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Durametric RKAT Bank 2 reads 3072

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I've been getting some low rpm / low throttle hesitation for a while, and also occasional hesitation when cold for a while now, so I hooked up Durametric yesterday . Everything looked OK (to my untrained eye) except for Adaptation range 1 (RKAT), Bank 2. For the first eleven minutes from cold start it was stuck at 0, then suddenly went to 3072 (yes, three THOUSAND and seventy two!). It then stuck at 3072 for the rest of the journey. This morning it started at 3072 from cold, and stayed there.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on here, and/or suggestions on what to look at next?




Edited by grahamtwatson
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Your bank 1 RKATs are screaming bad MAF but the bank 2 is just weird. I've never seen anything like that before. Have you tried disconnecting the battery and then watching the car adapt (this might take a short test drive before it starts to adapt). If you do this and the RKATs just nosedive into the negative, its almost sure a bad MAF. Are you getting any fault codes?

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Could you tell us more about the service history of the vehicle. Any aftermarket equipment and what work has been done in the past? What is the current milage and how long have these problems been occurring? Please post any fault codes. It could be a vacuum leak at the root of your problem.

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I have noticed the exact same reading with my Durametric 5. It only happens when the adaptation is less than 0.0. It is a glitch in Durametric. Losen the oil fill cap for about 10 minutes and watch RKAT go above 0 and read correctly. This problem is resolved in Durametric 6.0.

Also, your values don't look bad (except for rkat2). You are allowed plus/minus 4.0% on rkat and your rkat1 is only -0.51%.

Edited by george996
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Thanks everyone!

I have noticed that the car seems to perform better during adaptation after the battery has been disconnected, and that the mpg is definitely better - but I put that down to imagination (performance) and the algorithm used (mpg). I'll try disconnecting the battery and resetting, then watching the numbers again.

No fault codes. That's what's really confusing me.

The only work that has been done that could be at all relevant is the AOS was replaced a year or so ago, Only aftermarket parts fitted are equal length headers. I'm not sure how long the underlying low throttle hesitation has been going on, as its always been one of those "is there something odd or not?" not quite issues... I just noticed the wacky readings this week.

Interesting about the Durametric bug - I've got an email in to support@durametric.com - I'll see what they say. I tried v6, but it seems VERY unstable at the moment.

PTEC - why do you say my Bank 1 numbers are screaming bad MAF? What should I be looking at in them to see this?

Again, Thanks for all the help!


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I contacted Durametric some tima ago, who are very helpful, and was told that they are not supporting ver. 5 any longer. I also have the same observation as you about the stability of ver. 6. The latest version is the most unstable. I am sure they will update it soon.


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I contacted Durametric some tima ago, who are very helpful, and was told that they are not supporting ver. 5 any longer. I also have the same observation as you about the stability of ver. 6. The latest version is the most unstable. I am sure they will update it soon.


They did update it - yesterday! It's now, and they seem to have expunged any references to

I'll try and see if that's more reliable and if it reports different values.

I'm surprised they said they no longer supported V5 - according to their web site V5 is the *current* version, V6 is only a beta.

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I have noticed the exact same reading with my Durametric 5. It only happens when the adaptation is less than 0.0. It is a glitch in Durametric. Losen the oil fill cap for about 10 minutes and watch RKAT go above 0 and read correctly. This problem is resolved in Durametric 6.0.

Also, your values don't look bad (except for rkat2). You are allowed plus/minus 4.0% on rkat and your rkat1 is only -0.51%.

I took of the oil filler cap and let the engine idle, although only for about 10 mins. RKAT went to 3, then over the next ten minutes went to 2 then 1. Note that these were ALWAYS whole numbers.

In case this turns out to be an actual fault on the car, can anyone tell me what sensors drive RKAT? Is it just the O2 Sensors on that bank, or is there something else involved? Is there another set of readings I should be investigating?



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I have noticed the exact same reading with my Durametric 5. It only happens when the adaptation is less than 0.0. It is a glitch in Durametric. Losen the oil fill cap for about 10 minutes and watch RKAT go above 0 and read correctly. This problem is resolved in Durametric 6.0.

Also, your values don't look bad (except for rkat2). You are allowed plus/minus 4.0% on rkat and your rkat1 is only -0.51%.

I took of the oil filler cap and let the engine idle, although only for about 10 mins. RKAT went to 3, then over the next ten minutes went to 2 then 1. Note that these were ALWAYS whole numbers.

In case this turns out to be an actual fault on the car, can anyone tell me what sensors drive RKAT? Is it just the O2 Sensors on that bank, or is there something else involved? Is there another set of readings I should be investigating?



PM me with your email address and i will send you something that explains RKAT, etc. From the data you posted, your car is running rich near idle range (i.e. negative values) and lean under load (i.e. adaption greater than 1.0). All numbers are within allowable range. You mentioned that this is not a new problem, correct? Can you describe the symptom more?

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PM me with your email address and i will send you something that explains RKAT, etc. From the data you posted, your car is running rich near idle range (i.e. negative values) and lean under load (i.e. adaption greater than 1.0). All numbers are within allowable range. You mentioned that this is not a new problem, correct? Can you describe the symptom more?

PM sent - many thanks!

It's not a new problem, it's been happening for a few months at least, but it's so marginal I've never been really sure if it 's there or not. Key issues I see are:

  • Occasional "Kangarooing" when cold - first 30 seconds or so - almost as if the ignition is turned off for a fraction of a second. Only when cold.
  • Occasional hesitation when at low revs and slight throttle openings - usually hard to detect, somewhat like a more subtle version of the above.
  • Seems to run a little better during the first 20 miles or so after having the battery disconnected (could be my imagination).


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PTEC - why do you say my Bank 1 numbers are screaming bad MAF? What should I be looking at in them to see this?

Whoops, brain fart. I mixed up RKAT adaption thresholds with TRA (old cars with DME 5.2) adaption thresholds. RKAT thresholds are somewhere around + or - %4.0. TRA thresholds were somewhere around + or - .4. I was thinking TRAs so the -.46 was a red flag to me. Looking again (with the exception of the software glitch) all of your adaptions are well within specs.

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I managed to get the V6 Durametrics software to work without crashing last night, and sure enough, it showed much more sensible numbers for RKAT 2. Latest set showed RKAT1 at ~ 0, RKAT2 at ~ 0.42

If you are having trouble with the V6 software, what worked for me was to STOP collection, select all the values I wanted to monitor, then START collection again. If I didn't do that, it would lock up on me between 3 and 6 selections in...

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