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Installed Dension500, but there's an iPod glitch

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In case someone has seen this and knows of a resolution, here's my issue (I am also asking an answer of Dension, too):

Vehicle is a 2006 911, with PCM and Navigation DVD drive. The GW500 was installed and connected up. The PCM recognized and controls audio from the USB and Aux. ports, but both iPods I connected (4GB Nano and 30GB Video) were not able to be recognized through to the PCM. There was no control or audio. On the iPod screen, a big Check mark and "OK to Disconnect" was visible, but this just kept cycling/flashing over and over with the iPod paused. I do think it was charging, though.

Anyone encountered this and no of the resolution? I did upgrade the firmware to the latest version at Dension's site. Again, the Aux. audio and USB inputs worked fine...really sounded great.

Thanks for any help!


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In case someone has seen this and knows of a resolution, here's my issue (I am also asking an answer of Dension, too):

Vehicle is a 2006 911, with PCM and Navigation DVD drive. The GW500 was installed and connected up. The PCM recognized and controls audio from the USB and Aux. ports, but both iPods I connected (4GB Nano and 30GB Video) were not able to be recognized through to the PCM. There was no control or audio. On the iPod screen, a big Check mark and "OK to Disconnect" was visible, but this just kept cycling/flashing over and over with the iPod paused. I do think it was charging, though.

Anyone encountered this and no of the resolution? I did upgrade the firmware to the latest version at Dension's site. Again, the Aux. audio and USB inputs worked fine...really sounded great.

Thanks for any help!


Try updating i-pod software!

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Try updating i-pod software!

I'll give that a go.

The Nano was mine, and I can't access my iTunes system because my hard drive crashed last night!! :censored:

I'll see if the owner has the same trouble, and make a similar suggestion. I had been letting my Nano SW update when iTunes flagged it, so I would think it was pretty current.

I can't be as sure of my friend's 30GB Video we also tested.

We'll see...

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<quote> Try updating i-pod software! <quote>

But furthermore, is that to say that you saw this same behavior with a Gateway500, then you updated your iPod SW, and then the problem went away? First-hand experience? It would be reassuring to know...

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I have the same model year and config. Had the same problem. The Dension does NOT work with the older iPods and original Nano's.

My 4gb nano and 30gb ipod didn't work. But my next generation 8gb nano DID. My 30gb ipod was a couple of years old. I checked the fine print and realized that my older ipod. Won't work. Gave me an excuse to get an 80gb ipod (but any smaller current generation ipod will work).

Both my 8gb (secon gen - metal) Nano and new 80gb ipod (5th gen) works well..

Word of warning, the PCm / Dension / iPod user interface is nothing short of deranged. I have worked in software for 22 years but even after reading the manual and fiddling with it for an hour or so, it took me a while to grock how it works.. My 18 year old daughter is utterly disinterested in my porsche. But she did think that I traded in my MB because the PCM ipod UI is better (in some ways).... No dear..... Daddy likes to drive.

How to use the UI. I can't get the rotary knob to select / drill down. I have to use the number pad scroll buttons (=> <=) to drill down. Scroll with the knob, and press and HOLD the scroll button for about two seconds to drill down.. Its dopey for sure, but it works. As an added bonus, you can switch to the ipod UI and work with that. Great if you have a passenger (teen age daughter) who wants to pick


In case someone has seen this and knows of a resolution, here's my issue (I am also asking an answer of Dension, too):

Vehicle is a 2006 911, with PCM and Navigation DVD drive. The GW500 was installed and connected up. The PCM recognized and controls audio from the USB and Aux. ports, but both iPods I connected (4GB Nano and 30GB Video) were not able to be recognized through to the PCM. There was no control or audio. On the iPod screen, a big Check mark and "OK to Disconnect" was visible, but this just kept cycling/flashing over and over with the iPod paused. I do think it was charging, though.

Anyone encountered this and no of the resolution? I did upgrade the firmware to the latest version at Dension's site. Again, the Aux. audio and USB inputs worked fine...really sounded great.

Thanks for any help!


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In case someone has seen this and knows of a resolution, here's my issue (I am also asking an answer of Dension, too):

Vehicle is a 2006 911, with PCM and Navigation DVD drive. The GW500 was installed and connected up. The PCM recognized and controls audio from the USB and Aux. ports, but both iPods I connected (4GB Nano and 30GB Video) were not able to be recognized through to the PCM. There was no control or audio. On the iPod screen, a big Check mark and "OK to Disconnect" was visible, but this just kept cycling/flashing over and over with the iPod paused. I do think it was charging, though.

Anyone encountered this and no of the resolution? I did upgrade the firmware to the latest version at Dension's site. Again, the Aux. audio and USB inputs worked fine...really sounded great.

Thanks for any help!


Do you get the Dension logo (I think it says something like 'Dension Gateway 500') connection screen on your iPOD when it's connected and starts up. If you don't I think your iPod and Gateway 500 aren't communicating w/ each other.

BTW: I tried all the later versions of Dension F/W, including v1.05), and went back to v1.00. It's more stable and predictable. The Dension UI & F/W are flakey. I simply use my iPOD as a huge jukebox in random mode. Trying to setup artists, albums, etc. don't work very well.

Don't expect any help from Dension tech support. Use the forums as your major source of information. Rennteam and 6 Speed forums have a lot of Gateway 500 users.

Good Luck!

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Thanks for the feedback, here! We'll keep fiddling and see what happens.

By going back to the older firmware, I assume that the older iPods are supported.

Not that I found it on the Dension site, yet, but is there a list of firmware-to-iPod-version compatibility somewhere?

I'll also check the other forums mentioned for more information.

Edited by khnitz
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Even with a 3rd iPod (brand new 30GB video), the same flakiness appeared.

Failing new information, I'll likely try the earlier firmware version and check the behavior.

The Rennteam forum didn't have any directly related posts that I could find, so anyone's input here is appreciated!

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Even with a 3rd iPod (brand new 30GB video), the same flakiness appeared.

Failing new information, I'll likely try the earlier firmware version and check the behavior.

The Rennteam forum didn't have any directly related posts that I could find, so anyone's input here is appreciated!

Both my 4gig ist. gen Nano's work fine, using Firmware V 1.00. click wheel works fine. I have no complaints!

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The issue was resolved by checking the connector from the iPod cable into the GW500. There was a displaced pin in there. Once that was straightened out and the connector reinserted, the system worked fine.

Another thumbs up for the GW500! This one is running v1.05 firmware with a PCM.

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