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I have put about 2,000 miles on a 2008 CTT since purchasing it in March with roughly 30,000 miles.

It's white, so EVERYTHING shows up on the paint, even after a 2-minute trip, the rear gate/window area is already dusty/sooty.

However, what is kinda troubling is that after opening it up on the highway, there is always evidence of little black oily dots on the rear. Not raw oil, more like a sooty, dried dot the size of a pin head. The rear is not completely covered, but with white paint they show up around the place where the Cayenne badge is located. there's no evidence of any smoke or oil smell when started or even revved, but I'm concerned that it uses a little too much oil at higher RPM under load (accelerating onto the highway etc.)There is the possibility that the oil/soot spots I see on the rear are coming from someplace other than exhaust discharge (like when the RMS was going bad on my 996), but I just wanted to get a sense for whether or not I should puch the service tech/department to look into the issue. I have not changed the oil since I've owned it, but the level is towards the low end of the range on the dip stick.

I'm bringing it in for service soon. What should I be asking the tech? has anyone dealt with this before, or am I being overly concerned about something that is totally normal? How much oil should a turbo consume normally?......maybe the black dots are not oil, but soot from the cats just getting blown out?....I don't know, that's why I'm asking here.

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Loren, good point. I hadn't thought of that.

Still, a little strange that tire dust would really stick to the paint (you have to wipe the dots off with soapy water, they don't just dust off).

I'm running OEM spec P-Zeros. Do the tired really degrade THAT quickly? It's not like I'm drifting into corners. I try to keep the agressive driving to a minimum b/c I know these units consume expensive tires & brakes pretty quickly.

Again, thanks for the input, I don't want to go into the P-car dealership demanding that they look for oil consumption when it's something as simple as tire dust adhering to the paint. I'll look again more closely to see if they smear like greasy oil, or simply flake off like rubber.

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Thanks guys, that makes me feel better.

Also, don't want to sound like a total choad when I present my laundry-list of warranty items that need addressing at my local dealer!

Tires were brand new (color lines still evident on treads) when I took delivery. Though the TPSM is incorrectly indicating low air pressure, I manually check them often, rears @ 39lbs and fronts @ 40lbs....right on the money.

Maybe I need to stay off the loud-pedal and save my tires.......no f**k*** way!, this thing is too much fun to open up! I guess I'll have to come to terms with a set or two of tires per year.

Outside of the tires being the apparent suspect of the black dots (which I now completely believe to be the case), what is normal oil consumption for a 4.8 DI turbo?

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