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Creating an accessory mounting bracket for 997/987 - and others?

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I am creating a mounting bracket for the User Interface Module (UIM) of the Motorola IHF1000 to use in the 997 911, and 987 Boxster and Cayman. I finished installation of a prototype this past weekend in a 997, and I think it went well. I will use this bracket in my support of dealer and private party handsfree system installations.

I figure this same bracket could be used to mount a number of devices - Valentine 1 remote control panel, Satellite Radio controller, other handsfree controller, etc.

Please have a look at the pictures below, and I would appreciate your feedback on the appeal of the bracket. The final version would be from sheet aluminum, and black anodized for an excellent appearance. The bracket fastens behind the small triangular trim piece with a couple of small screws (which would be included).

Some questions I have that I would appreciate feedback on:

- Would leaving it flat, for the buyer to bend to their needs, be ok?

- or, should it be pre-bent (different bends required for 997 vs. 986, BTW)?

- what price would be OK (assume USPS shipping within the US is included)? - ex: pro-f!t brackets are priced from ~$16 and higher online, plus shipping

- should the panel be larger or smaller? or should there be a large panel, and small panel version?

Thanks for your input.







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Anyone have a comment? I'd like to decide quickly whether to place the minimum order quantity (which is rather large), or just continue making these by hand for my own needs.

Your input is GREATLY appreciated!

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I am creating a mounting bracket for the User Interface Module (UIM) of the Motorola IHF1000 to use in the 997 911, and 987 Boxster and Cayman. I finished installation of a prototype this past weekend in a 997, and I think it went well. I will use this bracket in my support of dealer and private party handsfree system installations.

I figure this same bracket could be used to mount a number of devices - Valentine 1 remote control panel, Satellite Radio controller, other handsfree controller, etc.

Please have a look at the pictures below, and I would appreciate your feedback on the appeal of the bracket. The final version would be from sheet aluminum, and black anodized for an excellent appearance. The bracket fastens behind the small triangular trim piece with a couple of small screws (which would be included).

Some questions I have that I would appreciate feedback on:

- Would leaving it flat, for the buyer to bend to their needs, be ok?

- or, should it be pre-bent (different bends required for 997 vs. 986, BTW)?

- what price would be OK (assume USPS shipping within the US is included)? - ex: pro-f!t brackets are priced from ~$16 and higher online, plus shipping

- should the panel be larger or smaller? or should there be a large panel, and small panel version?

Thanks for your input.







Hard to determine size, nothing to scale against in picture!! Looks good though!

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I needed a place to put my phone on the dash- for a minimal amount less than $5 I use a sticky vinyl pad which adheres to the dash yet is always removeable. Great little gadget for a black porsche. Don't know if they come in different colors.

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<snip>Hard to determine size, nothing to scale against in picture!! <snip>

Maybe I should repost the pictures with the mount circled in its place (if it's not apparent), or else I could run a tape measurer next to the bracket.

Dimensions of the flat surface will be roughly 45mm tall x 55mm wide. I don't think this position would be good for a cellphone mount (it's right behind the steering wheel), but it would be good for any sort of flat control panel (sat radio, V1 remote display pad, handsfree controllers, possibly iPods, etc.).

Thanks for the feedback so far!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone have a comment? I'd like to decide quickly whether to place the minimum order quantity (which is rather large), or just continue making these by hand for my own needs.

Your input is GREATLY appreciated!

It looks cleaner than attaching to the dash or some other place. I'm thinking about installing a IHF1000. I know I don't want to drill into the dash....

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re: a picture

I'll have more prototypes in a few days, and I might get a chance to show one in position (without something on it) this weekend. I'll post back here with the updates

re: IHF1000

Dave, see my PM to you. I regularly install IHF1000's into Porsches in the Chicagoland area. It works great and looks neat (I know some will NEVER be happy unless they can't see the controller, too, but at least the 1000's UIM looks good in the Porsches).

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  • 2 months later...

I'm sorry, but I don't get what you're doing.

I mounted my Valentine 1 remotes inside the little cubby hole at the base of the center PCM display. I put my Razor Motorola in my ashtray when underway. See pictures for how my remotes are mounted.




Edited by Edgy01
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