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Adding coolant

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Hi All,

I know this is a bit of a noob question but I had a lot of issues with this. i got my 2000 986S in march and topped up the coolant until it was just below the max line. Drove it for a few hours and when I pulled over for gas, most of my coolant reservoir emptied itself via the overflow. Had to tow the car back to a local shop and the problem was analyzed as air in the coolant system. They have drained the coolant and replaced it. Bleed the system. Now the car has been running super for a few months, but the coolant level is slowing trickling to the lower mark. My guess is that it is settling. Do I dare add more coolant? or is this going to mobilize more air into my system? Could there be another fault?

Another question is that when I do a lot of city driving my temp guage goes just above the middle mark and into 60-65% mark. All the fans are kicking in fine. Is this normal?


Appreciate all responses.


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I would start with the updated coolant cap, available at the dealer or Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealers cost button on top of the page). A good chance that it's fixed.

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Sure add a little more coolant. There is a flashing red light in the temp gauge that flashes when coolant level is to low. If this light is not flashing your level is probably fine. Just gradually add a little more at a time. Also as RFM mentions above, check the cap part number. If it ends in 01 you will need to replace it. Caps ending in 01 will eventually fail. I replaced mine last summer and the new cap ended in part number 04, so the cap has been updated 3 times.

Edited by kbrandsma
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Hi All,

I know this is a bit of a noob question but I had a lot of issues with this. i got my 2000 986S in march and topped up the coolant until it was just below the max line. Drove it for a few hours and when I pulled over for gas, most of my coolant reservoir emptied itself via the overflow. Had to tow the car back to a local shop and the problem was analyzed as air in the coolant system. They have drained the coolant and replaced it. Bleed the system. Now the car has been running super for a few months, but the coolant level is slowing trickling to the lower mark. My guess is that it is settling. Do I dare add more coolant? or is this going to mobilize more air into my system? Could there be another fault?

Another question is that when I do a lot of city driving my temp guage goes just above the middle mark and into 60-65% mark. All the fans are kicking in fine. Is this normal?


Appreciate all responses.


+2 on the updated coolant cap suggestion.

Also, check the underside of your trunk lid, directly over the coolant tank. If you have condensation or moisture there, there is a possibility that your bleeder valve or the seals inside the bleeder valve are failing.

You can add more coolant or straight distilled water without fear of trapping air in your coolant system, so long as the level does not go significantly below the MIN mark.

Running between the 180 degree mark and below the next hash mark (which is about 225 degrees) is relatively normal, depending on how aggressively you drive, and how hot the outside temperature is. When my gauge reaches approximately 220, the fans will kick on and bring the temp back down to about 210 if driving in stop and go traffic in hot conditions. If not, it pretty much stays either solidly at 180 degrees or fluctuates between 180 and 200.

Regards, Maurice.

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You might want to take a quick look under your trunk carpet to check for any sign of a coolant tank leak. I'd assume your garage might have checked the tank when they decided you simply had air in the system, but it might be worth a check anyway.

Also, don't add coolant to the max line when cool as you will loose the excess after the engine gets hot. Half way between MIN and MAX line is sufficient level for cold engine.

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Thank you so much guys. Is the coolant cap easily accessible for future replacement purposes? I ll be adding a bit of coolant soon. Right now its just above the min. I did check the trunk carpet and all looks okay. That was my first thought too.


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Thank you so much guys. Is the coolant cap easily accessible for future replacement purposes? I ll be adding a bit of coolant soon. Right now its just above the min. I did check the trunk carpet and all looks okay. That was my first thought too.


Yes, the coolant cap is easy to find and is located next to the oil fill cap. Actually you have to look under the trunk carpet if you suspect a leak in the water reservoir.

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Thank you so much guys. Is the coolant cap easily accessible for future replacement purposes? I ll be adding a bit of coolant soon. Right now its just above the min. I did check the trunk carpet and all looks okay. That was my first thought too.Gulfstorm


Here is a photo of the top of the coolant tank, showing the various components (clcik on the photo to enlarge):

post-6627-094020300 1281382139_thumb.jpg

Regards, Maurice.

Edited by 1schoir
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