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What MAF version should I choose?

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I have been reading lots of old threads but still haven't really found someone in a similar situation as me, hence this additional thread on the subject.

My car is a 986 S 2002 with 125k miles and I think my MAF is bad because of CEL P1128/P1130 (also P0410/P1411) and a bit of a rough idle. Tried cleaning it two times with no difference.Pulled the MAF and to my surprise I found a 996.606.124.00, which I thought only existed on the 2000 models. Since it is a 2002 model I expected to find a 996.606.125.00. I don't know the history of the car so maybe an earlier owner installed the wrong model.

- My question is should I fit a 996.606.124.00 or a 996.606.125.01?And in case the answer is: Depends on your DME flash version, can I determine this using my Durametric?

Additional info:Chassis # 9802U661342Engine #M96/216720XXXX

Any advice is appreciated



Edited by Andy_C
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I have been reading lots of old threads but still haven't really found someone in a similar situation as me, hence this additional thread on the subject.

My car is a 986 S 2002 with 125k miles and I think my MAF is bad because of CEL P1128/P1130 (also P0410/P1411) and a bit of a rough idle. Tried cleaning it two times with no difference.Pulled the MAF and to my surprise I found a 996.606.124.00, which I thought only existed on the 2000 models. Since it is a 2002 model I expected to find a 996.606.125.00. I don't know the history of the car so maybe an earlier owner installed the wrong model.

- My question is should I fit a 996.606.124.00 or a 996.606.125.01?And in case the answer is: Depends on your DME flash version, can I determine this using my Durametric?

Additional info:Chassis # 9802U661342Engine #M96/216720XXXX

Any advice is appreciated



The 124.00 MAF is an early (2000 model year) e-gas unit; if you went from the 124.00 to the 125.00 (now discontinued) or 125.01 your DME will need to be reflashed (PIWIS or PST II only) to accept it.

That said, the P0410 and P1411 are secondary air injection system failure codes, not the MAF, but are often mistaken as MAF related codes.

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Do some reading here .... it will give you an idea of the complexity of the systems you are dealing with, some pictures, flow charts, etc.

My similar problem was never really resolved but I do know the mechanic inspected and tightened all fittings and the problem was gone for 5 years. Even he wasn't sure he had found the problem and I left his shop with the admonition to come back if it happens again. But as JFP has said, my problem cause could be totally different than yours yet for the same codes.

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Thanks both of you for your responses. I will research and troubleshoot some more before I throw more money on the problem without really knowing the root of it (already replaced a perfectly fine AOS due to a theory I had... :-) )

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