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New Owner: Advice, Warranty, etc.

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I've recently purchased a 2005 Carrera with 50K miles, still under the Porsche CPO warranty until September. I also just brought it into the Porsche dealer for services and it got a clean bill of health-- no issues.

I've read a few posts on here that have me concerned and I'm considering an extended warranty, but EasyCare (who seems to be the favorite here) quoted me a price of $3500 for 30 months / 30,000 miles. Does this price seem right and, if so, should I really spend $3500 for less than three year's warranty?

Also, anything else that I should know as a first-time Porsche owner? So far, I love the car. Thanks for your help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've recently purchased a 2005 Carrera with 50K miles, still under the Porsche CPO warranty until September. I also just brought it into the Porsche dealer for services and it got a clean bill of health-- no issues.

I've read a few posts on here that have me concerned and I'm considering an extended warranty, but EasyCare (who seems to be the favorite here) quoted me a price of $3500 for 30 months / 30,000 miles. Does this price seem right and, if so, should I really spend $3500 for less than three year's warranty?

Also, anything else that I should know as a first-time Porsche owner? So far, I love the car. Thanks for your help.

For a 2005 model definitely purchase an extended warranty because there's always the chance of IMS failure... What you need to do is compare the quote and the coverage of the warranty you got from Easy Care with the price and coverage of the Porsche dealership warranty and make your decision... (no matter what make sure which ever warranty you purchase covers the motor, Porsche definitely does)...

Other than that enjoy the car and don't be afraid to drive it hard (supposedly its good for the motor) been driving mine hard for two years now and no motor issues what so ever... None the less wouldn't be caught dead without my warranty...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really appreciate the reply. I'm actually in the midst of a coast-to-coast move and we decided to make a month-long vacation out of it and drive the Porsche. We've logged a ton of miles already and it continues to run like a top, though when we get settled in our new location, I'm going to reengage this topic. The Porsche CPO runs out next month.

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I really appreciate the reply. I'm actually in the midst of a coast-to-coast move and we decided to make a month-long vacation out of it and drive the Porsche. We've logged a ton of miles already and it continues to run like a top, though when we get settled in our new location, I'm going to reengage this topic. The Porsche CPO runs out next month.

Get a warranty - My CPO has over a year left and I will definatelly get one after that runs out!

I just went through the IMS /New engine situation on my 2005 C2 (18k miles) and so glad the CPO covered everything.

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See if Porsche will extend or sell you a new warranty. I had EasyCare and my last Carrera. I just traded it in (6 months after buying the warranty) and I got a refund of almost the entire amount. Mine was 60k miles or 4 years and I paid about $2750. they were having a special so I got a good deal. If Porsche won't cover you I would go with Easy Care. Although I never had a claim the customer service was always excellent. Also you can negotiate the price. You should be able to do better than $3500. But for God sakes get a warranty. You'll be glad you did (I had a 996 engine detonate so I know.)


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  • 1 month later...

Easy Care quote for Engine / Powertrain protection for 4 years / 48,000 miles: $4,371; local Porsche dealer for same coverage: $4,194.

Then again, one of the local Porsche independent shops here told me that they think it is a waste of money. He says he's been working on Porsches for over 30 years and has dozens in his shop at any one time. He's seen one 997 Carrera S and no 997 Carreras with any sort of total engine failure. His position is that they are very reliable and the odds are very, very remote of anything going wrong.

So, once again I'm back pondering this...

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