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Spare Key Part Numbers

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Not sure my dealer knows what I'm talking about, or perhaps I don't.

I just want a basic key that has the immobilizer that will start/run/drive the car. I do not need the remote part.

My locksmith can cut the key blade.

Will this head work?


Or does someone have a part number for a keyfob head that has the immobilizer pill in it that can be programmed by the dealer?

Thanks ... I've seen tons of threads on this, just no part numbers. Some people just say "ask for spare key" or "ask for valet key", dealer seems to be having issues.


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Not sure my dealer knows what I'm talking about, or perhaps I don't.

I just want a basic key that has the immobilizer that will start/run/drive the car. I do not need the remote part.

My locksmith can cut the key blade.

Will this head work?


Or does someone have a part number for a keyfob head that has the immobilizer pill in it that can be programmed by the dealer?

Thanks ... I've seen tons of threads on this, just no part numbers. Some people just say "ask for spare key" or "ask for valet key", dealer seems to be having issues.


If you get it figured out, please post your outcome. I went to the dealer asking for a valet key and only left with confusion.

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If you transfer your immobilizer pill to the new key head you are good to go.

If you can not do that then you will have to ALL the keys reprogrammed to car (al least 1 hour labor). Sorry there are no short cuts or cheap ways out. The immobilizer has 4 key code slots and they have to have all keys so they know which ones to delete and which ones are valid for your car.

This has been covered several times here before - so if you want even more info please do a search.

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If you transfer your immobilizer pill to the new key head you are good to go.

If you can not do that then you will have to ALL the keys reprogrammed to car (al least 1 hour labor). Sorry there are no short cuts or cheap ways out. The immobilizer has 4 key code slots and they have to have all keys so they know which ones to delete and which ones are valid for your car.

This has been covered several times here before - so if you want even more info please do a search.

Is there a valet key that should come or is available with a Porsche 911? On my Mercedes the keys separate so you can lock the glove and or center console when you valet or have car serviced. My 2004 40th AE came with two keys and remotes but that was all. I have seen some cars have three keys am I missing one?

Edited by MiamiC70
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If you transfer your immobilizer pill to the new key head you are good to go.

If you can not do that then you will have to ALL the keys reprogrammed to car (al least 1 hour labor). Sorry there are no short cuts or cheap ways out. The immobilizer has 4 key code slots and they have to have all keys so they know which ones to delete and which ones are valid for your car.

This has been covered several times here before - so if you want even more info please do a search.

Is there a valet key that should come or is available with a Porsche 911? On my Mercedes the keys separate so you can lock the glove and or center console when you valet or have car serviced. My 2004 40th AE came with two keys and remotes but that was all. I have seen some cars have three keys am I missing one?

My MY99 came with 2 keys with remote and 1 valet key. The valet key also has an immobilizer pill (built into the head) so it also needs to be programmed into the car (or it won't start the car).

Here is a link to some valet key info...


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Thanks for this link:

It would appear that what I'm looking for is the KEY CAP: 99653842301 ?

This is the valet/spare everyone refers to that can be coded to start the car? Is there any restrictions with this or will the car drive properly with one?

I'm just looking for something to put away in case I lose my one good working remote. I do realize it needs to be coded by the dealer. I just don't want to spend $375 for another remote that's not going to get used. I already have the blade and it is cut and fits the door, glove box and turns the ignition (obviously doesn't start).

Hope I've been clear. Honestly I've been searching here, rennlist and google for HOURS. :)

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Thanks for this link: http://www.renntech....6467#entry86467

It would appear that what I'm looking for is the KEY CAP: 99653842301 ?

This is the valet/spare everyone refers to that can be coded to start the car? Is there any restrictions with this or will the car drive properly with one?

I'm just looking for something to put away in case I lose my one good working remote. I do realize it needs to be coded by the dealer. I just don't want to spend $375 for another remote that's not going to get used. I already have the blade and it is cut and fits the door, glove box and turns the ignition (obviously doesn't start).

Hope I've been clear. Honestly I've been searching here, rennlist and google for HOURS. :)

if you need a spare key then you need more that just the remote part (head) - you need the key cut blade too.

The whole key is 996.538.932.00. Any additional keys will require programming to car. I would recommend that if you only want two keys that they both be full keys with remote -- frankly valet keys seldom get used.

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