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Need to replace the rears only and have come to the realization that Michelin no longer makes the PS2's in my exact size: 285/30/18 for my 18" carrera 5 spoke 10" wide wheels.

I really don't want to buy 4 new tires as my front tires are in great shape. Would any of the following PS2 sizes work for my rear rims?




any trade off to putting a different size than the OEM size?

tia as usual

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I'll let the others on the board hee chime in since we have discussed this at length over on rennlist but I still think you have 2 options you should consider first. 1)call around to ther places to locate 2 of the PS2's and then change ALL 4 when they run out next. Or 2)Use the PSRib.

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The manual shows a 265/35/18 on a 10" rim for the snow tires. That's actually the size I have on my car because that's what the previous owner had on there. I also have a 225/40/18 on a slightly larger (8.5") rim on the front. I like the look of the slightly rounded tire because it's like the Viper I just sold.

Here's a pic...

With that said, I think that both 275/35/18 and 295/30/18 are viable options. But the sidewalls will be in a little on 275 and out on 295 compared to the 285. For reference, 10mm different on the tire width translates to 0.39". The speedo will be affected slightly because the overall diameters are different:

265/35 = 25.30" total diameter (2.3% less rotations)

285/30 = 24.73" total diameter (current size)

275/35 = 25.58" total diameter (3.4% less rotations)

295/30 = 24.96" total diameter (0.9% less rotations)

At least that's what I calculate...

What was your final solution?


Edited by PorschePRH
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embearassed to say but my tires are not the PS2's - they are in fact the Ribs :( For some reason I thought the ribs came out last year so there was no way they were OEM on my '03......but i was wrong

atleast that's what the guy at tire rack told me. all it says on my tread wall is Pilot Sport, no "rib" or anything so it's just going by the tread design and the fact that i have been told that Michelin NEVER made a PS2 in 285/30/18

however, after talking to tirerack, it turns out Michelin has suspended production of these Pilot Sport Ribs and they have a backorder date until 3/29 but that was just a guess so it will be corrected shortly. there best guess now after talking to Michelin is 2 mos! I luckily found a discount tire who has these a pair in stock and are basically the same price as tirerack.

got lucky - well, atleast i think i have :)

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...after talking to tirerack, it turns out Michelin has suspended production of these Pilot Sport Ribs and they have a backorder date until 3/29...

Yeah, I had the same problem and was told that I needed to talk with Michelin directly, verify that I was indeed a 996 owner, and they would release them to me. Too frustrating!

I ended up changing wheels to an 8.5 in front and 11 in the rear and fitting the N-rated OEM Michelin PS2's that come on the GT3: 235/40-18 and 295/30-18. No clearance problems whatsoever and I love the tires.

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