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replaced AOS, clean maf, new plugs, cleaned TB, and I still have white

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Hi all! Im having some problem with my 99 83k 5speed boxster. About 4 days ago leaving to work my car started (blowing white)smoking like a train. I dindnt got to far about 4 blocks because I stopped right a away, freak me out so called towing and brought her home. I did some research here regards the problem (thanks renntech)about white smokes and etc... To cut my story short I have replaced the AOS,rubber bellow, j-tube, cleaned the MAF w/ CRC, Cleaned the TB (half cup of oil in there) argghhh, new spark plugs (old ones kinda dark mist brown color), Ignition wire are ok no crack on rubber boots. The car seems to be running fine at idling, normal temp, no CEL, oil level and collant are ok not much pressure on caps when tested.

So heres the problem:

-Car start to smoke (not as much as before) in exhaust pipe after 6-8 minutes from cold start. Theres a water and oil dripping in the exhaust tip butits hard to tell.

-Both catalytic converter leaking with small amount of oil (between cats and exhaust pipe connect)

-I checked both 1 and 2 sensor they look kinda brown and dry but not really sure how to test them.

-More white/blue smoke comes out when I give it a gas.


-I'm guessing my both cats are shot from enough oil entered? can that create smokes?

-What else or areas causing this car still smokes?

-blown head or head gasket? (not common on 986 right?)

-Is it ok to drive the car to burn off the existing oil in exhaust system?

-Car contenues smoking even after 10 min of idling.?

Any ideas? or new engine?

Thank you in advance!!!

Edited by kani
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I think you did everything right --

you just might have a ton of oil residue left over.

You might have to run it for 30 minutes or more.

You can check the you are not refilling the intake with oil by looking in the tube from AOS

to Intake. If you are then your root cause has not been found.

Every blue moon I puff out a good stream of smoke for 15 seconds or so.

I believe i have a vacuum leak as on occasion (not the same occasion :-(

I get a CEL for a secondary air injection. I have yet to track this down.

I do believe the two are related and that maybe somehow the vacuum issue tells the

AOS to dump some oil.

Now I could be just full of it -- who knows.


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You have residual oil in the exhaust system and it could take miles to clear it out fully. The vehicle has to be driven to get the exhaust up to temp to burn off the oil. If the smoke cloud isn't to great and safe for other motorist, take the car on a motorway but drive in a lower gear to keep the RPM up to help with the process.

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I think you did everything right --

you just might have a ton of oil residue left over.

You might have to run it for 30 minutes or more.

You can check the you are not refilling the intake with oil by looking in the tube from AOS

to Intake. If you are then your root cause has not been found.

Every blue moon I puff out a good stream of smoke for 15 seconds or so.

I believe i have a vacuum leak as on occasion (not the same occasion :-(

I get a CEL for a secondary air injection. I have yet to track this down.

I do believe the two are related and that maybe somehow the vacuum issue tells the

AOS to dump some oil.

Now I could be just full of it -- who knows.


HI, Well I let the car running for like 30 min this morning and still smokes not so worst but same amount of smoke coming out. I also did check the AOS breather hose (TB) and I found slight oil in there. Im not sure if thats normal?

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You have residual oil in the exhaust system and it could take miles to clear it out fully. The vehicle has to be driven to get the exhaust up to temp to burn off the oil. If the smoke cloud isn't to great and safe for other motorist, take the car on a motorway but drive in a lower gear to keep the RPM up to help with the process.

I did some short test drive around my block and I noticed lost of power. Im sure it wasnt like that before..:(

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Update: OK I fixed the smoking problem the rubber (bellow)hose under AOS has a slight crack caused by that snap metal clamp during installation. I took it off and replaced new rubber with screw on style clamp, works perfect and easy to deal with. I was happy for a short time then another problem came along. Argghhhhh now car wont crank at all everything light up, battery seems fully charge, check relay,interlocking swicth (bypass),Bought new Ignition swicth, and still nothing so fck*& quite no crank on starter..lol. Well my (2)car key lost synch 2 months ago (dead bat) but has alwys work without problem (manually)but i think it finally give up on me. Im guessing my immobilizer security shut my car off and needs to re-reprogram!! I did many starting on and off when i was trying to fix the smoking problem do you guys think that have cause this? Im just getting sick of this after many days dealing with the smoke! Lmao

I havent check the starter or the solenoid. Im not sure if those two really the problem because I dont hear any clicking or anything.

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Just wondering, what weight of oil are you using??

I also replaced my AOS and have driven 1,000 miles. I also changed the oil with 0w40 at the same time.

About a week of sitting I get a puff on start up. I checked the top tube going from the AOS to intake and noticed a small amount of oil.

I've cleaned this tube twice and have gotten oil there both times. Also cleaned throtte body. I'm defecting out the first AOS and going to install a new one. I'm also changing the oil to 10w40.

My thoughts being the oil is too thin, and yes I know about the Porsche approved list...

I also think that any oil inside the top AOS tube would NOT be normal.. Just my 2 cents...


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All:Ok so about my no start problem on ignition I finally figured that cra+*p out it was the Immobilizer box, What I did is I unplug the 15amp fuse under driver seat (wasnt blown) and turn the ignition on and shyet car start right away without problem, turn the car off and put back the fuse, never had problem so far...All the hassle I went thru just helped me more in the future problem..I was in inch to dial the towing company to bring my car to dealer shop because I almost giving up but I was happy got my problem solved...I hope this info help someone who has the same issue...


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Just wondering, what weight of oil are you using??

I also replaced my AOS and have driven 1,000 miles. I also changed the oil with 0w40 at the same time.

About a week of sitting I get a puff on start up. I checked the top tube going from the AOS to intake and noticed a small amount of oil.

I've cleaned this tube twice and have gotten oil there both times. Also cleaned throtte body. I'm defecting out the first AOS and going to install a new one. I'm also changing the oil to 10w40.

My thoughts being the oil is too thin, and yes I know about the Porsche approved list...

I also think that any oil inside the top AOS tube would NOT be normal.. Just my 2 cents...



I used what porsche spec recommend about the oil weight. I droved my car for two days now and yes I checked both tube and tb for any oil clearly both dry. Its crazy how long it would take for the residue oil burn off. I dont see any puff anymore even cold start. If you having solid oil in the aos tube not mist then posiblity there still air leak somewhere. You might considering to double check the rubber hose under AOS make sure its tight and align, and replace the j-tube to updated one its longer. I used screw clamp for the rubber hose because its easier to put on but you need to re-tight the clamp due to rubber gets really hot and will shrink.


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