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Custom SC and DME reprograming ?

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I need to have my 2000 996 manual trans, DME reprogrammed to my car and I was thinking if it was possible to have them (Porscha) program in the engine specs for a Turbo along with the stock 996 settings for alarm, doors etc. At presant I am running 42 LBS injectors with my Supercharger which should be producing 6 LBS boost and was wondering how far off the Turbo engine settings maybe. This would be temporary before having it properly tuned. At present it runs badly like it is missing couple of cyls, but then it has the DME settings for a Boxster standard model.

Edited by Mother
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I need to have my 2000 996 manual trans, DME reprogrammed to my car and I was thinking if it was possible to have them (Porscha) program in the engine specs for a Turbo along with the stock 996 settings for alarm, doors etc. At presant I am running 42 LBS injectors with my Supercharger which should be producing 6 LBS boost and was wondering how far off the Turbo engine settings maybe. This would be temporary before having it properly tuned. At present it runs badly like it is missing couple of cyls, but then it has the DME settings for a Boxster standard model.

Have you looked at what the fuel is doing when the engine is running. You will easily see if fuel is balanced with air intake with a scanner. Look at what the timing is running at as well as engine load. You don't needto reprogram to reduce the amount of fuel entering the engine.

Edited by 1999Porsche911
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What scanner are you reffering to? My car is at my home and am unable to apply any load, I would be taking (Towing) it to porscha for reprogrmming and they do not have a dyno or tech knowledge to accomplish the task. That is why I was wondering if it was possible for them to install the engine mapping for the turbo which I would think would be close to my setup, But you are right I wish I had the tester and dyno. It would be nice to drive it to the tuner for the proper tune-up after porscha.

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What scanner are you reffering to? My car is at my home and am unable to apply any load, I would be taking it to porscha for reprogrmming and they do not have a dyno or tech knowledge to accomplish the task. That is why I was wondering if it was possible for them to install the engine mapping for the turbo which I would think would be close to my setup, But you are right I wish I had the tester and dyno.

I thought you had the car running and this is why you know it misfires????? Any scanner that will show you a live readout of the various sensors that feed the dme will work. As for whether the Turbo program will work, the are alot of differences, not only in the fuel maps but with timing, load, rpm limit, etc that may not work with your setup. Why not just get GIAC to sell you the standard SC program?

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Sorry must have confused you. Yes, the car does run and the only scanners I am using now are my eyes, ears and nose... old school ya know :rolleyes: The problem is that it has a boxster DME and EVO does not reprogram for the 996 settings that it needs to be done at Porscha, so I figured that since I was towing it down there that they could at least put in a map that made the car run better since they (Porscha) do not have a dyno. Interesting point regarding the GIAC, if GIAC would sell me the map maybe I could have porscha install it as a base so the car is drivable. Now how close do you think you could tune your car without the dyno? Using a scanner and what type would you suggest? Hope this is clearer. :lightbulb:

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Sorry must have confused you. Yes, the car does run and the only scanners I am using now are my eyes, ears and nose... old school ya know :rolleyes: The problem is that it has a boxster DME and EVO does not reprogram for the 996 settings that it needs to be done at Porscha, so I figured that since I was towing it down there that they could at least put in a map that made the car run better since they (Porscha) do not have a dyno. Interesting point regarding the GIAC, if GIAC would sell me the map maybe I could have porscha install it as a base so the car is drivable. Now how close do you think you could tune your car without the dyno? Using a scanner and what type would you suggest? Hope this is clearer. :lightbulb:

If in fact the the car is misfiring because of too much fuel, it is easy to reduce the amount of fuel the computer sends to the engine. Get yourself a $200 scanner so you can see what you are doing.

Edited by 1999Porsche911
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Sorry must have confused you. Yes, the car does run and the only scanners I am using now are my eyes, ears and nose... old school ya know :rolleyes: The problem is that it has a boxster DME and EVO does not reprogram for the 996 settings that it needs to be done at Porscha, so I figured that since I was towing it down there that they could at least put in a map that made the car run better since they (Porscha) do not have a dyno. Interesting point regarding the GIAC, if GIAC would sell me the map maybe I could have porscha install it as a base so the car is drivable. Now how close do you think you could tune your car without the dyno? Using a scanner and what type would you suggest? Hope this is clearer. :lightbulb:

If in fact the the car is misfiring because of too much fuel, it is easy to reduce the amount of fuel the computer sends to the engine. Get yourself a $200 scanner so you can see what you are doing.

Thanks for the input it has given me some direction here. It seems that programming the basic settings in the DME for my type car needs to be accomplished using Porsha. A lowcost scanner will not accomplish this task unless I am missing something hear and while the car is in there to have them put in a GIAC map and clear any error codes. I would like to know what scanner/software can be used in changing the fuel settings if this is how you do it.

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Sorry must have confused you. Yes, the car does run and the only scanners I am using now are my eyes, ears and nose... old school ya know :rolleyes: The problem is that it has a boxster DME and EVO does not reprogram for the 996 settings that it needs to be done at Porscha, so I figured that since I was towing it down there that they could at least put in a map that made the car run better since they (Porscha) do not have a dyno. Interesting point regarding the GIAC, if GIAC would sell me the map maybe I could have porscha install it as a base so the car is drivable. Now how close do you think you could tune your car without the dyno? Using a scanner and what type would you suggest? Hope this is clearer. :lightbulb:

If in fact the the car is misfiring because of too much fuel, it is easy to reduce the amount of fuel the computer sends to the engine. Get yourself a $200 scanner so you can see what you are doing.

Thanks for the input it has given me some direction here. It seems that programming the basic settings in the DME for my type car needs to be accomplished using Porsha. A lowcost scanner will not accomplish this task unless I am missing something hear and while the car is in there to have them put in a GIAC map and clear any error codes. I would like to know what scanner/software can be used in changing the fuel settings if this is how you do it.

A scanner will not change the fuel settings, but will show you what they are doing. Modifying specific sensor inputs to the dme WILL modify the fuel settings to what is right. You have to know what the fuel is doing first. I would be surprised if a Boxter dme can be programmed to mirror the dme for your car. Might be cheaper to just buy a new one. But, keep us posted.

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Sorry must have confused you. Yes, the car does run and the only scanners I am using now are my eyes, ears and nose... old school ya know :rolleyes: The problem is that it has a boxster DME and EVO does not reprogram for the 996 settings that it needs to be done at Porscha, so I figured that since I was towing it down there that they could at least put in a map that made the car run better since they (Porscha) do not have a dyno. Interesting point regarding the GIAC, if GIAC would sell me the map maybe I could have porscha install it as a base so the car is drivable. Now how close do you think you could tune your car without the dyno? Using a scanner and what type would you suggest? Hope this is clearer. :lightbulb:

If in fact the the car is misfiring because of too much fuel, it is easy to reduce the amount of fuel the computer sends to the engine. Get yourself a $200 scanner so you can see what you are doing.

Thanks for the input it has given me some direction here. It seems that programming the basic settings in the DME for my type car needs to be accomplished using Porsha. A lowcost scanner will not accomplish this task unless I am missing something hear and while the car is in there to have them put in a GIAC map and clear any error codes. I would like to know what scanner/software can be used in changing the fuel settings if this is how you do it.

A scanner will not change the fuel settings, but will show you what they are doing. Modifying specific sensor inputs to the dme WILL modify the fuel settings to what is right. You have to know what the fuel is doing first. I would be surprised if a Boxter dme can be programmed to mirror the dme for your car. Might be cheaper to just buy a new one. But, keep us posted.

According to Porscha yes just give them my VIN, the DME out of a Boxster is of same part Number that goes in my 996, everything needs to be matched key, alarm along with the DME I bought as a set just easier that way. I'll check out some scanners but it would be fun to be able make adjustments without the large expense of programming tool. I'll keep ya posted and thanks,

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Great! What do they charge to program it?
Porscha charges $185 in my area, but that depends if everything works after re-programming. Seems some of there good techs leave and open there own shops, last time I was there asking about fuel pressure no one seemed to know and they had to ask around so I guess it's like a box of chocolates "ya never know what you're going to get".
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The 996TT uses a different DME than the 996, so you won't be able to flash a 986/996 dme with the 996TT maps via the dealer. I think your best bet is to have the DME flashed correctly with the maps for your engine (996) and use a piggyback controller to adapt the motor to the supercharger, or have EVO remap it after you flash your DME with the base maps via a PST2 or PIWIS.

In order for anyone other than the dealer to reflash your maps, you need all the appropriate, Key, learning, DME and immobilizer codes for your car in order for all the functions to be transferred to the new DME. Did you add a matched immobilizer/DME pair from a boxster? If so do you have the immobilizer/DME codes from the donor DME/immobilizer? Without these or at least the VIN of the donor car you can't reprogram them.


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The 996TT uses a different DME than the 996, so you won't be able to flash a 986/996 dme with the 996TT maps via the dealer. I think your best bet is to have the DME flashed correctly with the maps for your engine (996) and use a piggyback controller to adapt the motor to the supercharger, or have EVO remap it after you flash your DME with the base maps via a PST2 or PIWIS.

In order for anyone other than the dealer to reflash your maps, you need all the appropriate, Key, learning, DME and immobilizer codes for your car in order for all the functions to be transferred to the new DME. Did you add a matched immobilizer/DME pair from a boxster? If so do you have the immobilizer/DME codes from the donor DME/immobilizer? Without these or at least the VIN of the donor car you can't reprogram them.


Yes you are correct, all are matched immobilizer/DME and the key from the same car and all that is needed from the dealer is the VIN from the previous car and my car to make the adjusments. Have you ran a piggyback style chip for your mods, I am going to call GIAC about the map but am concerned this will cost allot if they send me a map then find out it is alittle off and in need of adjustment but the adjustment will cost XXXX dollars. If can shead light that would be helpful.

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The piggyback isn't a chip, it is a separate controller. It essentially intercepts the signals from the engine, and you can modify them before they get to the DME. Your situation would be pretty easy, simply modify the fueling as a function of boost pressure or add a 8th injector that is driven by the piggyback as a function of boost. Also use it to pull out some timing to avoid detonation. That way off of boost the car runs stock and settings are only modified under boost. I was using a piggyback setup on my 3.6 until I integrated the factory 7.8 DME, and it worked very well.


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The piggyback isn't a chip, it is a separate controller. It essentially intercepts the signals from the engine, and you can modify them before they get to the DME. Your situation would be pretty easy, simply modify the fueling as a function of boost pressure or add a 8th injector that is driven by the piggyback as a function of boost. Also use it to pull out some timing to avoid detonation. That way off of boost the car runs stock and settings are only modified under boost. I was using a piggyback setup on my 3.6 until I integrated the factory 7.8 DME, and it worked very well.


Todd, I think that is a good idea I found your conversions interesting and fun. Will it work for all injectors? I installed all new (6) 42 LBS injectors with my set up vortech SC? Which controller did you use and what did you do with your old one? :rolleyes: I would be interested. How did you tune it by dyno or by driving the car under load. I assume that you used a scanner for your error codes etc but does the controller come with software that monitors in real time, save data then can the controller be reprogrammed. Sorry for all the questions but you started it! :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on DME swap. With my car at Porscha they tried to reprogram the Boxster DME to my 996 and it will "NOT" work, they did not know this until they dug deeper and it seems that once the car is programmed for the Boxster that info is PERMANTLEY BURNED TO THE DME and it will not recognize the car. They did say that it is possible if the DME is out of another 996, so I am on the prowl to find the proper computer and I am finally getting to use my AAA. It was not a total loss and they did have a new 997 GT3 to look at down there.

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Sorry but that just isn't true. Sounds like they don't know what they are doing. I have programmed several DMEs from 986 to 996.


I agree something smells hear :rolleyes: You have a PM...

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