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Adding Cruise Control to a MY98

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I'd like to add cruise control to my base MY98. I've read through the pinned instructions a few times, and I have a couple of questions I hope someone can answer for me.

1. What is E-gas, and would that change the process for US Boxsters?

2. Tool Pants displayed a cruise control unit that apparently is not typically present if CC was not optioned on the car. Can this be added as a DIY?

3. Has anyone done this on a base '98, and if so, was it much more difficult than the pinned instructions?

Thanks - hope I'm not asking questions that I should be able to answer for myself from the well-articulated write-up.

- Pete

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With an e-gas car the throttle is controlled electronically, not via a metal cable. Cruise control on an e-gas car is done electronically via the DME/car computer. This is why on an e-gas car you can make cruise control work just by doing some wiring.

On a 2.5 the throttle and cruise is mechanical. If you have cruise control then the gas pedal is different. I would have to ask Peter if a retrofit can be done on a 2.5.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I'd like to add cruise control to my base MY98. I've read through the pinned instructions a few times, and I have a couple of questions I hope someone can answer for me.

1. What is E-gas, and would that change the process for US Boxsters?

2. Tool Pants displayed a cruise control unit that apparently is not typically present if CC was not optioned on the car. Can this be added as a DIY?

3. Has anyone done this on a base '98, and if so, was it much more difficult than the pinned instructions?

Thanks - hope I'm not asking questions that I should be able to answer for myself from the well-articulated write-up.

- Pete


Did you find how to add cruise control to your MY98? I also have a 2.5 liter and would like to retrofit cruise too. I would appreciate you sharing any info that you have found toward that end. Thanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A local workshop has quoted me $600AUD for a cruise control supplied and installed. It's an aftermarket brand with a remote control type of controller. The unit includes a motor that pulls the gas cable and all.

I've also asked whether he can wire up the controller to the stock cruise stalk (perfect to get the OBC upgrade at the same time with the 4 stalk unit) and the mechanic believes it can be done with sometime.

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Did you find how to add cruise control to your MY98?  I also have a 2.5 liter and would like to retrofit cruise too.  I would appreciate you sharing any info that you have found toward that end.  Thanks.


Joe -

Sorry it so long to get back to you, I was travelling.

I haven't investigated any further - I'm looking at this as an early summer project in case it takes a while (my garage isn't heated). I'll keep you posted, and would appreciate it if you do likewise if you find anything.


- Pete

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On a 2.5 the throttle and cruise is mechanical.  If you have cruise control then the gas pedal is different.  I would have to ask Peter if a retrofit can be done on a 2.5.

Can I ask where the wiring for stalk goes? I assume into the cruise control unit that controls the modified gas pedal...?

Do I have the sequence correct? Control stalk -- cruise control unit -- gas pedal?

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I would like to install a GENUINE Cruise Control in a '99 Boxster 2.5L.

Does anyone has an overview of parts to be installed (parts description and part numbers ) and possibly also an installation description with photos and/or sketches?

I thought having read somewhere that all mounting brackets are standard available and that it is just a matter of screwing the control unit and installing the control handle, but I am not sure about this ...

I would appreciate your reactions.



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OK, I've been doing a bit of rumaging in the PET and have come up with the following part numbers (for a '97 Boxster, there are some minor differences in the years).

996.613.219.10 steering column switch

for M454/659 (both cruise and computer). There are also two side panel parts reqd. if you don't want to cut holes for the two extra stalks 993.552.573.00 or 01, not sure which. Best look at the OBD hack for more on this.

996.617.121.00 control unit cruise contol

996.617.121.00 support

This cruise control control unit support is only listed for RHD cars. This needs further investigation as to why a LHD part isn't available.

986.423.025.07 accelerator control

This gas pedal above is for a LHD 97 model. LHD 98-on part no. ends

08. Both these for manual cars, tiptronic different.

996.613.110.01 switch

Two of these are required, one for the brake and one for the clutch. '97 part.

That's as far as I have got so far; don't even know where to start on the electric side.

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  • 1 year later...

:) I have just completed a retrofit of the factory Cruise Control in my 99 Boxster 2.5L. It was not very difficult once I had all the parts. If you want to perform this installation it is imperative that you get the required wiring out of a wreck. I was lucky enough to find a salvage yard that allowed me to come in and removed the wiring that I needed. The reason why this is so important is that the local Porsche dealership does not have access to all the required electrical plugs and connectors. What is required is the following:

1. Cruise Control Actuator/Cable/Pedal assy.

2. Wiring Harness

3. 4 Stalk steering column switch

4. Shop Wiring Schematic.

The two most difficult tasks were running one of the wires back to the trunk to the Tiptronic Control Unit. This would not be necessary if you have a manual transmission. The second task wasn't so difficult but I did have to hold my tongue just right to disassemble the gas pedal assembly to hook up the accelerator cable. The whole installation took about 6 hours and only cost me about $250. It was worth every penny and works great. I also added the necessary wiring to install the On-Board Computer display switching via the 4th stalk.

Let me know if you need any further details.


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Well done. Photos of the wiring harness would have been nice but too late now, I guess. Can you describe it? Which connectors can't you get? Is it the one that attaches to the cc unit? Not the one at the stalk, I presume as this is used in the egas upgrade. How does it connect to the Obd computer?

Again, well done.

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Well done. Photos of the wiring harness would have been nice but too late now, I guess. Can you describe it? Which connectors can't you get? Is it the one that attaches to the cc unit? Not the one at the stalk, I presume as this is used in the egas upgrade. How does it connect to the Obd computer?

Again, well done.

I am working on a step by step installation guide with photos. As usual I am probably going way overboard so it will take a few days to finish it. The connector for the Cruise Control is a 10 Pin environmental type connector that Porsche doesn't list in their IPC, most of the other connections are plugged into existing connectors that use specialized terminals. You are correct about the stalk connections, I already have the plug numbers and terminal ends. It looks like Porsche uses AMP plugs for a lot of their connectors so I will also try and figure out the plug and connector P/Ns now that I have been able to see them first hand. The electronics are very simple. The Relay and Block Connector Panel left of the pedals have a connection block for different boxes to pick up the electronic speed signal and that is really the only connection related to the OBD Computer.


Edited by KC-Boxster
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I have tracked down a used cruise actuator, pedal, bracket, etc, but no loom. The wiring looks fairly straightforward, but I wonder if you could give me some pointers:

1) Bridge Plug BS1 (Speedometer A - connected to plug 1/16 on the Cluster), shown on wiring diagram sheet 3. Where is this bridge plug located?

2) Plug X3/2 (Blue) (X2/6 on 996), shown on sheet 11 - is this located close to the Tiptronic control unit?

3) Bridge Plug BS14/2, shown on sheet 13 - did this exist on your car? Being a tiptronic, like mine, I suspect it wasn't fitted at the factory.

4) Were you able to get any numbers from the 10-pin connector plug?

I'm sorry if I am jumping the gun - maybe you are including this info in your DIY. If so, just tell me to be patient!! :-) :-)

Edited by Richard Hamilton
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I have tracked down a used cruise actuator, pedal, bracket, etc, but no loom. The wiring looks fairly straightforward, but I wonder if you could give me some pointers:

1) Bridge Plug BS1 (Speedometer A - connected to plug 1/16 on the Cluster), shown on wiring diagram sheet 3. Where is this bridge plug located?

2) Plug X3/2 (Blue) (X2/6 on 996), shown on sheet 11 - is this located close to the Tiptronic control unit?

3) Bridge Plug BS14/2, shown on sheet 13 - did this exist on your car? Being a tiptronic, like mine, I suspect it wasn't fitted at the factory.

4) Were you able to get any numbers from the 10-pin connector plug?

I'm sorry if I am jumping the gun - maybe you are including this info in your DIY. If so, just tell me to be patient!! :-) :-)

Since my installation was on a Boxster there appears to be some minor differences but I would suspect they are generally the same. Is your car left or right hand drive? Here are the answers as best as I can figure.

1)The Bridge Plug BS1 is located on the back of Relay Panel 1 outboard of the pedals. It is real easy to take out. Loosen the 10mm nut on the forward side and slide it out on the aft side. You will then be able to twist it around to see the Bridge Plugs on the aft side. On the Boxster the Speedometer wiring is Grey with a Pink tracer so just find the Bridge Plug with all the Grey and Pink wires plugged into it and you will have your speed sense connection. One Caution- Some of the Bridge Plugs only have a 4-way connector and some have an 8-way connector so you may want to splice into an existing wire instead of inserting it into an open slot on the Bridge Plug unless you are sure tere is electrical connectivity between all 8 ports.

2) Plug XS/2 is located on the forward bulkhead in the trunk. The short harnes from XS/2 to the Tiptronic Control Box was already wired to to the XS/2 plug so all you should need to do is run the wire from the Cruise Control back to the XS/2 connector. This unfortunately is harder than it sounds on a Boxster unless you pull the top loose. On the 996 it may be easier.

3) BS14/2 Was installed on the Boxster and I would guess it is there on the 996 as well. It is located on the back side of Relay Panel # 1 in the same general location as BS1 and if it is like the Boxster it has Black wires connecting to it. BS5/2 is also located in the same location and that is where you can pick up the Break Light power on signal. On the Boxster it is a Black wire with an Orange Tracer. You should not have to replace the original brake light switch as one of the previous entries suggested but you will need to add the a wire to Brake Light Off signal terminal. On the boxster it is a Black wire with Red Tracer.

4) There were no numbers on the 10 Pin Connector for the Cruise Control. I now suspect that it may be a Siemens VDO connector since the Cruise Control is made by VDO but so far I have not been able to find a number. I am still researching. In a pinch you could just use a suitable electrical connector and then fill the plug cavity with hot melt glue to keep them isolated and secure. But just be sure to lightly coat the inside of the cruise control recepticle with dielectric grease so you could pull out the home made plug if you ever need to disconnect it.

Are your electrical schematics electronic? If so, would you attach them so I can compare them to my set for the Boxster.

Regards, Tim

Edited by KC-Boxster
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My cruise actuator arrived, but I have a snag. The pins on the socket are not numbered/lettered. Do you know which is which?



I took the top off the unit, and I am fairly sure that the bottom-right pin is the ground connector (F). Therefore, I THINK that the connections (as you look at the photo) are:



But it would be nice if you could confirm this.

Edited by Richard Hamilton
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My cruise actuator arrived, but I have a snag. The pins on the socket are not numbered/lettered. Do you know which is which?



I took the top off the unit, and I am fairly sure that the bottom-right pin is the ground connector (F). Therefore, I THINK that the connections (as you look at the photo) are:



But it would be nice if you could confirm this.


That is not the way mine is wired. All I was able to do during lunch today was look at the connector through a mirror but I am 99% sure the diagram below is correct. My picture is pretty bad but you can see the Grey/Pink wire is in the lower left corner and your right that the Brown ground wire is in the lower right corner but I believe it would be Pin E. Looking at the picture you have attached here is how mine is wired





I also have found what appears to be the correct connector for the Cruise Control connection and have put one on order. I should have it this time next week, if it proves out I will let you know. I also may have found a source for a Cruise Control Actuator that is virtually identical to the factory Porsche/VDO unit with only a different mounting pad. I should have the DIY instructions completed by the end of this weekend and may try and put together an intire installation package for an aftermarket cruise installation if there is enough interest. I edited this reply about 5 times so make sure you review the last edit because my first post was backward due to looking through the mirror.



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I'm a bit confused. :huh: :huh: Firstly, my sheet 13 is a bit unclear, and I mistook the ground connection terminal to be F, and it is E. (It's clear on the Boxster diagram I have).

Even so, I have a nagging feeling that the earth connection is to the bottom-right pin in my photo (the one next to the small polarising rib). If you get a chance, could you confirm (or otherwise) that the brown wire goes to that pin?

What you are suggesting is a mirror-image of what I am now expecting - and you were looking in a mirror! :D :D

edit: I need to type faster - our messages crossed! - that's great - I think we are on the same page now!

Edited by Richard Hamilton
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