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Painting the alu bits DIY

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I beleive you have painted some (or possible all) of your alu bits yourself. As you know I am going to attempt this too. I bought on ebay a centre console to practice with. I have some questions:

1) This center console is painted like mine. Should I paint straight over it or scrape the old paint off with

some paint remover or something alike?

2) Do I need to use a base/under coat?

3) Should I use a professional spray gun (get em fairly cheap at the hardware store) or will a simple spray can do?

4) Can you suggest a color code to use? I like the metalic look.

5) What about topcoat?

6) Any other gotcha's I should know about?

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Berny, sorry to take so long to answer your question. I'll try to take them one by one..talking about the center console. Now I'm no expert, but I'll tell you what the folks who did my stuff said.

If the center consold is already painted and the paint is in good condition, then you clean it thoroughly with mild de-greaser, then soap and water to make sure it's thououghly clean. Then scuff it up with 600 sandpaper or other commercial scuff pad. Then wash it thoroughly again. My guy would then hang the piece so it could be sprayed with the paint horizontally using many passes of light applications using a spray gun. Coats must be light so that the oddly shaped nooks and crannys get covered evenly. Use a clearcoat when dry in the same manner.

Now personally I've only sprayed AS on small pieces using paint from www.paintscratch.com . The match was excellent and they sell a clearcoat in a spray can as well, but I have no idea how many spray cans of paint and clearcoat you would need from them to do the job.

I have no idea of your skill level (mine is not that great) but with something as large as a center console you might seek professional advice. I know that Eric at www.bumperplugs.com and Stephen Kasper at www.imagineauto.com both have this stuff done professionally and might be able to give you better advice and/or quote you a price for dowing it themselves.

Regarding color codes personally I would use your exterior color rather than introduce a 3rd color, but that's just my preference. (I forgot what your exterior color was). And you might consider a matte clearcoat rather than gloss. That is really a personal preference.

Regarding any gotchas...again I'm a novice but I would say that a clean open paint area is essential. If the piece you're painting has any dirst or imperfections it will show. And lastly paint "blobs" coming out of your gun is a very frustraging experience.

Well, I'm sure that is more than you ever wanted to know from a novice. Persnally, since if it's THE center console you are going to use I would get that piece done professionally, at least based on my skill level. :) Good luck and let us know how you are making out.

Oh, there is one other possibility. There is a company in the UK that sells AS pieces. Don't know what his source is, but the link is: http://www.prestigeparts.co.uk/porscheindex.htm . Person's name is Keith.

Berny, you now know everything I know! :D

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