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Radar Detector Mount (Long, several pictures)

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When I first got my Boxster it already had a Valentine1 which was strapped to the side of the rollbar, I never really liked it there so one of the first things I did was move it. The windshield mount seemed to be the only option but I didn't want to block my field of view. The best I could manage was to tuck it behind the rearview mirror with just the rear sensor poking out, this has worked well but still looks ugly as heck from outside (IMHO).


One other thing I discovered, the little dot near where it says "Laser" is in fact the rear facing radar detector which I was blocking. So, where to put it? This space has always seemed quite vacant:


But how? Well, I'm going to need a bracket, time to get creative. A little design work, a little acrylic, a little laser cutting and some engraving to finish things off, I'm very happy with the results although it may need some adjustments yet but for a first prototype I'm thrilled. The V1 is attached with a thin magnet, I haven't given it a "twisty test" yet to see if the magnets need to be replaced with velcro.

From the drivers side:


From the passenger side:


And the all important rear view:


It isn't fastened to the car in any way, there's a slot below the speaker where the carpets meet that is a very snug fit and grips it nicely. To make this workable of course you have to have a remote display, mine is currently mounted under the dash by my knee where I can look down at it through the wheel and it is nicely shaded when the top is down.

Interested to hear comments and opinions, I can have more of these made quite reasonably if people are interested but with hindsight would drop the logos to avoid any copyright type issues. Hopefully they'll not be too offended by just one infringement!


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Hi Chris. It's a really nice work of fabrication but I just don't care for it. It is large and the material doesn't blend in with the interior at all.

I've seen all the creative ideas and I still don't like any of them. It all comes down to the fact that I wish V1 would supply a modular detector with small fore/aft sensors and a control unit, ala K1(?) I guess. I'm tempted to take mine apart and gut it, but not for the $400 risk!

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I hear ya charlie, especially regarding the modular approach. I think the bracket looks a lot more obvious in the pictures as the flash really picks it up and makes it shine, it isn't really so bright in person.

For me my main aim was to get it off of the windshield, I think it looks terrible and also is a bit of an invitation to thieves. Fitting my sun shade around it is a pain too!

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  • 4 months later...
Chris, I like your bracket for it gets the detector off the dash/winshield and out of the way. Don't care much for the logos. How much would you charge to get me one. Thanks.


They finish up around $45... the logos were only on my first test piece and I dropped the idea before getting any copyright calls. I'm about to test two different designs, a slim single leg version and a smaller version of the inverted Y. I've also done one for a 99x recently, I'll attach a picture.




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Chris, I like your bracket for it gets the detector off the dash/winshield and out of the way. Don't care much for the logos. How much would you charge to get me one. Thanks.


They finish up around $45... the logos were only on my first test piece and I dropped the idea before getting any copyright calls. I'm about to test two different designs, a slim single leg version and a smaller version of the inverted Y. I've also done one for a 99x recently, I'll attach a picture.



I have a 2007 Boxster S (987) (actually it is being built and I won't have it until March).

I prefer your original inverted Y design over the single leg. It looks sturdier. Is the unit pretty rigid and will it hold the Valentine well? Is there any flex or movement of the bracket when you go over a rough road? How will your original design differ from the smaller version of the inverted Y? Any picture?

I really like the location where you put the detector - out of the way between and behind the seats. The bracket is tall enough so that it will have both visibility in the both the front and rear, i.e., clear the front dash and be able to see out of rear window when top is up, correct?

I like to get one from you Chris. Please provide payment instructions. Thanks.

Edited by Loren
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I'm getting some of the other design ones made up now so it's probably best to wait until I can send you some pictures, no need to rush if your car is coming in the spring. We also need to confirm that the configuration of the 987 is the same as my 986.

For visibility yes, it is very clear front and back also, with the hood up, you can hardly see it. If you want total stealth I pop my Red Sox cap on top of the V1 when I park!

I'll try to remewber to post pictures of the others, if you don't see them feel welcome to PM me!


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