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oil leak - driver side mud flap

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2000 Porsche Carrera Cabriolet..

About 6 month ago, I noticed a small (maybe 4 ounces) puddle of oil just in front of the drivers side rear tire. I didn't think anything of it at the time because I just change the oil of another car in my garage and figured the puddle came from sloppy work.

The other day, I noticed the puddle again but no work was going on in my garage this time. I looked closer and found that there is some kind of leak somewhere in-between the driver side wheel well and wheel well liner and it drips out of the mud flap. Any idea what could possibly be dripping out from that spot?

I pulled the mud flap off but I couldn't take the entire lining off (lost my wheel lock). I tried to peek between the liner and wheel well but couldn't really see anything obvious. I also looked from the top side (partially removed the top and rear cover as if changing the cabriolet hydrolic fluid) but didn't really see anything obvious there either. Any thoughts? Should I be worried? I ordered the factory wheel lock so I can pull the wheel off and completely remove the liner. I'll dig deeper next week. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to check and see if anyone else has seen/heard of a similar leak.

Thanks in advance.

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Are you sure it's oil?

If it is, there are a few areas to check on that side.

Most likely the infamous air oil seperator (AOS). There are oil lines on the top and bottom of it, and the bottom of it also has a rubber boot that can leak.

Cam solenoid cover (above variocam logo).

Those would be my 1st guesses and places to look.

These things would likely throw CEL codes: spark tubes, case crack.

Do you park the car at an angle towards the drivers side? Could be oil pan, oil drain plug, but doubtful.

Unlikely to be the oil filter on the other side, but if the car is enough an incline and leak big enough - perhaps.

But I would check under the car - the mating between trans and engine and see if perhaps that leak is actually somewhere else. More common causes such as RMS or IMS flange.

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Sounds like the leak is in front of the tire. If that is the case none of the sources logray is listing would be the source of the leak. But there really isn't anything in front of the wheel to leak oil (at least that I can think of).

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The idea of a leak from the top might be right. Check the fluid reservoir to see if it is low, if it is leaking that much though the reservoir should be about empty. Again, am I right thinking this is from infront of the rear wheel?

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It was hydraulic oil from the convertible cylinder. I had the same problem and replace both cylinders.

It was an easy DIY project, about an hour if you have the parts.


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