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The Local Firestone dealer mounted a set of ZRI's on my Porsche 911 Carrera on 12/17/2005 ie almost FIVE years ago. The mileage was 45,044. My odometer reads now 73,200 ie I have driven 28,000 miles. The tires are still almost new and I am not kidding. I had (multiple) Goodyear and Kuhmo tires before and the average life on the front was 20K miles. The rear tires never made it to 10,000 miles. I run them at 36 PSI / front and 40 PSI / rear. I am more than a spirited driver, generally cruise 80+ miles/hr on the freeways and drive them pretty hard on the city roads. I have a radar detector and a regular supply of speeding tickets :-) .

My car is a 6 speed manual, complete stock. The roads in California are crappy, badly maintained with potholes and other freebees from our Government. 50/50 freeway / surface road driving with 80% dry / 20% wet, no snow. These tires have been just incredible, they handle extremely well, good road holding, great steering feel and direction control and well behaved in hard / panic stops, no tramlining to speak off. I like the rubber lip that protects the rim from hitting the curb in most cases. I like to low road noise, compared with the other tires I had on my car, they are generations better and even after 28k miles, there is no noticable increase in tire noise. Tire looks a bit narrower when compared with other brands. This is by far the best tire I had on this car. I believe that I will be able to get in excess of 45K miles easily. Unheard of for any tire on a Porsche 911. I hope Fuzion (Bridgestone) stays around and keeps building and updating this ZRI tire. They have a winner.

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The Local Firestone dealer mounted a set of ZRI's on my Porsche 911 Carrera on 12/17/2005 ie almost FIVE years ago. The mileage was 45,044. My odometer reads now 73,200 ie I have driven 28,000 miles. The tires are still almost new and I am not kidding. I had (multiple) Goodyear and Kuhmo tires before and the average life on the front was 20K miles. The rear tires never made it to 10,000 miles. I run them at 36 PSI / front and 40 PSI / rear. I am more than a spirited driver, generally cruise 80+ miles/hr on the freeways and drive them pretty hard on the city roads. I have a radar detector and a regular supply of speeding tickets :-) .

My car is a 6 speed manual, complete stock. The roads in California are crappy, badly maintained with potholes and other freebees from our Government. 50/50 freeway / surface road driving with 80% dry / 20% wet, no snow. These tires have been just incredible, they handle extremely well, good road holding, great steering feel and direction control and well behaved in hard / panic stops, no tramlining to speak off. I like the rubber lip that protects the rim from hitting the curb in most cases. I like to low road noise, compared with the other tires I had on my car, they are generations better and even after 28k miles, there is no noticable increase in tire noise. Tire looks a bit narrower when compared with other brands. This is by far the best tire I had on this car. I believe that I will be able to get in excess of 45K miles easily. Unheard of for any tire on a Porsche 911. I hope Fuzion (Bridgestone) stays around and keeps building and updating this ZRI tire. They have a winner.

thanks. I'll check these out at next tire change. I'm almost due for 2 rears, and from what you've said its probably worth getting 4 to replace the Potenza 050 pole positions I've been running for many years. I've found these Bridgestones to be the most consistent tires on both of my 911's, and would be confident with another Bridgestone product. the 050's are rated aa traction, which for me is good because I live in a rainy area. these are summer hp tires, and I run them all year. no snow on the coast. what's the traction and wear rating on the Fuzion's, and if you dont mind, what did they set you back? I'm assuming the zr1 is a summer tire, not all season. cheers,...

Edited by judgejon
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The Local Firestone dealer mounted a set of ZRI's on my Porsche 911 Carrera on 12/17/2005 ie almost FIVE years ago. The mileage was 45,044. My odometer reads now 73,200 ie I have driven 28,000 miles. The tires are still almost new and I am not kidding. I had (multiple) Goodyear and Kuhmo tires before and the average life on the front was 20K miles. The rear tires never made it to 10,000 miles. I run them at 36 PSI / front and 40 PSI / rear. I am more than a spirited driver, generally cruise 80+ miles/hr on the freeways and drive them pretty hard on the city roads. I have a radar detector and a regular supply of speeding tickets :-) .

My car is a 6 speed manual, complete stock. The roads in California are crappy, badly maintained with potholes and other freebees from our Government. 50/50 freeway / surface road driving with 80% dry / 20% wet, no snow. These tires have been just incredible, they handle extremely well, good road holding, great steering feel and direction control and well behaved in hard / panic stops, no tramlining to speak off. I like the rubber lip that protects the rim from hitting the curb in most cases. I like to low road noise, compared with the other tires I had on my car, they are generations better and even after 28k miles, there is no noticable increase in tire noise. Tire looks a bit narrower when compared with other brands. This is by far the best tire I had on this car. I believe that I will be able to get in excess of 45K miles easily. Unheard of for any tire on a Porsche 911. I hope Fuzion (Bridgestone) stays around and keeps building and updating this ZRI tire. They have a winner.

Just checked them out at Tire Rack, and it looks as though the Fuzion is not made in a 295/30/18 for the C4S. but thanks for the good review....

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To respond to Richard's entry:. I check the rubber quite carefully and again, it's just like a new tire. There is no browning or scafing on the tire and there is no center wear or wear on the inside of the tires ( the old Porsche issue). I am familiar with the fact that a Porsche tire "suddenly" seems to start looking worn. This is not the case. So I have to assume that 40 lbs is exactely right, I typically drive alone.

Noticable comments: As I said, the tire runs a bit narrow and in the first 200-300 miles, the tire seems to be quite slippery until it's no longer a "sticker" tire.

I recently replaced my wife's Audi Allroad with Fusions too . I am curious to see how that works but one thing is sure already . They are extremely quiet.

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Harry - I hope I didn't sound negative - it certainly wasn't my intention. I was thinking about the fact Porsche say you shouldn't use tyres over 6 years old. As far as I know there isn't a legal limit to tyre age (here in the UK) though.

I was having the same wear issue on the rear tyres on my 996T. I had previously always used N-rated tyres, but switched to Yokohama Advan Sport V103. So far, they have exceeded the life of my previous Continentals (4000 miles), and still have 6mm of tread.

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