color or keeping your factory color. If you are keeping the factory color they don't "have" to paint your door, trunk and engine bay jams. They can sometimes just fade the paint into there and you will never know the difference. That depends on how good your jams are.

The main thing is to make sure they do all the prep work correctly. Make them take off all the doors, engine lid, hood and mirrors etc. If you want it done "perfect" have them take off all of your window seals and glass etc. Then put all new seals in. This isn’t as important if you are keeping your original color.

Keeping your original color a good job should cost about 3,000. If you are changing colors and want it perfect expect to pay at least 6,000. Make sure you see customer cars that the shop has done. Don't let them show you their personal shop cars, those always look better.

Paint is one of those things that you really do get what you pay for with.

+1 on this. It serisouly is all about the prep. Good paint will look like S**t if not applied to a properly prepped ride.

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About 7 years ago I had a fairly new corvette repainted because of reasons too long to list. The shop removed all weather stripping, lights, door handles, hood, bumpers, etc. Body parts were all painted separately off the car. Price was $10K and the car looked better than new. Quality paint and workmanship is not cheap. It's a tough call since most newer cars will not be worth $10K more once the painting is complete. It's was easy for me since it was someone elses insurance money.

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