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ABS and PSM failure lights

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Both my ABS and PSM lights have started coming on at every drive. If I turn the car off and back on again then it's gone but comes back within 5 mins of driving. Error is

PSM failure, drive to workshop

ABS failure, drive to workshop

I have done a search and found that it could be my MAF sensor or ABS motor. I don't mind buying the part and installing it but is there any other way to verify before I ante up my cash? I'm in Austin TX so if anyone has a Durmatec tool that they can do a quick diag then please let me know.

Thanks fellas.

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Both my ABS and PSM lights have started coming on at every drive. If I turn the car off and back on again then it's gone but comes back within 5 mins of driving. Error is

PSM failure, drive to workshop

ABS failure, drive to workshop

I have done a search and found that it could be my MAF sensor or ABS motor. I don't mind buying the part and installing it but is there any other way to verify before I ante up my cash? I'm in Austin TX so if anyone has a Durmatec tool that they can do a quick diag then please let me know.

Thanks fellas.

durametric is a good idea. if you are experiencing voltage drops the problem could be caused by a failing alternator.

also, but less likely, is the possibility that the sensors are being thrown off by different tire makes on front/rear. Have you changed tires recently putting a diff brand on the front or rear? If the problem is tire related you can remedy that by switching off the PSM, or by 2 tires to match one of the brands.

enjoy the hills and blue-bottles this time of year - the hill country and lakes around Austin are great. luck to y'all.

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Both my ABS and PSM lights have started coming on at every drive. If I turn the car off and back on again then it's gone but comes back within 5 mins of driving. Error is

PSM failure, drive to workshop

ABS failure, drive to workshop

I have done a search and found that it could be my MAF sensor or ABS motor. I don't mind buying the part and installing it but is there any other way to verify before I ante up my cash? I'm in Austin TX so if anyone has a Durmatec tool that they can do a quick diag then please let me know.

Thanks fellas.

durametric is a good idea. if you are experiencing voltage drops the problem could be caused by a failing alternator.

also, but less likely, is the possibility that the sensors are being thrown off by different tire makes on front/rear. Have you changed tires recently putting a diff brand on the front or rear? If the problem is tire related you can remedy that by switching off the PSM, or by 2 tires to match one of the brands.

enjoy the hills and blue-bottles this time of year - the hill country and lakes around Austin are great. luck to y'all.

Before you go to the trouble of checking anything else, check your brake lights, both rears and the 3rd. Often, these messages are due to either bulb failure and/or brake a switch gone bad. This happened to me recently, both messages and one dealer misdiagnosed it but the 2nd hit it right: brake light switch. Replaced and issue resolved.

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Both my ABS and PSM lights have started coming on at every drive. If I turn the car off and back on again then it's gone but comes back within 5 mins of driving. Error is

PSM failure, drive to workshop

ABS failure, drive to workshop

I have done a search and found that it could be my MAF sensor or ABS motor. I don't mind buying the part and installing it but is there any other way to verify before I ante up my cash? I'm in Austin TX so if anyone has a Durmatec tool that they can do a quick diag then please let me know.

Thanks fellas.

durametric is a good idea. if you are experiencing voltage drops the problem could be caused by a failing alternator.

also, but less likely, is the possibility that the sensors are being thrown off by different tire makes on front/rear. Have you changed tires recently putting a diff brand on the front or rear? If the problem is tire related you can remedy that by switching off the PSM, or by 2 tires to match one of the brands.

enjoy the hills and blue-bottles this time of year - the hill country and lakes around Austin are great. luck to y'all.

Before you go to the trouble of checking anything else, check your brake lights, both rears and the 3rd. Often, these messages are due to either bulb failure and/or brake a switch gone bad. This happened to me recently, both messages and one dealer misdiagnosed it but the 2nd hit it right: brake light switch. Replaced and issue resolved.

right. I forgot about the brake light switch...lots of posts here on it. good suggestion.

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The tires are around 9000 miles old with no track days. All are the same brand so I don't think it's the tire. On the brake light switch, is that located under the brake pedal? What would be the best way to test the switch?

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