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Radio Reception Problems

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first time posting here, so please excuse me for any improper etiquette regarding posting, etc.

I have a 99 Carerra Coupe 2 and am having some problems with the radio reception. Here's the history my modifications on the car since I got it a few months ago:

- Installed Becker iPod mod kit

- Result: Radio and iPod work great!

- Couple of weeks later......Installed HID conversion system (maker is Xenon-Vision)....lights work great!

- Result: No noticeable problems with radio

- A week later......Did keyless entry distance improvement modification

- About a month later.....Relocated climate controls and installed cupholder kit

- About a few days later.....Installed HID-like Halogen bulbs for the fog lights

Here is the problem:

- Whenever I turn on the HID lights, the radio reception drops

My recollection of the radio's performance:

- The radio worked fine after the iPod kit and the HID conversion (to the best of my knowledge)

- During the month or so after I installed the HIDs, I drove at night and don't recall any problems with the radio's reception....then again much of the time I used the iPod

- All my modifications were done in the daytime, so whenever I finished what I was doing, I did a basic test of all the electronic controls systems.

- The climate controls are working fine and overall the radio is working fine, as well.

- If I turn on the fog lights, there is no problem with radio reception, only when I turn the HID lights on

I know the easiest thing to do is to take off the HID kit and test everything, but before I get my lazy butt to taking the headlights apart again, the questions I would like to ask for anyone's input is:

- HID kits are supposed to draw less current and power than standard lights....right???

- Is there an antenna cable/wire/connection that I can verify if it's connected correctly? Can't find anything on the radio owner's manual.

- I'm thinking of "shielding" some of the radio cabling in the back with aluminum foil or something and seeing if that will work. (I really like the effect the HIDs have on the car and it would stink to have to take them off) Or does anyone have any suggestions on how to shield the wiring?

- Has anyone seen this problem before?

Thanks a bunch for any input and for at least reading this post.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello Everyone,

This is my first time posting here, so please excuse me for any improper etiquette regarding posting, etc.

I have a 99 Carerra Coupe 2 and am having some problems with the radio reception. Here's the history my modifications on the car since I got it a few months ago:

- Installed Becker iPod mod kit

- Result: Radio and iPod work great!

- Couple of weeks later......Installed HID conversion system (maker is Xenon-Vision)....lights work great!

- Result: No noticeable problems with radio

- A week later......Did keyless entry distance improvement modification

- About a month later.....Relocated climate controls and installed cupholder kit

- About a few days later.....Installed HID-like Halogen bulbs for the fog lights

Here is the problem:

- Whenever I turn on the HID lights, the radio reception drops

My recollection of the radio's performance:

- The radio worked fine after the iPod kit and the HID conversion (to the best of my knowledge)

- During the month or so after I installed the HIDs, I drove at night and don't recall any problems with the radio's reception....then again much of the time I used the iPod

- All my modifications were done in the daytime, so whenever I finished what I was doing, I did a basic test of all the electronic controls systems.

- The climate controls are working fine and overall the radio is working fine, as well.

- If I turn on the fog lights, there is no problem with radio reception, only when I turn the HID lights on

I know the easiest thing to do is to take off the HID kit and test everything, but before I get my lazy butt to taking the headlights apart again, the questions I would like to ask for anyone's input is:

- HID kits are supposed to draw less current and power than standard lights....right???

- Is there an antenna cable/wire/connection that I can verify if it's connected correctly? Can't find anything on the radio owner's manual.

- I'm thinking of "shielding" some of the radio cabling in the back with aluminum foil or something and seeing if that will work. (I really like the effect the HIDs have on the car and it would stink to have to take them off) Or does anyone have any suggestions on how to shield the wiring?

- Has anyone seen this problem before?

Thanks a bunch for any input and for at least reading this post.

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I recently had the HID upgrade to my 00 C2 and I noticed after they finished that when I turn on the HID headlights that the radio receptiond dimminshes. I know its not the day time running lights, because they did this a week earlier and I did not have any problems. They have not replaced the Hi-beams with the halogen lighst yet. But this only occures when I use the HID lights.

Did you fix your problem?

Thanks, Han

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