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Left foot braking and the factory programming...

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Hello everyone,

I have recently acquired my first Porsche, a 2007 Carrera S (manual gearbox), you can view some of my recent photos on the registry.

There is no doubt the 997-S is a fantastic car to drive, however there is one thing that has been bothering me. It seems the engineers in Stuttgart, have programmed the throttle to cut off when the brake peddle is depressed, making it impossible to left foot brake. Even when all the traction control is turned off, the scenario is the same.

I have discussed this with my local dealer, their response, a warning really, was to notify me that if I track the car, I will likely void my warranty.

Speaking of voiding my warranty, are there any known software modifications, that would allow me to left foot brake?

Thank you in advance for your time...

Little 't'

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello everyone,

I have recently acquired my first Porsche, a 2007 Carrera S (manual gearbox), you can view some of my recent photos on the registry.

There is no doubt the 997-S is a fantastic car to drive, however there is one thing that has been bothering me. It seems the engineers in Stuttgart, have programmed the throttle to cut off when the brake peddle is depressed, making it impossible to left foot brake. Even when all the traction control is turned off, the scenario is the same.

I have discussed this with my local dealer, their response, a warning really, was to notify me that if I track the car, I will likely void my warranty.

Speaking of voiding my warranty, are there any known software modifications, that would allow me to left foot brake?

Thank you in advance for your time...

Little 't'

If you try to brake while the throttle is depressed, you'll find the engine cutting out regardless of wether or not PSM is on or off. It's annoying but unavoidable. The only way for you to brake while giving gas is to be on the brakes first and then go on the gas, as when heel and toeing. Now, as far as trail braking, I haven't done it and the only car with PSM I tracked was my ex-996 C4S. I only braked on a straight line and did my heel and toeing before entering the turns, never trail braking (I come from an old school 1987 Carrera that I track). Therefore, I know you can blip the throttle braking first but cannot tell you if the engine won't cut out during trail braking. For sure it does cut out if you are on the throttle first and then brake while keeping it depressed.

Sorry about the previous version of my post as it was done late at night and I reversed my train of thought.

Edited by cibergypsy
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The manufactures think we need computers too help us drive oir cars at SPEED! What is Next!

Hello everyone,

I have recently acquired my first Porsche, a 2007 Carrera S (manual gearbox), you can view some of my recent photos on the registry.

There is no doubt the 997-S is a fantastic car to drive, however there is one thing that has been bothering me. It seems the engineers in Stuttgart, have programmed the throttle to cut off when the brake peddle is depressed, making it impossible to left foot brake. Even when all the traction control is turned off, the scenario is the same.

I have discussed this with my local dealer, their response, a warning really, was to notify me that if I track the car, I will likely void my warranty.

Speaking of voiding my warranty, are there any known software modifications, that would allow me to left foot brake?

Thank you in advance for your time...

Little 't'

If you apply the brakes while the throttle is depressed, you will be able to brake as when doing heel and toe. If you try to brake first and then give throttle, you'll find the engine cutting out regardless of wether or not PSM is on or off. It's annoying but unavoidable. The only way for you to brake while giving gas is to be on the gas first and then brake.

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If you apply the brakes while the throttle is depressed, you will be able to brake as when doing heel and toe. If you try to brake first and then give throttle, you'll find the engine cutting out regardless of wether or not PSM is on or off. It's annoying but unavoidable. The only way for you to brake while giving gas is to be on the gas first and then brake.

I don't get this. A heel and toe works just fine -- first press the brake with the left side of the foot then roll right side of foot onto throttle. According to this thread as I read it, the throttle blip should not work. What am I missing?

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I don't get this. A heel and toe works just fine -- first press the brake with the left side of the foot then roll right side of foot onto throttle. According to this thread as I read it, the throttle blip should not work. What am I missing?

I'm with tomnash on this one. I've never experienced Little t's problem, and I always apply the brake before blipping the throttle. I think Little t is attempting a "trailing brake" maneuver. Perhaps the throttle cut-off happens when the throttle is applied BEFORE the brake. I've never done it before, so maybe I might try it tomorrow and see if I get the same result on my '05 C2S coupe.

Edited by 123taxi
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I don't get this. A heel and toe works just fine -- first press the brake with the left side of the foot then roll right side of foot onto throttle. According to this thread as I read it, the throttle blip should not work. What am I missing?

I'm with tomnash on this one. I've never experienced Little t's problem, and I always apply the brake before blipping the throttle. I think Little t is attempting a "trailing brake" maneuver. Perhaps the throttle cut-off happens when the throttle is applied BEFORE the brake. I've never done it before, so maybe I might try it tomorrow and see if I get the same result on my '05 C2S coupe.

Is the clutch disengaged when you are heel toeing?

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There is no doubt the 997-S is a fantastic car to drive, however there is one thing that has been bothering me. It seems the engineers in Stuttgart, have programmed the throttle to cut off when the brake peddle is depressed, making it impossible to left foot brake. Even when all the traction control is turned off, the scenario is the same.

By Gar, you're right! Had a little trouble wedging my size 13E in there, but sure enough, the power quit. I'm not that familiar with trail braking, but I think it has something to do with establishing a 4-wheel drift, and my hat's off to you for having the guts and skill to do that, but whenever I wanna hang the tail out, I just punch the throttle; the S has got that much torque!

Just found this on the web: http://www.drivingfast.net/car_control/left_foot_braking.htm

I DON'T think I'll be trying this technique with my nice and shiny C2S for a LO-O-O-ONG time!


Edited by 123taxi
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Is the clutch disengaged when you are heel toeing?

I hope so -- as the whole point is you are downshifting and trying to match engine speeds.

But it's engaged once inbetween, if you're double-clutching.

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Is the clutch disengaged when you are heel toeing?

I hope so -- as the whole point is you are downshifting and trying to match engine speeds.

But it's engaged once inbetween, if you're double-clutching.

Double clutching is more than I am capable of... and I don't think necessary with a modern Porsche gearbox.

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Double clutching is more than I am capable of... and I don't think necessary with a modern Porsche gearbox.

You're likely absolutely right. I don't do it out of any necessity; I only do it because it's fun, and it makes lotsa noise!

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