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Posts posted by NISTISHIN

  1. Hi 2000 Boxster top is suddenly stuck in down position. I see I can manually get the top back up from the owners manual.

    What occured was the "red" light would not go off when the top was completely in stored/down position for a couple days. Then it happened...top went down & would not go back up. When it trys to go up only some movement from driver side occurs. The passenger dosen't move & then the motor cuts out. Does this seem like the passenger side cable or transmission issue? Or do you think the micro switch is the problem (since the light on dash would not go out when completely stored)? Your thoughts are appreciated.

    When i get in there to look at the mechanics of the top what should i be checking for?

  2. I would like to add to this stall topic & wondering if any one has this problem. When the gas tank get filled at the gas pump....the car will not start afterward.

    I do get it started but I have to fully press down the gas pedal and hold it.....crank the engine & then it catches and starts... runs rough but runs fine after a few minutes...(like 5 to 10 minutes). I assume its a vapor lock....but how can I permanently fix this from happening? Happens on every fill up

  3. I purchased a 2000 Boxster a month ago. The battery ended dying since sitting in the gargage.

    I charged the battery & everything is fine. Now the radio needed a radio code. My 6 yr old daugther

    though she could randomly put in numbers & guess the code. Wrong. Now the radio says "WAIT".

    What do I have to do to clear the "WAIT"? Once it clears, what is the radio code? I picked up from bloggers

    a radio code of 9398 or 9396. Can anyone confirm that? But I can't enter them since I can't get rid of the "WAIT".

    Can anyone post a 2000 boxster owners manual, last I checked there was a 2003 boxster manual...which im sure

    many things are the same.

  4. I purchased a 2000 Boxster a month ago. The battery ended dying since sitting in the gargage.

    I charged the battery & everything is fine. Now the radio needed a radio code. My 6 yr old daugther

    though she could randomly put in numbers & guess the code. Wrong. Now the radio says "WAIT".

    What do I have to do to clear the "WAIT"? Once it clears, what is the radio code? I picked up from bloggers

    a radio code of 9398 or 9396. Can anyone confirm that? But I can't enter them since I can't get rid of the "WAIT".

    Can anyone post a 2000 boxster owners manual, last I checked there was a 2003 boxster manual...which im sure

    many things are the same.

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