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Clutch Vibration Problem

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My 07 C4S has a clutch vibration problem that the dealer is having difficulty solving. Slight shudder when you first release the clutch at low RPM. As car warms up becomes extremely difficult to drive without stalling. Car was delivered with this problem but I was told to put a few km. on car to see if it goes away. Dealer replaced clutch and pressure plate at 800km and problem creased for a short time before coming back at 1500km. Dealer has had car apart in shop for two days and can not find problem. Shop foreman tells me that everything measures correctly and clutch/pressure plate not showing any unususal wear. Has anyone experienced this problem and if so, did you/your dealer identify the problem? Btw, I'm told by the dealer that they have another car in inventory doing exactly the same thing. Porsche has no answers.

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Quick update: Dealer now tells me that the problem is due to the type of material that the clutch plate is made from. He went on to say that 2 months prior to my car being produced, Porsche changed the material that they used to manufacture the 997 clutch plates. This material is supposedly "more grappy" (his words not mine) then previous material used. Went on to say that more aggressive drivers would not experience this problem because they rev the engine higher when starting off. Anyway, new clutch kit on it's way from Alanta so I should get the car back late afternoon. What do you think, should I get the shovel out??

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Update : Picked up the car with the new clutch kit installed Friday. Feels great so far, clutch release feels totally different. Much smoother action than previous two clutches and the release action begins when the pedal is much closer to the floor. Shop Tech tells me that he had to dig for this solution. It appears that this is an issue Porsche has not informed dealers about but they have developed this alternative "clutch kit" to address the problem. Anyway, I mentioned to the Tech that I had heard from a couple of other people regarding this problem and he told me to give them this part number (997-116-913-13)for the clutch kit. The release bearing number is 997-116-080-01. On a side note, he said that this is the strangest part number he has ever seen. Apparently it is not listed in the offical Porsche parts inventory lists and he got it from a Porsche Tech engineer in New York. I hope this works but I'm cautiously optimistic because the last time they changed the clutch disc and pressure plate everything was good for the first couple of hundred Kms. Hope this helps anyone suffering from the same issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have the same issue as yours on a 2005 Carrera S, 12,000 miles. Clutch "chatters" slightly when engaging at low RPM. Strangely enough, and this makes no sense, the "chattering" is worse when I am in reverse. Dealer says it's normal. I do not beleive it is. Drove newer Carrera S (2007) and was smooth. Would like to know if your issu resolves after new parts. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Have the same issue as yours on a 2005 Carrera S, 12,000 miles. Clutch "chatters" slightly when engaging at low RPM. Strangely enough, and this makes no sense, the "chattering" is worse when I am in reverse. Dealer says it's normal. I do not beleive it is. Drove newer Carrera S (2007) and was smooth. Would like to know if your issu resolves after new parts. Thanks.

I am having the same problem on a newly replaced clutch of chatter in reverse and first. Seems to be getting worst. The clutch was replaced while warranty work was being done with the rms. I thought it might be a brokem engine mount. Curious if there are any answers to this.


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  • 4 months later...

I have an 06 C4S with a similar issue, dealer thinks it's normal. The car has 6000 miles.

I notice a shudder when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd at speeds above 45mph, it's very pronounced, especially if i hold the shifter right above 2nd for a moment (with the clutch fully depressed obvously)... i also noticed it once or twice when coasting off an exit ramp and going from 6th to neutral (yes it shuddered in neutral)... it kinda sounds like when you drive over the ridged pavement on the side of the thruway that is supposed to inform you that you are going off the road!

My guess is something in the tranny is not letting go properly, but i'm no expert, i had hoped my greenwich CT dealer could help and they seem clueless.

Does anyone else think this is normal?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
BUMP...need updates from those with chatter...Skate???

My problem has returned! Now have approx. 12,000km on my 997 C4S and I'm experiencing the same clutch problems outlined in previous posts. Once clutch warms up I experience stalling, and vibration/chattering when starting in first gear. Extremely dificult to launch car without stalling, even worst in reverse. It's like I suddening forget how to drive the car. Has anyone else experienced this problem??

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BUMP...need updates from those with chatter...Skate???

My problem has returned! Now have approx. 12,000km on my 997 C4S and I'm experiencing the same clutch problems outlined in previous posts. Once clutch warms up I experience stalling, and vibration/chattering when starting in first gear. Extremely dificult to launch car without stalling, even worst in reverse. It's like I suddening forget how to drive the car. Has anyone else experienced this problem??

Sorry you are having this problem. My problem was resolved when I replaced and bled the brake/clutch hydraulic fluid. Would have never thought it a cause. You might give it a go.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I just started getting this issue in my 06 C4S. Up until last week it was very smooth taking off in 1st, now it judders pretty badly. If I launch pretty hard at high revs, it's fine, but if I'm gradual and gently it hitches, it feels lumpy; all the higher shifts feel just fine. I did the normal "clutch slip" test by flooring it on the freeway in 4th gear, and it didn't slip at all.

I've done a little research, here's what I gather :

This is most likely an issue of irregularities in the clutch-flywheel contact surface.

It's normal for it to show worst in reverse, and otherwise bad in 1st.

Most likely causes on our cars seems to be either an RMS leak putting oil spots on the clutch, or burned spots on the flywheel from very hard driving.

Some quotes I found around the net :

"I had a dual mass flywheel fail (it was on a brand new Porsche) and it

was exactly as though the clutch had worn out - so a strong judder when

slipping it, for example when setting off normally in first from

stationary. From memory it didn't affect normal gear changes though."

"There is excessive judder on take up in 1st or reverse gears, (often a

sign of clutch plate / flywheel - pressure plate contamination or


"Judder is usually the result of either a contaminated clutch surface or

the misalignment of clutch surfaces caused by things like warped

flywheels, broken pressure plate or broken clutch forks. "

"This is clutch judder, likely either due to excessive wear of the clutch

or oil contamination on the clutch plate, do you have an RMS leak? there

are other things that could cause it like engine mounting broken/weak or

spongy and there is a possibility that the dual mass flywheel is

knackered, however old clutch or contaminated plate is the most likely."

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had the same issue, replaced the clutch (fairly inexpensive) $1200 including labor and parts

and had the flywheel resurfaced included in the price above - drives like day one now.

I should have take a picture of the clutch for you guys you would have a better understanding on what exactly happens, the surface of the plates do not lay on top of each other completely, the inner part of the clutch/flywheel had more contact than the outerpart - i was told this is normal towards the end of the clutch's life I probably had another 30-40% left on the clutch though

anyway, you COULD probably get away with re-surfacing the flywheel, but its a wise investment to get the clutch replaced at the same time since it will cost you minimally on labor as everything's out already.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a 2011 GT3, traded out of it and then back into another one (because nothing else compares, as everyone here knows) ... point being that the second one has the same irritating buzz vibration upon slight depressing of the clutch ... first one did not. I've owned a few 997's and am starting to wonder about build quality variation, it just seems like these things are easiest to get right ... in any case, does the collective wisdom here suggest that I get an immediate clutch repair done?

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  • 9 months later...

hi all

I purchased a 997 4s - 2006 model from a porsche dealer with 26k miles on the clock. When i first picked up the car i did not notice any clutch shudder - 1000 miles later and it has changed. The shudder is in 1st gear only when pulling away with low revs - i noticed today the shudder is worse when pulling away on an incline, again with low revs. If I give it higher revs 1500 / 2000 the problem goes away.

The porsche dealer come up with me on a test drive and advised me the revs were too low and on a 911 you need to give it higher revs - he advised this is a common issue.

To make it worse of course I live in London, as you can imagine I am in first a lot !

So couple of questions:

- Should I expect this type of change in clutch shudder in 1000 miles ?

- is this common on the 997 4s ?

- If the dealer does not acknowledge the problem (apart from saying this is normal) how would you proceed ? Maybe 2nd opinion from another dealer ? I do have 2yr used warranty but not sure if this would be covered under warranty ..

Any advice gratefully appreciated. But boy do i love the car apart from this annoying issue.


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