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Will 2.7 or 3.2 work in 99 Boxster?

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Hello All: I'm not an ultra tech but I do have a couple questions! I recently had my 1999 2.5 Tip Boxster engine stop running at 49K miles and it now sounds like a diesel engine when starting for a couple seconds. Scrambled eggs is a great analogy also. I'm actually pretty upset about it.

local shop ran compression test and said that cyl #5 has zero compression. Apparently the COMPLETE engine needs replacement ... yikes, what happened to rebuilding?

My question is whether any other years engines will bolt right on and work with minimal hassle? I have looked around diff forums and some folks are writing that 97 thru 99 2.5 engines just die like mine. So I'm thinking that a 2.7 from 2000 or later would be a better engine to search for. Or even a boxster S engine. Will it bolt in? If not what are the mods that need to be done to make it work? Is it worth it, ie more reliable? There are some 2.5's available at local dismantlers, with a 90 or 6 month guarantee, but I would really like to get the most dependable engine so this doesn't happen again.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks, Dax

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Do you know why there is no compression.

Your 2.5 is not e-gas like the 2.7 and 3.2. There are ways to adapt your car to an e-gas engine but I have not been paying attention. Another alternative is to put in a 3.4 non e-gas engine from a 996. I do not know any mechanics who rebuild our engines. They are simply replaced with a used or rebuilt.

If you are in the SF Bay Area you might want to contact Tim Benson. http://www.fastlanesc.com/ Also search on this board for monster boxster. This is a 3.4 conversion Tim did on a 2000 2.7. There is nothing wrong with the original 2.7 engine and I think Tim still has it at his shop.

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I have no idea why the compression is at zero. Mechanic thought the can had fallen out. Again, I'm no techie so I'm a bit lost on this one! Car sounds like the largest blender in the world when started ... and then dies a few seconds later.

I just want a dependable engine when I replace it so this doesn't happen again as it will thin out my wallet quite a bit. Are there many mods to make a 2.7 work in place of the 2.5 or is it out of the question?

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The problem is any engine can have a problem and even replacement engines can have a problem.

If you search on this site I think Peter when he ran the Boxster section answered some questions on e-gas conversions. http://www.pca.org/tech/tech_qa.asp Here is a question that Scott answered. http://www.pca.org/tech/tech_qa_question.a...7-DB9A96E224EB}

You should contact your dealer and see if they will goodwill parts and/or labor.

You can buy a rebuilt from Porsche that comes with a 2 year warranty. Porsche has recently jacked up prices so I do not know what the going rate it. It cost less if you have a rebuildable core.

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I am over my head so maybe someone knows or I will put it on my list of 1,000 Peter questions.

If I understand this article you will not have the power of a 2.7. http://www.pca.org/tech/tech_qa_question.a...F-E9F96FD62F68}

I believe there is a mistake in the article. True the 2.5 does not have the second cross plenum. The 2.7 does.

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