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Hi there !

As the topic title describes I have a steering faulty warning message on my Cayenne S - 04. I have searched for this in other threads and if I remember well some other members had the same problem. But unfortunately I never read any outcome/solution of this very rare problem.Anyway I PM:d members that had this similar problem.

I would be very thankful if someone could give me some additional advices/hints how you solved this problem and what experience you had.

The background: a bad battery. Leaving the car for some days due to a business trip. When Im coming back the car is completely dead. So I start up the engine thanks by another car. Everything works just fine and I drive around for a while to load it up again. Another trip... and of course I didnt manage to change the battery....(well if the car worked fine for those 3-4 days maybe it could wait...) So same problem and same solution. Starting cables and engine on ? No no...this time the car wasnt completely dead, just weak. Telling me that keys cant be found (keyless), so I go upstairs and get the other key.Same message..hmm, so we try to start it up and nothing happens. Finally a new message coming up: "Steering faulty". Now the car is completely locked. Cant do anything at all.

So I started to read all different kind of threads and calling different Porsche Centers. Many told me that it could be ghost code and I should try to reset the battery. So I did that, even bought a new battery (it anyway had to be purchased right). Started up the car but same message..."steering faulty". I also tried to find the extra battery (as they describe in the instruction book) but there is only a bose sub woofer so I guess I just have one under the driver seat. Second strategy, check ALL fuse and see if they are broken. I found just two things: 1. The fuse for the horn was broken 2. When I take out the fuse for the ignition the car starts to beep "steering faulty" again.. And this happens every time I open the door. Everything works normally, PCM, lights and so on. It wont just start...

The Porsche Center advised me to bring the car to the center. Well sure..the problem is that he stands in an underground garage, a steering wheel stucked in his position and in the parking gear. I heard you can take the gear off to natural by doing it manually ? That will be a very important thing when it comes to transportation since the car is not under warranty and my insurance is not covering this present fault.

I would be so thankful if you could give me any hints what the problem could be ? I still believe it is electrical issue and thanks by a PIWI computer it could be erased.

Kind Regards

Markus Andersson

Edited by porschecayenneS04
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Your only option that I will recommend is a trip to the dealer. The manual describes how to release the shifter to select neutral and have it towed. The Dealer scan tool can select and clear the control modules without the ignition key being on. If the battery give problems in the future it's best to get it sorted asap and don't let the alternator charge a dead or low battery as it can cause surges in the system which will lead to other problems or shorten the service life of the alternator, have the battery charged properly with a charger.

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