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2002 C2 Coupe - passenger door window not closing properly, adjustment

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There may be a thread on this here but I could not find it-

Basically, every 3rd or 4th close of the passenger door on my coupe does not seat the window properly in the channel, it stays popped outside of the rubber top trim.

It seems that the window is not dropping down fast enough before the door closes, and I have to re-open the door once or twice to get it to close with the corect timing.

Is this a switch adjustment? My car only has 29k miles on it. any help would be appreciated.

(and I have tried re-setting the window by rolling all the way down / all the way up)

Edited by p0rsch3
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When you lift the door handle the window should always drop about 1/2 inch. When the door is open it should stay down (that 1/2 inch) until the door is closed then it should raise back up to the fully closed position.

My understanding is that there are two microswitches that control those functions - the one on the door handle tells the window to lower and the one in the lock mechanism tells the window when the door is shut. The switches are not adjustable and would need to be replaced if those functions are not working correctly.

If the other window operation is normal you can likely rule out a bad window regulator.

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When you lift the door handle the window should always drop about 1/2 inch. When the door is open it should stay down (that 1/2 inch) until the door is closed then it should raise back up to the fully closed position.

My understanding is that there are two microswitches that control those functions - the one on the door handle tells the window to lower and the one in the lock mechanism tells the window when the door is shut. The switches are not adjustable and would need to be replaced if those functions are not working correctly.

If the other window operation is normal you can likely rule out a bad window regulator.

Thanks very much Loren- Yeah everything else seems normal. The window does drop the 1/2 inch on open and stays down while the door is open. The messed up part is it pops back up too soon before the door is fully closed, so it seems that the timing is off. So I guess it would be the switch that tells when the door is shut?

Would you happen to know (or know where the resource is) that shows this door close switch location?

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ah hah! I see exactly what is going on now. Was outside messing with it for a bit.

It is supposed to drop 1/2 inch on door open. It is only dropping 1/4 inch sometimes, far enough to open the car door but causes binding when closing the car door.

if I open the door and it drops 1/4 inch, I can push the glass down the remaining 1/4 inch but there is some resistance, almost like something is not lubricated and allowing the glass to drop the full 1/2 inch.

Thoughts on what this might be before I go ripping the door apart?

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Well, 1/4 inch is likely enough if the window is moving evenly. Mine moves between 1/4 and 1/2 inch.

Do both windows do the same?

Does the curve of the window match the curve of the top? (if not the lateral adjustment may be off)

Or, does the window stick out and away from the chassis door gasket?

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now that is interesting... I went out to look at the curve as you suggested, and it seems to be 100% accurate on the curvature alignment.

I worked the drop up and down with my hand a few times (pulled the glass up and pushed down several times the 1/2 inch travel), and now it seems to work fine.

I opened / closed the door various ways trying to trip it up and it is ok. So maybe it was just sticky from not being used much... lubrication might be in order.

Will see if it stays ok or starts giving me problems again- Thanks for your help!

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yeah, it's odd b/c the window overall functions fine.

I read some threads on window limit adjustment- I might try lowering the glass 1mm to see if it fixes the issue. but I have to find a special reverse torx socket correct?

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