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Speaker Upgrade---Finally Finished

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It seems like it has taken forever (2 months with all the interuptions), but I finshed one of the more economical upgrades of Boxster stereo speakers in my 2003 S today.

I elected to continue to use the factory CDR23 HU and Becker BE660 Amp because I wanted to retain the stock appearance and as they are linked by fiberoptics, if you change one, you must change both.

Andy Morris' DIY on stereo upgrades is a great guideline to start with and along with that and some personal e-mail advice from Andy I completed the task for less than $450.

I used Harvey Peck's PNP rear speaker kit to start with and then installed 4" MB Quart DKD 110s with vfbox's foam baffles in the dash and 5 1/4" MB Quart DKE 113s in the doors using the stock baffles modified slightly ala Dremel.

The transformation is phenomonal and the results far outweigh the money spent. Those of you thinking about upgrading your system, should do so.

I would like to have a little more amplifier power, but then again I don't want to deal with the fiberoptic compatibility issue.

I initially tried to use some of vfbox's adapter plates to fit the dash speakers, but ended up cutting up the original speakers to do the adaptation because of some clearance problems. These adapter plates are really a nice item and I would guess that they work well in 95% of the Boxster applications. I have them available at a much reduced price, should any of you be interested in them.

Many thanks to Andy Morris for taking the time to put his detailed DIY on the Forum and now I'm on to the next project: the exhaust system.


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It seems like it has taken forever (2 months with all the interuptions), but I finshed one of the more economical upgrades of Boxster stereo speakers in my 2003 S today.

I elected to continue to use the factory CDR23 HU and Becker BE660 Amp because I wanted to retain the stock appearance and as they are linked by fiberoptics, if you change one, you must change both.

Andy Morris' DIY on stereo upgrades is a great guideline to start with and along with that and some personal e-mail advice from Andy I completed the task for less than $450.

I used Harvey Peck's PNP rear speaker kit to start with and then installed 4" MB Quart DKD 110s with vfbox's foam baffles in the dash and 5 1/4" MB Quart DKE 113s in the doors using the stock baffles modified slightly ala Dremel.

The transformation is phenomonal and the results far outweigh the money spent. Those of you thinking about upgrading your system, should do so.

I would like to have a little more amplifier power, but then again I don't want to deal with the fiberoptic compatibility issue.

I initially tried to use some of vfbox's adapter plates to fit the dash speakers, but ended up cutting up the original speakers to do the adaptation because of some clearance problems. These adapter plates are really a nice item and I would guess that they work well in 95% of the Boxster applications. I have them available at a much reduced price, should any of you be interested in them.

Many thanks to Andy Morris for taking the time to put his detailed DIY on the Forum and now I'm on to the next project: the exhaust system.


Hey Lyn ! Glad to see you got it done. Glad I could be of help.

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Very interested in your vfbox's adapters. Let me know if still available:jsellers5@cox.net

It seems like it has taken forever (2 months with all the interuptions), but I finshed one of the more economical upgrades of Boxster stereo speakers in my 2003 S today.

I elected to continue to use the factory CDR23 HU and Becker BE660 Amp because I wanted to retain the stock appearance and as they are linked by fiberoptics, if you change one, you must change both.

Andy Morris' DIY on stereo upgrades is a great guideline to start with and along with that and some personal e-mail advice from Andy I completed the task for less than $450.

I used Harvey Peck's PNP rear speaker kit to start with and then installed 4" MB Quart DKD 110s with vfbox's foam baffles in the dash and 5 1/4" MB Quart DKE 113s in the doors using the stock baffles modified slightly ala Dremel.

The transformation is phenomonal and the results far outweigh the money spent. Those of you thinking about upgrading your system, should do so.

I would like to have a little more amplifier power, but then again I don't want to deal with the fiberoptic compatibility issue.

I initially tried to use some of vfbox's adapter plates to fit the dash speakers, but ended up cutting up the original speakers to do the adaptation because of some clearance problems. These adapter plates are really a nice item and I would guess that they work well in 95% of the Boxster applications. I have them available at a much reduced price, should any of you be interested in them.

Many thanks to Andy Morris for taking the time to put his detailed DIY on the Forum and now I'm on to the next project: the exhaust system.


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  • 3 months later...
Very interested in your vfbox's adapters. Let me know if still available:jsellers5@cox.net

It seems like it has taken forever (2 months with all the interuptions), but I finshed one of the more economical upgrades of Boxster stereo speakers in my 2003 S today.

I elected to continue to use the factory CDR23 HU and Becker BE660 Amp because I wanted to retain the stock appearance and as they are linked by fiberoptics, if you change one, you must change both.

Andy Morris' DIY on stereo upgrades is a great guideline to start with and along with that and some personal e-mail advice from Andy I completed the task for less than $450.

I used Harvey Peck's PNP rear speaker kit to start with and then installed 4" MB Quart DKD 110s with vfbox's foam baffles in the dash and 5 1/4" MB Quart DKE 113s in the doors using the stock baffles modified slightly ala Dremel.

The transformation is phenomonal and the results far outweigh the money spent. Those of you thinking about upgrading your system, should do so.

I would like to have a little more amplifier power, but then again I don't want to deal with the fiberoptic compatibility issue.

I initially tried to use some of vfbox's adapter plates to fit the dash speakers, but ended up cutting up the original speakers to do the adaptation because of some clearance problems. These adapter plates are really a nice item and I would guess that they work well in 95% of the Boxster applications. I have them available at a much reduced price, should any of you be interested in them.

Many thanks to Andy Morris for taking the time to put his detailed DIY on the Forum and now I'm on to the next project: the exhaust system.


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