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2002 C4S vs. 2000 996TT

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I'm new to the forum as I just sold the M3 and aim att picking up my 'new' 996 this week.

Originally I already made plans for a black C4S from 2002 with 43 000 km.

The car is in very nice shape, with full options (navi, bose, xenon, roof, memory seats etc) but with porsche factory carbon interior *which i dont like so much* and a bit oversized 11x19 black TechArt formula with 315 wide tires.

Now for exactly the same amount of money I'm being offered a 2000 - 996TT, it however has 70 000 km and fitted with X50.

What to do? , I have seen alot of older post comparing 996TT with 997s as the prices where more similar one year ago.

But now the 996TT are soooo cheap i feel 'stupid' buying 'only' a C4S for the same price.

Thing is I actually dont NEED that 475HP, i would be just as good off with 320HP.

But im considering that a 996TT might be a bargain now, and I could loose less money on it for the next 2-3 years comparing with the C4S. (of course insurance , but I guess also service will be more expensive).

Whats the forums take on this dilema?

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get the 996TT. It has a different engine which may prove more reliable in the future. Additionally, while you may not need the additional power now, trust me, in a short while, you'll be wondering where you can get more!

Good luck


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A very tricky situation and can I be objective being a C4S driver :drive: I am also a very big fan of carbon fibre!!!

Any way to be objective. You are looking at two different animals. The C4S being normally aspirated and then the TT. Different delivery of power and require different driving styles to apprecaite the power.

The clean lines of the C4S appeal to a lot of people. The air intakes in my opinion spoil the line of the vehical.

Also look at where you intend to go with your Porsche experience. If you are planning on track days and really wanting to experince raw Porsche power I would really only look at the GT3.

If you are wanting to use the vehical as a daily driver and not really push the envelope then the C4S is in my opinion the vehical to have.

I would not consider depreciation, as this is a variable that is reality on any performance car and the outcome of how much is uncertain. With the potential for a global recession all luxury items will take a hit.

The reliability of the TT engine to my knowledge is marginally better than the C4S etc. Main issues have been RMS which is easily fixed and created a bit of a storm. Catastrophic engine failure is rare but can occur will all Porsche engines. I think the only motor compant that has no engine failures is Toyta!

Any way enjoy the experience and enjoy what ever choice you make.

Have a look in the registry for C4S al a nice example of a C4S may sway your decision!!!

Regards Alan

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Hi All.

Thanks for all valuable input.

After testdriving 2 separate 996TT this week i have decided to go with the 'poser' model (according to top gear) C4S :)

The power in the TT's was simply stunning but its 'nervous' nature didnt really please me. Also within my budget I would get a 2 year older car with higher milage.

Advantage: it's black! and it has way more optional equipment then any of the TTs i found. (to be honest , all the extras made a big part of the decision, this car is completely equipped)

C4S Al: I saw in the registry that you are looking for a carbon mod. Will you be purchasing this 2nd hand ?

Two things that I would consider trading/selling is the carbon trim and the 19" TechArt GTS wheels.

Is the trim easy to replace ? preferbly i would like the 'simple' black trim.

I'm picking up the car on Friday :)

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