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Want to swap 997 C2 steering wheel for mulit function steering wheel

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I just took delivery of my C2, and I absolutely adore it. It is my first Porsche, EVER, and I am in love...forever.

I do not have any radio or nav controls on the steering wheel itself, and REALLY want to change this. I have seen some multifunction steering wheels on eBay being sold, or may even bite the bullet and buy a factory part....

My question is: Is my steering column wired up for this already? Are there wires just tucked in the steering wheel mount to plug in? Or does the steering column need to have the wires run from the center console?

Thanks to all for any effort in answering...


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I would bet there are at least three things you need in order to try and get a factory multifunction wheel to work. First off, obviously the wheel. Secondly the wheel needs to have the correct wire harness.. this may come with the wheel, I but I'm not sure. This last thing I'm not sure about but you could check PET and see if it is correct or not... but Im guessing you'll need a different steering column control unit. If these are the only differences then after all that you'll probably have some coding that needs to be changed with the PIWIS tester.

For what its worth, Porsche has no official retrofit or installation instructions.

Edited by PTEC
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I would bet there are at least three things you need in order to try and get a factory multifunction wheel to work. First off, obviously the wheel. Secondly the wheel needs to have the correct wire harness.. this may come with the wheel, I but I'm not sure. This last thing I'm not sure about but you could check PET and see if it is correct or not... but Im guessing you'll need a different steering column control unit. If these are the only differences then after all that you'll probably have some coding that needs to be changed with the PIWIS tester.

For what its worth, Porsche has no official retrofit or installation instructions.

Hi PTEC, and thanks for the reply. There are a bunch of acroynyms that you use in your reply, which I don't understand...but I suppose a dealer technician will. I believe the wheel I am interested in, does come with a wiring harness....but I will check to be sure. I am worried about having to buy a new steering column control unitl...I wonder if it is expensive....


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I would bet there are at least three things you need in order to try and get a factory multifunction wheel to work. First off, obviously the wheel. Secondly the wheel needs to have the correct wire harness.. this may come with the wheel, I but I'm not sure. This last thing I'm not sure about but you could check PET and see if it is correct or not... but Im guessing you'll need a different steering column control unit. If these are the only differences then after all that you'll probably have some coding that needs to be changed with the PIWIS tester.

For what its worth, Porsche has no official retrofit or installation instructions.

Hi PTEC, and thanks for the reply. There are a bunch of acroynyms that you use in your reply, which I don't understand...but I suppose a dealer technician will. I believe the wheel I am interested in, does come with a wiring harness....but I will check to be sure. I am worried about having to buy a new steering column control unitl...I wonder if it is expensive....


PET is the electronic parts catalog. PIWIS is the factory system tester that communicates with the control units on the cars. If you successfully add the wheel, let us know.

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  • 3 months later...

I looked into this for my 987s which uses the same parts. Depending on whether you already have a sport or standard wheel you may need to buy a new wheel. The multifunction system is only available on the standard wheel. You will need the standard steering wheel (complete with airbag and cover), the multifunction wheel loom adapter, the multifunction wheel control unit , and the two multifunction controllers , one for each side of the wheel. The actual part numbers vary depending on the model year and whether you have manual or tipronic transmission. After fitting , you need the PCM re programmed using the Porsche workshop tool to get the device to work. You may be lucky in getting the dealer that supplies the parts to do the reconfiguration for free. Looks fairly straight forward to fit the parts , but needs care removing the airbag from the wheel. To be honest , I'd only attempt this if I already had the standard wheel as I'd expect the steering wheel itself with the airbag to be the most expensive part.

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