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Top won't go past roll bar on engine removal

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Removing engine and trying to secure back of convertible top up out of the way. 99 boxster with newer glass widow in top. Can't fold over the rollbar. Hopefully the top is out of the way enough for the engine removal. Any suggestions.

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Removing engine and trying to secure back of convertible top up out of the way. 99 boxster with newer glass widow in top. Can't fold over the rollbar. Hopefully the top is out of the way enough for the engine removal. Any suggestions.


I'm assuming you are talking about a GAHH or Robbins 3-Bow top with the glass window. Those tops restrict access to the engine compartment to some degree, but with the top in the service position you should be able to tie a strap to the underside of the rear main bow and pull it over the rear of the rear main bow, over the top and hook the strap onto the driver's side tongue on the leading edge of the top.

If you find that with the top tied up out of the way in that manner you still don't have enough access for your needs, it's a relatively simple task to remove the top. If you decide to go that route, here are some directions:

1. Put the top in the service mode (if you are not sure how to do this, it's in the owner's manual), and make sure the clamshell is at it highest position (45 degree angle, as far back as possible). Unlatch the black/gray vinyl apron from its two plastic retainers on the rear firewall and pop off the two tension cables from their steel balls at the base of the cables. Now, reaching under the B-pillar round black knuckle at its base, pull off the white plastic cups (maybe red plastic if yours have never been replaced) from the steel balls that they are pressed on to. If you have too much trouble popping those off, you can undo the 10mm bolt (with thick washer) from the middle of the connecting arm that leads to the white plastic cups on one end and the front of the V-lever on the rearmost end of it. Before you undo that bolt, mark the point where the two halves of the connect arm are joined so that you don't have to guess at the correct length later. I have attached a photo, where the white arrow shows the 10mm bolt with thick washer. The yellow arrow shows where you should mark the position of the two halves of the connecting arm. The red circles show two of the three large bolts that must be removed (see step #3 below) (Click on the photo for a better view).

post-6627-050644000 1283317199_thumb.jpg

2. Now, from the inside of the passenger compartment (behind the outboard side of the driver's seat), remove the semi-circular carpet-covered plastic trim panel from around the base of the roll bar. This trim panel is attached with an 8mm bolt at the top (just loosen it, you don't have to remove it completely) and there is a Phillips screw near the bottom that is well hidden in the carpet covering. The 8mm bolt at the top is located near the forward driver's side corner of the carpet/foam engine compartment cover. The Phillips screw is about 6 or 8 inches from the floor and just forward of the firewall. Remove the panel. This will remove the defroster hook up, and you will see the B-pillar microswitch about 2 inches down from the knuckle of the B-Pillar along the driver's side door jamb, which must be disconnected from its connector near the floor. There is also a zip-tie that will have to be cut, as the zip-tie holds the wire to the roll-bar.

3. Unbolt the 3 large bolts that are visible on the backside of top frame, looking under the rear of the B-Pillar while the top is in the service mode. Some Boxsters have a plastic box covering these three bolts, and this plastic box comes off with removal of two Phillips screws. The large bolts are self-centering, so it will not be difficult to re-install them in the correct position. At most, you will have to pull the frame back before tightening the bolts to make sure that the latch clears the plexiglas windstop and the joint above each window lines up properly. That joint will be even when the top is far enough back and the front edge extended far enough to reach the top of the windshield frame. The top, with the mechanism attached is still very light, but it is a little bulky, so you might want to have someone help you lift it off.

4. Once the 3 bolts on each side (left and right) have been removed, just slide the top back about one inch and then lift it straight up.

Regards, Maurice.

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