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Leaking Convertible Top

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I own a 2003 Boxster, manual transmission. In recent heavy rains in the Houston area, I have notices a leak around my dome light next to the windshield frame. I have checked the seals around the top of the windshield frame and the corresponding one on the convertible top front. They all look good with no cracks or tears. They are still pliable and soft. The latch closes properly and the top opens and closes with no problems. When the car is standing or moving in rain it leaks drops from the front interface of the windshield frame and the convertible top. I appreciate your ideas or suggestions.



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I own a 2003 Boxster, manual transmission. In recent heavy rains in the Houston area, I have notices a leak around my dome light next to the windshield frame. I have checked the seals around the top of the windshield frame and the corresponding one on the convertible top front. They all look good with no cracks or tears. They are still pliable and soft. The latch closes properly and the top opens and closes with no problems. When the car is standing or moving in rain it leaks drops from the front interface of the windshield frame and the convertible top. I appreciate your ideas or suggestions.




If there is nothing wrong with your seals, you can reposition the leading edge of the convertible top a little further forward by making adjustments to the length of the front pushrods at the V-levers.

Fine adjustment can be made by unscrewing (one turn at a time) the plastic ball cup on the forward end of each pushrod, and gross adjustment can be made by loosening the 10mm bolt with fat washer and then lengthening the pushrod by pulling the two sections of it slightly apart and then re-tightening the bolt.

Locating the final position of the leading edge of the top a little further forward and thus getting a "snugger" fit may stop the leaks.

Regards, Maurice.

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I own a 2003 Boxster, manual transmission. In recent heavy rains in the Houston area, I have notices a leak around my dome light next to the windshield frame. I have checked the seals around the top of the windshield frame and the corresponding one on the convertible top front. They all look good with no cracks or tears. They are still pliable and soft. The latch closes properly and the top opens and closes with no problems. When the car is standing or moving in rain it leaks drops from the front interface of the windshield frame and the convertible top. I appreciate your ideas or suggestions.




If there is nothing wrong with your seals, you can reposition the leading edge of the convertible top a little further forward by making adjustments to the length of the front pushrods at the V-levers.

Fine adjustment can be made by unscrewing (one turn at a time) the plastic ball cup on the forward end of each pushrod, and gross adjustment can be made by loosening the 10mm bolt with fat washer and then lengthening the pushrod by pulling the two sections of it slightly apart and then re-tightening the bolt.

Locating the final position of the leading edge of the top a little further forward and thus getting a "snugger" fit may stop the leaks.

Regards, Maurice.


Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. So that I know exactly what parts you are referring to I have attached a diagram of the top mechanism from the Bentley Boxster Manual. Please if you would put in the part numbers in your reply above so I know what to look for when I make the adjustments. I believe this will help others who may also want to make this adjustment in the future.

Best Regards,



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Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. So that I know exactly what parts you are referring to I have attached a diagram of the top mechanism from the Bentley Boxster Manual. Please if you would put in the part numbers in your reply above so I know what to look for when I make the adjustments. I believe this will help others who may also want to make this adjustment in the future.

Best Regards,



In the Bentley diagram, the part that I am referring to is labeled as number 8 ("Convertible top drive operating link [red-tipped)"), which is commonly referred to as the front pushrod. Unfortunately, the diagram does not show enough detail for that part.

If you follow that part number 8 towards the front of the car (i.e., away from the V-lever [part #9) (left on any of the three diagrams), you will find first the 10mm bolt with fat washer, and, at the end of the pushrod will be a plastic ball cup (the early ones were red plastic, the later [improved] versions are white plastic).

Here is a photo that shows the parts I am referring to in much more detail(photo courtesy of Tool Pants):

post-6627-062617600 1284432848_thumb.jpg

The lower one is the 986 version (in this case early, red ball cup). Note the 10mm bolt holding the two sections together.

The upper one is the 987 version (with the later version, white ball cup). On 987's, the 10mm bolt turned into a torx bolt.

Also, be aware that the lengthening of the pushrod does not have a strictly linear effect on the front of the convertible top...in other words, at some point it starts to actually retract the front edge of the top, so you have to then very slightly shorten the pushrod.

One final note.. If these adjustments don't cure your leak, there is a remote possibility that you may still be able to make another adjustment, which involves the two receptacles into which the two tongues on either side of the leading edge of the convertible top locate.

Regards, Maurice.

Edited by 1schoir
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I own a 2003 Boxster, manual transmission. In recent heavy rains in the Houston area, I have notices a leak around my dome light next to the windshield frame. I have checked the seals around the top of the windshield frame and the corresponding one on the convertible top front. They all look good with no cracks or tears. They are still pliable and soft. The latch closes properly and the top opens and closes with no problems. When the car is standing or moving in rain it leaks drops from the front interface of the windshield frame and the convertible top. I appreciate your ideas or suggestions.




If there is nothing wrong with your seals, you can reposition the leading edge of the convertible top a little further forward by making adjustments to the length of the front pushrods at the V-levers.

Fine adjustment can be made by unscrewing (one turn at a time) the plastic ball cup on the forward end of each pushrod, and gross adjustment can be made by loosening the 10mm bolt with fat washer and then lengthening the pushrod by pulling the two sections of it slightly apart and then re-tightening the bolt.

Locating the final position of the leading edge of the top a little further forward and thus getting a "snugger" fit may stop the leaks.

Regards, Maurice.


Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. So that I know exactly what parts you are referring to I have attached a diagram of the top mechanism from the Bentley Boxster Manual. Please if you would put in the part numbers in your reply above so I know what to look for when I make the adjustments. I believe this will help others who may also want to make this adjustment in the future.

Best Regards,



Thank you very much for your detailed and insightful answers. I will be trying some of them out this weekend. Will let you know what I find.

Thanks again,


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