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Help please!!!

Im in the process of fitting a new stereo - the previous unit ran from the centre consol to the amp in the luggage area at the front....whilst removing the old wires I have broken the grommet that seemed to be sealed with silicone in the firewall behind the battery. I need to keep the amp wires in place and so can't get another rubber grommet - how can I best seal up that hole - Im worried about water getting in - does anyone know of a hard setting putty that i could mould around the wires and seal up the gap - was going to use my daughters pay-doh - but not sure that will work!!

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Help please!!!

Im in the process of fitting a new stereo - the previous unit ran from the centre consol to the amp in the luggage area at the front....whilst removing the old wires I have broken the grommet that seemed to be sealed with silicone in the firewall behind the battery. I need to keep the amp wires in place and so can't get another rubber grommet - how can I best seal up that hole - Im worried about water getting in - does anyone know of a hard setting putty that i could mould around the wires and seal up the gap - was going to use my daughters pay-doh - but not sure that will work!!

Locate a local craft store of sorts and/or make a visit to the lock hardware store. Visit the section that works with bathroom products. They most certainly have some form of rubber seal that you can mold into place that won't dry out (daughter's toy will dry out).

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I don't know how you 'break' a rubber grommet. You should be able to re-seal it with some RTV sealant.

I broke it by having to cut it out after the previous owner had used sealant - a lot of it - to seal it back up after he had installed the previous stereo!!

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Roger that. I'd suggest just ordering a new one, make a slit in the center and snake the wires through, then seal it up with some black RTV. Assuming this is the large grommet that has two 'ears' on it, you shouldn't have too much concern about water in that area. There are drains in the battery area and should allow any water that does enter to flow out from under the car. There would have to be clogged drains (which will happen with leaves and such) or a lot of rain at one time to start filling up that space. If you have problems ordering a new grommet from the UK, try one of the US mail order dealers. Given the pound these days, you should be golden.

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