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Oil seeping / leak

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I've searched and can't quite find a leak described in the same place.

About 5 months ago I had the RMS updated to the new seal and the LNE IMS bearing installed.

I took the car in to my indy for another minor issue and upon seeing it they said not to worry about it until it starts dripping on the garage floor. However, I am in the process of finding a new indy, as I am not entirely satisfied with their 996 experience nor their level of professionalism.

Anyway, I cleaned up the seeping joint before these photos, so the photos are not the best representation of the actual problem.

As of now, there is no oil dripping, and it takes a few weeks for a droplet to even start to form at the lowest point under the seeping.

Any ideas? Should I worry? Last, is it something that the indy did or didn't do during the RMS/IMS/Clutch replacement that led to the leak? I am unsure if it is a related or unrelated problem. I would love to be able to take it to them and tell them they are responsible and need to fix it ! (I would think it is unrelated, however - unfortunately).

Others have suggested the head gasket - is this something I shoulkd address RIGHT AWAY, or is it something I can monitor while I drive the car?

Thank you all for your expertise.




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I guess I just wanted to know if it indeed is the head gasket, should I be driving the car until it gets worse or should I address it RIGHT NOW to avoid a head gasket failure and engine failure.

If I did not ask in the correct way or did something else wrong in my post (lots of views but no replies, maybe I missed a rule or something), please let me know and I will correct it.

Thank you, Hugh


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  • 2 months later...

I guess I just wanted to know if it indeed is the head gasket, should I be driving the car until it gets worse or should I address it RIGHT NOW to avoid a head gasket failure and engine failure.

If I did not ask in the correct way or did something else wrong in my post (lots of views but no replies, maybe I missed a rule or something), please let me know and I will correct it.

Thank you, Hugh


Hi there,

Did you manage to find out what the problem was? i seem to have the same problem on my 03 C4S.

i recently took my car to the Prosche Workshop for a Major Maintenance, they fixed some stuff along which was the Cardan Shaft as the bushings were totally worn out and they needed to be changed.

i went away on business for 10 days after i took delivery of the car, and when i came back i saw that the car has leaked 3 small droplets into my garage floor. the droplets were golden in color so i knew it's engine oil... i lifted the car up and can see that there are traces of a seep from where the engine is couple to the transmission, pictured below. assume it's the same place as where hugh has specified.

i'm taking it back to Porsche to see what caused this leak, as the car was perfect before i did the major service.

Any input is much appreciated.




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That is the typical RMS and IMS seal oil leak spot, an oil leak on top of the engine is also a possibility given the oil drips on the floor are pretty clean and the car was serviced recently. I would check it properly to make sure.

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That is the typical RMS and IMS seal oil leak spot, an oil leak on top of the engine is also a possibility given the oil drips on the floor are pretty clean and the car was serviced recently. I would check it properly to make sure.

Thanks RFM, that sounds like a good idea because i haven't really checked if the leak is happening from the top somewhere.

any specific areas or hint as to where to look?

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, Nehmaiz I just noticed a leak in the same spot as yours, very small amount of oil (weeping). I have a tiptronic 2000 with 51k. Did you ever find out the source of the leak? I am hoping it is not the RMS or IMS. I called a few shops in the Metro Detroit area and they all quoted me $1,200 just to replace RMS and another $1k to do the IMS also. I am hoping some connector is loose. The oil is very clean.

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