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Pass. rear fog light not working! & temp. fluctuating!

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I have a problem w/my 986S.

The passanger rear fog light is not working. The drivers side is working fine. I accessed the panel for the lights and found out the bulb was missing so I put a new and it still is not working but the bulb works on the drivers panel. I checked the fuse and it's fine. I really don't know what else to do. I troubleshooted it w/ the fuse and using another bulb but no luck. Maybe I'm missing something here, no clue.

If anyone has any suggestions, please do let me know.

Also, I had a ? w/ the temp.

My temp is usually in between the 180 and the next line after it. I noticed that it would sometimes almost reach the next line, then a few minutes later it decreases to almost the 180 mark and stay for a while then start climbing to the follwing marker again. Back and Forth in a period of 1hr.

I don't know if that's kind of wierd or just normal operating.

Or maybe the temp. rises and fall due to my driving. I cleaned the radiator ducts of leaves and trash and hosed dirt & fix blown fuse.

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I have a problem w/my 986S.

The passanger rear fog light is not working. The drivers side is working fine. I accessed the panel for the lights and found out the bulb was missing so I put a new and it still is not working but the bulb works on the drivers panel. I checked the fuse and it's fine. I really don't know what else to do. I troubleshooted it w/ the fuse and using another bulb but no luck. Maybe I'm missing something here, no clue.

If anyone has any suggestions, please do let me know.

Also, I had a ? w/ the temp.

My temp is usually in between the 180 and the next line after it. I noticed that it would sometimes almost reach the next line, then a few minutes later it decreases to almost the 180 mark and stay for a while then start climbing to the follwing marker again. Back and Forth in a period of 1hr.

I don't know if that's kind of wierd or just normal operating.

Or maybe the temp. rises and fall due to my driving. I cleaned the radiator ducts of leaves and trash and hosed dirt & fix blown fuse.

The passenger side rear fog light is not supposed to work. For the rear, only the driver's side is supposed to turn on. This is on purpose, so that in fog, people don't think that your brake lights are on at all times, but instead, so that they can just notice that a car is in front of them.

Not sure about your temp fluctuation issue. Maybe someone else can chime in to help.

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Yes, only one fog lamp lens is operational in the US. For the reasons outlined above.

And for your temperature fluctuations, when was the last time you reached in your radiator intakes and cleaned out all of the crap that is probably in there blocking radiators?

Chances are your radiators are blocked with road debris. You can clean out some of the stuff by reaching in there and cleaning it out, but to do it correctly, one has to pull of the front bumper covers and peel apart the air-conditioner condenser from the radiator and clean out the fuzz and dirt that gets stuck in there. I have seen 15 degree variants in coolant temp because of blocked radiators.


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  • 2 months later...
Yes, only one fog lamp lens is operational in the US. For the reasons outlined above.

And for your temperature fluctuations, when was the last time you reached in your radiator intakes and cleaned out all of the crap that is probably in there blocking radiators?

Chances are your radiators are blocked with road debris. You can clean out some of the stuff by reaching in there and cleaning it out, but to do it correctly, one has to pull of the front bumper covers and peel apart the air-conditioner condenser from the radiator and clean out the fuzz and dirt that gets stuck in there. I have seen 15 degree variants in coolant temp because of blocked radiators.


Hmmmm - I am shipping my Boxster to the UK - how can you switch which fog light works?

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  • 2 weeks later...

"The passenger side rear fog light is not supposed to work. For the rear, only the driver's side is supposed to turn on. This is on purpose, so that in fog, people don't think that your brake lights are on at all times, but instead, so that they can just notice that a car is in front of them. "

INCREDIBLE!!!! I found the same condition, bought a new bulb, etc, etc. Wiring diagrams available show wiring from both sides going back to the fuse panel seperately and joining there. I was actually eventually going to try to make it work since I THOUGHT it was broken. Joke's on me!!!!!! Thanks for that info. One less project tempting me.


Edited by itzbob46
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