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MAF and fuel efficiency.. the dilemma

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well, i was getting some inefficient mileage on my 2001S so i thought it might be my MAF.. the background is, i thought i used to get around 25 mpg prior to a CEL.. i had a CEL with codes indicating bad MAF (1126, 1128, 1130, 1133).. so i did Mike Focke's clean the MAF procedure and reinstalled the MAF.. CEL was gone!.. but.. now my miles per gallon is down to about 19.. and i am a VERY conservative driver.. so.. i thought, maybe cleaning it wasn't enough.. so i bought a new MAF (the one for the e-gas).. but still, i feel my miles haven't improved.. if not, gotten a bit more poor!! anyone have any ideas?? with gas reaching $4.00/gallon, i'm desperately in search for a solution.. my driving habits are: i drive maybe twice a week, usually local streets.. the car has 65k miles and had my full 60k service done at 55k.. the only thing i notice wrong is that when i cold start, i smell really bad fumes from the exhaust.. (but from the boards, it seems a lot of people have this).. any input here would be most appreciated.

this was the readout from the dealership PRIOR to my cleaning/replacing MAF.. i should probably get a new read out after replacing the MAF but do these numbers indicate any sort of non-MAF issues i need to worry about? now i've got 2 good MAF's on my hand so let me know if you need my older one, in full working condition.

Oxygen sensing, bank 1: 1.00

Adaptation, range 2 (FRA), bank 1: 1.32

Adaptation, range 1 (RKAT), bank 1: -4.04%

Oxygen sensing, bank 2: 1.00

Adaptation, range 2 (FRA), bank 2: 1.31

Adaptation, range 1 (RKAT), bank 2: -4.04%


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with gas reaching $4.00/gallon, i'm desperately in search for a solution..

come to England where we can sell you gas - we call it petrol, for what would be to you 9 dollars a gallon - mind you our gallons are a bit bigger than yours.

We also have less warranty, higher servicing costs, higher purchasing costs, road fund licence etc etc

Try diconecting the MAF - it will not do any damage, just unplug it then drive, the engine management will go into its limited opperation strategy. it approximates the value that the MAF would provide, it is possible i guess you could have a faulty new part, however the Lambda sensor could also create the same condition, get the car hooked up to an OBD tester.

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with gas reaching $4.00/gallon, i'm desperately in search for a solution..

come to England where we can sell you gas - we call it petrol, for what would be to you 9 dollars a gallon - mind you our gallons are a bit bigger than yours.

We also have less warranty, higher servicing costs, higher purchasing costs, road fund licence etc etc

Yes but we have George W. and that is not a good thing!

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with gas reaching $4.00/gallon, i'm desperately in search for a solution..

come to England where we can sell you gas - we call it petrol, for what would be to you 9 dollars a gallon - mind you our gallons are a bit bigger than yours.

We also have less warranty, higher servicing costs, higher purchasing costs, road fund licence etc etc

Yes but we have George W. and that is not a good thing!

No, we have too many people with huge inefficient vehicles that increase our overall consumption... which increases demand, and when supply gets low... prices go up.

Good 'ol W went to war for oil, right? So where's all this oil? :|

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