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Have a 997s April built and want to retrofit the telephone module i.e. be able to insert the sim and use the telephone features of the PCM. I have a CD changer no BOSE though and the sim slot on the PCM.

When I asked the dealer he told me that Porsche has suspended all telephone modules in the US due to safety issues!!

It all sounds fishy to me...

Need some help with the facts before confronting the dealer.


1) Has anyone heard anything about such a suspension?

2) Can the telephone be retrofited?

3) What are the necessary part numbers? How can someone order those?

4) Does anyone have the TSB that refers to the installation?

5) Any idea about cost and availability?

Thanks for your help.

PS: Just picked up the car yesterday! AMAZING!! Will be posting pics soon...

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I hate DEALERSPEAK..they are uninformed and make stories up!!!

Option 666 Telephone Module, IS available as a Tequipment retrofit.

P/N is 997.044.900.71 and as well you will need an optical waveguide P/N 997.622.703.00

Install TSB # is 2/08 9155 (2/21/05, 14 pgs) and is available on your dealers eDCS computer in the document repository in the service area and he can pull it up and print it for you, takes about 2min...

Labor listed as 4.6hrs

Don't know the parts cost, give the parts dept a call and ask for price and availability of the P/N's listed above. Perhaps you could post the cost when you find out...

TIP: If you are a PCA member most dealerships will give a 10% discount on P&L.

BTW the GSM phone module works really well, mine was factory fitted and I'am pleased with it's operation and clairity!

Your dealership was uninformed...what was suspended was the Porsche "Cell Solution" since they got sued for copyright infringement by the maker. It had nothing to do with "safety issues"

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I've been going around and around on this for my 987 ... 996 Trundle's info is correct ... have seen labor up to 10 hrs. ... after complaining to Porsche ... they " gave me a break " at 4.6 hours !!!

My question is ... how does it work ...is it voice activated ?? How do you place / receive a call ? Assuming it works well with top up ... prob. not at all with top down ?? Do you actually remove the SIM card from your phone to use ?? or did you buy an extra SIM card & use call forward when you are in the car ???

Wonder if the Motorola Blue Tooth functions the same way ??

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My question is ... how does it work ...is it voice activated ?? How do you place / receive a call ? Assuming it works well with top up ... prob. not at all with top down ?? Do you actually remove the SIM card from your phone to use ?? or did you buy an extra SIM card & use call forward when you are in the car ???

Wonder if the Motorola Blue Tooth functions the same way ??

You actually take the SIM card out of your phone and place it in the card drawer and your ready to go. Yes, a bit of a PIA, but your phone book comes along. Once you swap the card from phone to car a couple of times it's not so difficult. Option 2 would be to get another phone and dedicate the SIM card to the car and forward calls from phone to car. In the US you are not able to have a duplicate SIM card

All operational info can be displayed in the PCM screen but better than that it is displayed in the OBC under the tach, and operation is controlled by the OBC stalk, where you can call up phone #'s, receient calls etc... a call comes in and you just press the stalk to answer or hang up, etc.

If you have a multi-function wheel you can use steering wheel comtrols.

Sound quality in both directions is excellent, and operation is easy, no looking far off the road for the numbers or control.


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My question is ... how does it work ...is it voice activated ?? How do you place / receive a call ? Assuming it works well with top up ... prob. not at all with top down ?? Do you actually remove the SIM card from your phone to use ?? or did you buy an extra SIM card & use call forward when you are in the car ???

Wonder if the Motorola Blue Tooth functions the same way ??

You actually take the SIM card out of your phone and place it in the card drawer and your ready to go. Yes, a bit of a PIA, but your phone book comes along. Once you swap the card from phone to car a couple of times it's not so difficult. Option 2 would be to get another phone and dedicate the SIM card to the car and forward calls from phone to car. In the US you are not able to have a duplicate SIM card

All operational info can be displayed in the PCM screen but better than that it is displayed in the OBC under the tach, and operation is controlled by the OBC stalk, where you can call up phone #'s, receient calls etc... a call comes in and you just press the stalk to answer or hang up, etc.

If you have a multi-function wheel you can use steering wheel comtrols.

Sound quality in both directions is excellent, and operation is easy, no looking far off the road for the numbers or control.


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