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I had spent a number of hours installing the new RSS plenum, and had disconnected the battery to ensure I didn't inadvertantly arc something out. The install took me a while, but being a new DIY guy, it wasnt' that difficult. I had to go to my daughter's graduation in San Francisco the next day, so I was eager to try it out on the trip. I did a quick down the street run and the plenum seemed to work flawlessly.

The next day everything went great until I got onto the freeway and settled down to cruising speed, then went to turn on the radio. What's this? It's asking me for a code. A code?? WHAT CODE??? Plus the dogone windows wouldn't go up/down using the one-touch control. Here I am just starting a three day 350 mile trip and I'm going to be doing it with no dogone music and windows that don't work right.

I managed to pull off the side of the freeway and get a 911 call into Loren...and he took about 10 seconds to ponder the radio question then prompted me thru a series of naneuvers with the TP and other button functions....had me read him back the text outputs that were showing from the radio....and said..."wait a minute, let me look in my file here". He then said....."Try these four numbers and enter them into the radio codes". BAM....on came the radio and everything worked great. Then I whined and mewed about the windows...and he said..."OH, yeah, when you disconnected the battery, you have to retrain the windows...and here's how". Twenty seconds later, the windows were working.

Now some of you may think....no big deal....but mind you, this is on the way to San Francisco, pulled over off the side of the freeway, doing an on-the-fly fix over a cellphone. I would have been miserable over a three day trip with no music to occupy the time stuck in stop/go traffic or thru the 350 mile drive. How much hassle do you think it would have involved to have to make an appointment with the Porsche dealership....40 miles from my house....take the car there, have them do the same thing...and possibly charge me for the service....then drive 40 miles back home after spending three days without my radio or CD? PLUS....do you have any idea of the sheer pleasure of a spirited drive back through the challenging mountain roads with the CD blaring Wagner?

Bottom line guys....although this event wasn't necessarily rocket science for some of you....it's things like this that make this forum is worth while....and that's why I'm a paid contributor.

Oh yeah....thanks Loren.

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I'll second that. I had a similar problem on Sunday morning, had a flat battery on Saturday and had a 300km. drive planned with the club on Sunday. Fortunately I was at home and could search the forum for the info. 10 minutes and I was on my way. :thumbup:

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