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Question for PCM experts!

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I know this topic has been debated a lot, and I’ve tried to figure out the answer from existing threads, but still not sure. Fair play to the people who’ve looked into this already.

I have MY 2002 Carerra 4 (Facelift 996, 3.6ltr) on a 51 plate

I believe it has the 16bit version of PCM 1 (with the tape player)

It came with a 2000-2 UK map and the PCM software version is PONA628D

I get the consensus about separate sat navs being better than the PCM system, but I’d like to try and get my system half decent by getting a 2007 map for UK / Europe.

My OPC say they can sell me the 2007 maps for 350 quid, but from reading forums I think I can only use official Porsche CD’s up to 2004 on the PCM 1 system.

The alternative is to buy a 2007 CD from a company called Navishop in Germany, which I believe sell Vauxhall CD’s that work on 16bit PCM 1. These are about 160 Euro’s, but I’ve also read that you need a PCM software version of PONA642D for these to work, but I have no idea how to upgrade the s/w.

Any advice on whether the Navishop disks will work is appreciated before I commit to buying them. Or, and I know it’s a bit cheeky to ask, but I’d be grateful if someone is prepared to burn me an ‘evaluation’ copy of their disk to try. Of course I’ll send a blank CD and return envelope.


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I know this topic has been debated a lot, and I’ve tried to figure out the answer from existing threads, but still not sure. Fair play to the people who’ve looked into this already.

I have MY 2002 Carerra 4 (Facelift 996, 3.6ltr) on a 51 plate

I believe it has the 16bit version of PCM 1 (with the tape player)

It came with a 2000-2 UK map and the PCM software version is PONA628D

I get the consensus about separate sat navs being better than the PCM system, but I’d like to try and get my system half decent by getting a 2007 map for UK / Europe.

My OPC say they can sell me the 2007 maps for 350 quid, but from reading forums I think I can only use official Porsche CD’s up to 2004 on the PCM 1 system.

The alternative is to buy a 2007 CD from a company called Navishop in Germany, which I believe sell Vauxhall CD’s that work on 16bit PCM 1. These are about 160 Euro’s, but I’ve also read that you need a PCM software version of PONA642D for these to work, but I have no idea how to upgrade the s/w.

Any advice on whether the Navishop disks will work is appreciated before I commit to buying them. Or, and I know it’s a bit cheeky to ask, but I’d be grateful if someone is prepared to burn me an ‘evaluation’ copy of their disk to try. Of course I’ll send a blank CD and return envelope.


Hi. I have done this my friend on my PCM1. Yes, Porsche only sell up to 2004 (or something like that) therefore i purchased a disk (2006/2007) from Navteq. It is indeed like you say a "Vauxhall/Opel" disk, therefore when you try to find a service station it directs you to an "Opel" one! However, everything else is sweet.

What they also do is send you a 'sofware upgrade' CD that you put into your drive first, the PCM does its thing then you eject and put in the new Vauxhall one. Navteq ask for this CD back. BE WARENED though, if you put your original Porsche CD back in, the software will revert back to its previous level and you will not be able use the Vauxhall one again until you put the software upgrade back in and follow the procedure. Ofcourse, there are CD burners should you wish to switch from time to time?? ;-) In all, i actually havent seen much difference with the new disk, in that i mean i still have driven on roads that 'diddnt exist'!! But i'm sure there are certainly some updates from that of the Porsche one? Things like petrol stations, restaurants etc etc will be up to date.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask.

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Richard - thanks for the tip, I'll give him a call.

Fastboydave - thanks too for the advice, good to hear it worked out OK. Just a few quick questions about your new Opel map, then I'll get it sorted....

I imaged the new maps would look a lot better (i.e. graphics) - but maybe I've over simplified things?

Also I imaged it has all the new roads, i.e. M6 toll etc - does it have it that?

Can you please tell me what the CD says on the front, i.e. what sat nav system / vehicle was it originally intended?

much appreciated.

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Richard - thanks for the tip, I'll give him a call.

Fastboydave - thanks too for the advice, good to hear it worked out OK. Just a few quick questions about your new Opel map, then I'll get it sorted....

I imaged the new maps would look a lot better (i.e. graphics) - but maybe I've over simplified things?

Also I imaged it has all the new roads, i.e. M6 toll etc - does it have it that?

Can you please tell me what the CD says on the front, i.e. what sat nav system / vehicle was it originally intended?

much appreciated.

Rickky, the graphics are determined by the 16-bit configuration, NOT the updated info on the CD. All the CD is is the database that tells the system where to draw the maps and images etc and is therefore designed for the 16-bit version, so the graphics are the same. Unfortunately for us we have to make do, unless you change your car to one with the PCM2 (32 bit) which is much better.

You know, I actually cant remember seeing the M6 Toll, but would assume its on there, probably never took any notice. When i mentioned that i was driving on a road that didnt exist, it was a country lane and the PCM thought i was rally crossing!! :-) The major road updates (M6 Toll etc) I guess would be covered. But for me, i havent found that much of a gain from the original Porsche one, but it does depend how much travelling you do and how you use it i guess??

The CD is an original Vauxhall/Opel and is manufactured for such. It is bright yellow and says (mine anyway) 2006/2007. I would take a photo and get it to you, along with confirming the M6 Toll, but i fly to Dominican Republic early tomorrow morning (Wednesday).

My overall opinion would be this: Sat Nav is a tool, very much like a microwave. With Sat Nav you have to know vaguely where you are going and what you are doing in order to make the best of it. It helps you, but like a microwave it aint gonna cook a whole meal for you. Get what i mean? So if you aint bothered about spending £110 (i think it is) then do it. It does work and you'll have the piece of mind that it is the most up to date that you can get for your car, but, if you manage OK with what you have and for that matter dont place to much emphasis on the Sat Nav, i personally wouldnt bother.



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Dave - thanks for all the advice and info on sat navs - it has helped me a lot. Also made me consider my overall plan too, that upgrading is maybe not a 'must have'.

Anyway, if you get a chance please send us the photo's when you back, and of course, have a good hol.


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