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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The knobs can not be replaced by themselves. Some MY99 cars had the radio buttons "peel". The original buttons had stick on markings so they started to peel after some time of use. Dealers replaced the radio with an exchange or new unit when the cars were under warranty (including mine). You can try to get your dealer to do the same - but out of warranty would be purely a courtesy.
  2. Most spoiler bolts are held in place by Loctite thread locker - so they will snap when they break free. If you are putting the screws back in a new spoiler then be sure and put Loctite on the thread so they don't vibrate loose.
  3. Interesting... 996 701 811 00 G2X is in the parts list as unpainted caps - option code M218. I show $6.59 each (retail) - unpainted.
  4. Required reading... Porsche 911 Performance Handbook by Bruce Anderson Bruce's Website
  5. :oops: that was the GT2 spoiler. Here is the TT spoiler hardware.
  6. Porsche does not make bumper plugs (they are not listed in their parts list). Some dealers sell them but I think they get them from a third party. Just order a set from BumperPlugs.com. Your color is likely Arctic Silver.
  7. :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: Short term memory loss - I answered two of those last week (or the week before - see I can't remember :lol: )
  8. If you have an early MY99 car you might try hitting your dealer up for a freebie. There was a TSB for this way back in late 1998 so they really should have been taken care of under the (then) 5 year warranty.
  9. Or... you can force a reset by using an OBD II scan tool or disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. If you disconnect the battery make sure you have your radio code.
  10. OBD II can reset any emissions fault on it's own after a specified number of "drive cycles" (they vary depending on the fault). Or, you should have the fault codes read so that fault can be corrected. It could be something as simple as a loose gas cap or something more like a bad oxygen sensor or MAF. Either way they should read the codes, correct the fault and then reset the fault codes - then test the car again.
  11. The engine compartment purge fan rarely comes on. Mine has only come on twice -- and I live in 90 plus degree California! Here are the conditions the fan comes on at.
  12. 342 - Seat heating left and right 424 - CD compartment (storage) 490 - Sound sytem "ask" 502 - ? 535 - Theft security system 315 mhz 551 - Wind deflector 573 - Air conditioner 584 - ? 762 - (usually 7xx series are special edition cars - is this a special edition?)
  13. Clutch spring is item 9. There have been at least 2 or 3 (TSB) design changes over the years. Yes and no. If he followed the manual and TSB procedure then they are supposed to disassemble the shaft and check the bushings for wear - and replace them if needed. Then they are supposed to re-assemble it with Optimol grease. Also, according to the TSB there are several modifications that need to be done to fit a newer design clutch spring on an older car. They are to replace the clutch pedal if a 986 423 081 11 spring is used.
  14. They sure look like they share the same pivot shaft to me??? If it wasn't sticking before you took it in then why is it sticking now? Time for them to own up to their mistake (IMHO).
  15. Tire Rack has a really good explanation of offset here. You have a couple of challenges here. Fact - we know 18 x 8 ET 40 and 11 x 18 ET 63 will work on a narrow body because they are used on the GT3 (mk2). So, now you have to wonder about clearance with a 19 wheel and the tires that will fit those wheels. Some tires may work and others may not. The places to check are inner suspension clearance (including shock rebound), outer fender lip, read swaybar, and tie rods in the front. Because of the variety of tires out there you simply may not know until you (or someone else) try.
  16. 996 559 237 09 70C Carrera logo in rally black - retail $18.48 Positioning for MY02-on Carrera coupe. 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position the "Carrera" logo with the dimensions A and B = 129.6 mm and C = 29 ± 1 mm on the rear lid and affix.
  17. For a MY? (2002 on is different) Black or Silver? Coupe, Cab, or Targa (they are all different)?
  18. The clutch pedal and brake pedal share the same (axle) shaft so chances are they overtightened it or left a bushing out. I would make them fix it since they screwed it up.
  19. In MY99 all of the 18" factory front wheels were 7.5" except for the (then not sold in the US) GT3. Most of the wheel weights were similar. For example - Sport Design: 7.5J x 18 - ET50 - 25.13 lb 8J x 18 - ET52 - 26.45 lb 10J x 18 - ET65 - 28.88 lb BTW... this info is in your Owners Manual (page194)
  20. Okay, I gave you the wrong post - try this one http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5628
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