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PCM Wiring question - installing aftermarket Navi

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So I bought the NAV-TV MOST-HUR to install a Kenwood Navigation unit. Removing PCM and the antenna was a breeze, I ended up intalling the Kenwood GPS antenna in the wing and running the wire down the driver side. The instructions seemed straight forward for wiring the MOST-HUR to the car. Before putting everything back I connected the battery back and tested everything. The Kenwood powered up, recognized all the accessories (Sirius SAT, HD and IPod). Nav working great, it read the HD FM channels and connected the iPod and was able to scroll through iPod menu. The MOST-HUR was powered up (green light on and red light coming out of optic fiber). The problem is no sound! The install instructions are simple and straight forward. I double checked all my connections, all fuses are good. I am thinking the Bose amp is not powering on. I have the wiring diagram for the the PCM and it matches/explains the OEM PCM harness. There are 2 wires not connected to the MOST-HUR - one wire is the white wire with red stripe which is the "Wake-Up/Diagnoses" wire and single brown wire which is for a "GP23_sm237". I believe the wake up wire is the culprit. Nav-Tv won't be open until Tuesday and I was hoping to get this done before then.

One reason I think the amp is not is that there is no red light coming from the OEM optic fiber, but with out actually testing the amp by removing the side panel I don't know for sure. I just expected to see a return light. Does anyone know if the white wire w/ red stripe "Wake-up/Diagnoses" wire is a switched 12v for Amp/CD changer?

This is wiring for the OEM PCM's 3 male connectors

Black Connector -

---- Yellow w/ Red stripe - 12v constant - to Kenwood/Nav-Tv

---- Brown - Ground - to Kenwood/Nav-Tv

---- White - Power to antenna - to Kenwood Power Antenna

Yellow Connector-

--- Orange w/ Violet stripe - CAN Hi - to Nav-Tv CAN HI

--- Orange w/ Brown stripe - CAN LOW - to Nav-Tv CAN Low

--- White w/ Red stripe - Wake-up/Diagnoses - not connected

Blue Connector

--- Brown (thin) - GP23_sm237 - not connected

The remaining connections from Kenwood are to connected to corresponding wires on Nav-TV MOSTHUR (illumination, reverse, VSS etc)

If anyone else has succesfully did this install I would appreciate your help.

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Edited by cayenneturbo
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Sorry, no really help here, but I'd love to hear how his works out as I'd really like to replace my PCM 2.1 with something a little better... I tried trolling the NAV-TV site to see if you'd missed anything, but they don't even seem to list the MOSTHUR...


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  • 3 months later...

Did you ever get this resolved?

I am considering upgrading the head unit in my 2005 Boxster and was quoted $1000 for the install plus the cost of the head unit.

I've tinkered more than the average person and am confident soldering etc.

Would you say this is a pretty straight forward install? How easy would it be to return to stock if you wanted to?


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  • 5 weeks later...

Check if you can hear something on FM radio, if so, it could be something as simple as the setting on the kenwood menu.

i've had the same issue when installing an aftermarket Pioneer to a ML55 with similar Bose sound system. Basically, in the menu of the aftermarket headunits there should be an option for Power Antena, either for power or antena. Usually that is also the same output that powers on your bose amp which is required for sound to come out of the speakers. My Pioneer defaulted to "antena" setting, so it will only power on the "antena" on FM which meant power on the amp and thus sound from the speakers. All I have to do is to change the setting so that the head unit sends power all the time to the "antena" and not just FM. thus powering on the amp on any sound source and subsequently sound coming out of the speakers.

No idea if this will help but it took me a bit to figure out something as stupid as this was causing me to recheck my wiring 3 times and sweat multiple times.

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I thought you had this running already ?

Whent the car starts up it goes thru a boot sequence which powers up the MOST and CAN circuits. It could be that because the PCM is no longer present and is on its inventory the MOST is not starting up at all. If there is a MOST error it shows up on the PCM monitor which is no longer there. You might have to go to a dealaer and have them remove PCM from the inventory and put in CDR23 instead.

Edited by mudman2
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  • 1 year later...

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