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Looking to buy, C4 Pcar, educate me on the vehicle

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Sold my 2003 C4 cab and looking to replace it with a '02-04 model C4/C4S coupe

1. What are some of the problem areas I need to know about the car?

2. Are they reliable daily drivers?

3. Current pricing on 2002-2004 in the area of 40k miles?

4. Any special servicing compared to the C2

I can anticipate the obvious; brakes, tires and rotors but what else do I need to know?

Feedback is appreciated

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My $0.02: I have a MY 04 C4S

1 Compared to C2- Same engine, same basic transmission with front wheel syncros, and a front end with AWD with CVs and shocks .

2. Same reliability as the C2, only difference is transmission syncros and front AWD, which is quite reliable ( reallt no problems, other than another pair of CV boots)

3. Pricing should be approximately the same.however the C2 is more popular and probably a little easier to sell

4. No special servicing, except a gear oil change at some time in the servicing intervals.

Some people do not like wht added weight of the front unit, about 117labs, that addds weight to car, but for normal driving, hardly noticeable.

The C4 makes for a great winter car with the versality of also being a great summer car as well. Most people get a second set of winter tires and rims to drive in the snowy winter and then switch over to summer tires/rims in the spring. Alot of C2 drivers store their cars in the winter, but having the C4 you can drive it on winter roads with no problems, except for road salt, etc. Keep it washed off and should have not problems.

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Thank you for the responses thus far.

I am familiar with Porsche automobiles and a long time subscriber to excellence Magazine. My goal is to get some real world owner input. I like the C4 body lines but is it worth the extra money form a performance stand point?

Can anyone share some pricing points bought or sold?

I appreciate pros or cons. Weight has been mentioned.

Additional feedback is appreciated.

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Thank you for the responses thus far.

I am familiar with Porsche automobiles and a long time subscriber to excellence Magazine. My goal is to get some real world owner input. I like the C4 body lines but is it worth the extra money form a performance stand point?

Can anyone share some pricing points bought or sold?

I appreciate pros or cons. Weight has been mentioned.

Additional feedback is appreciated.

Well I bought '05 C4S 2 months ago with 9.7k miles. Paid what most here would consider too much but given mileage and conditionn + new tires, battery and CPO, I don't feel taken.

As far as weight is concerned, unless you're going to track it seriously what should it really matter?

Mine is a DD. I'll drive it this coming winter after fitting it with snows. I may just keep the current rims and just switch tires; that will keep me from spending 1.5k that I can spend going to the caribbeans the coming winter.

Mileage on mine has improved after hitting 12k averaging now 20.5 mpg from upper 15's. I'm keeping mine stock besides an addition of a Pioneer AV710 Nav unit that I like very much.

I have a hard time justifying $$ spent for performance mods that I will not use ( I don't track) and the stock performance is plenty for me and when you add that the fuzz is very aggressive where I live, it's just not an attractive proposition.

Try to find the best and latest model you can find and BTW, C4S is the most popular model, at least according to the P996 companion book.

Good luck in your search.

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