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Brakes Squeeking on 997 C4S

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The breaks on my new 997 C4S have been squeeking when I slow down from normal low speed to low speed, lets say when approaching a red light, or slowing behind a car when in rush hour slow traffic. Should I bring this to my dealer's attention for a quick fix, or will the problem go away after few more miles. The car is incredibly beautiful, but I must admit that pulling in front of a lower key car and having the squeek heard is a little ambarrassing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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The breaks on my new 997 C4S have been squeeking when I slow down from normal low speed to low speed, lets say when approaching a red light, or slowing behind a car when in rush hour slow traffic. Should I bring this to my dealer's attention for a quick fix, or will the problem go away after few more miles. The car is incredibly beautiful, but I must admit that pulling in front of a lower key car and having the squeek heard is a little ambarrassing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Having the exact same problem under the exact same circumstances with my 07 C2S which started at 1400 miles (now @ 2000 miles). I tried the high speed hard braking stuff (which is supposed to clean off the any glaze) given the brakes a thorough flushing with water (when cold of course) etc etc all to no avail. I had this issue on previous MB's (never with a Porsche however and I've owned many) and the only way the problem was corrected on the MB's was when they replaced pads AND rotors and during one instance one of the rotors had to be replaced twice. The squeal with my car seems to be coming from the front brakes, just like with the MB's. My MB dealer tried to tell me it's normal etc, as the factory will only replace brakes one time and for a very limited # of miles.From what I understand Porsche won't cover a brake squeal period, so it may be up to your dealer to help you. My car goes in Tuesday for this issue and you're right, it's very embarrasing when the $90,000.00 car stopping at the lightis the one sounding like a school bus when coming to a slow speed stop. Where are you located? I'm in S Fl.

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Hello and hope you had a nice easter holiday break.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I will take the car to the Collection tomorrow and see what they can do. I am a pretty good customer and my service guy should hopefully take care of this ambarassing issue. I am also located in South Florida, in Miami Beach to be precise, and the weather today was fantastic....how about you? Please keep me updated if you get any more news when you take your Porsche for the same problem.


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Hello and hope you had a nice easter holiday break.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I will take the car to the Collection tomorrow and see what they can do. I am a pretty good customer and my service guy should hopefully take care of this ambarassing issue. I am also located in South Florida, in Miami Beach to be precise, and the weather today was fantastic....how about you? Please keep me updated if you get any more news when you take your Porsche for the same problem.


Happy Easter to you too!

I'm in Delray and go to Braman, although I've bought a few Porsches from the Collection over the years. Please report back tomorrow on what the Collection decides to do,as my car goes in on Tuesday.

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Hi 500,

OK, I got THE best mechanic at the collection look at the breaks, he said that with Porsche a little squeeking here and there is not unusual. He added some type of goowee formula to the pad so that they dont retain dusts. We went for a ride, yesterday, the squeeking stoped then return for a bit, but then again today I drove the car and no squeeking was heard. Richie the mechanic told me that if the problem persisited to bring back the car and that they would take it to the next step. If this happens, I will let you know....Did your dealer has done anything different??

Let me know


PS: I am putting a short shift by the end of the week...loved the feeling or shorter distance between gears.

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Hi All,

I had this problem under the same circumstances with my 06 C4S. The squeeking starts in first couple hundred miles then it just disappear without me doing anything. I have 6k miles on my car now and I can't remember the last time I heard the break squeeking. If I hear it again I will take my car to the dealership. Good luck guys.

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Hi 500,

OK, I got THE best mechanic at the collection look at the breaks, he said that with Porsche a little squeeking here and there is not unusual. He added some type of goowee formula to the pad so that they dont retain dusts. We went for a ride, yesterday, the squeeking stoped then return for a bit, but then again today I drove the car and no squeeking was heard. Richie the mechanic told me that if the problem persisited to bring back the car and that they would take it to the next step. If this happens, I will let you know....Did your dealer has done anything different??

Let me know


PS: I am putting a short shift by the end of the week...loved the feeling or shorter distance between gears.

Thanks for the update. Did the tech apply anti squeal paste to the back of the pads perhaps, as I do not know of any paste that reduces dust? If you could, please check the work order and let me know. My dealership said there was nothing they could do as the squeaking is on some cars and others not...I said I want my car to NOT be one of the one's that squeak. The Service Manager said they would call Porsche tech line to see what they suggested and get back to me. It was raining up here all day today so I was not able to replicate the squeaking as the brakes were wet so I will bring it back. Don't forget to check your service paperwork and let me know exactly what it says. Thanks so much.

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Hi All,

I had this problem under the same circumstances with my 06 C4S. The squeeking starts in first couple hundred miles then it just disappear without me doing anything. I have 6k miles on my car now and I can't remember the last time I heard the break squeeking. If I hear it again I will take my car to the dealership. Good luck guys.

Thanks. Mine started at about 1200 miles and as of now (2100) miles it's still there.
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Hi ,

You are absolutely right, they applied a thick anti squeak paste. The noise seem to have been gone, and I keep my fingers crossed. if it comes back within the next coming days, I will then take this matter into getting a much more applicable and permanent solution, but so far the noise is gone. So you ask Braman for the thick paste, I am sure they can accomodate you. Keep me updated.

Apparently some of us Porsche owner have a snobish attitude and dont waive back at other Porsche drivers...so I will prove otherwise and start giving the little hi...just to for the point of making a nice gesture.

Dont forget to do the same or reciprocate....haha



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Hi Rivan,

Thank for the feedback....Like I said to "500" the thick anti-squeak paste the dealer applied to my breaks seems (or at least for now to have taken care of this problem. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Dont forget to waive at your Porsche fellow....haha

Cheers :thumbup:


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Hi ,

You are absolutely right, they applied a thick anti squeak paste. The noise seem to have been gone, and I keep my fingers crossed. if it comes back within the next coming days, I will then take this matter into getting a much more applicable and permanent solution, but so far the noise is gone. So you ask Braman for the thick paste, I am sure they can accomodate you. Keep me updated.



Keep us posted on the squeal...I hope it's gone for good! I still haven't heard back from the service mgr...I'll be calling him tomorrow.
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A few days later....seems that the thick anti squeak paste is working...I havnt heard any more noises....Did your squeaking resolve?
Glad to hear it, or should I say glad you're not hearing it!

I have not been back to the dealer as they are supposed to be getting back to me this week. I did wash the car a few days ago and really gave the brakes a good cleaning with the hose (when cold of course) and so far no noise but this was only a temp fix in the past so we'll see. Thanks for asking. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
A few days later....seems that the thick anti squeak paste is working...I havnt heard any more noises....Did your squeaking resolve?
Glad to hear it, or should I say glad you're not hearing it!

I have not been back to the dealer as they are supposed to be getting back to me this week. I did wash the car a few days ago and really gave the brakes a good cleaning with the hose (when cold of course) and so far no noise but this was only a temp fix in the past so we'll see. Thanks for asking. :)


Well it's been about a month now, are the brakes still quiet?


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The more performance oriented the brake pads, the more likely they are to make noise. There are exceptions, but this is more the rule than exception. You guys should try getting GT3 or cupcar brakes to be quiet at low speeds and just near stop. You simply learn to live with it.

Use your brakes in good health and enjoy their capabillities. Porsche has done a good job at walking the line between sportscar/racebred power, feel, and bite and civilized passenger car quiet brakes.

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The breaks on my new 997 C4S have been squeeking when I slow down from normal low speed to low speed, lets say when approaching a red light, or slowing behind a car when in rush hour slow traffic. Should I bring this to my dealer's attention for a quick fix, or will the problem go away after few more miles. The car is incredibly beautiful, but I must admit that pulling in front of a lower key car and having the squeek heard is a little ambarrassing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Misery loves company. I've got the same exact problem on my 2006 C4S Cab. under the same circumstances. I've got a little over 5,000 mi and the problem has happened many times. The brakes may be good, but the noise is terrible. Sometimes I've been tempted to use my hand brake to stop as the noise is so annoying and loud - sounds like a Mack truck w/ bad brakes. Just have to put up w/ it..... The dealer says it's normal. In my opinion, pretty poor for a performance car.

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Mine just started too... A 2005 C2S with 20,000km.

I did a few abs engaging hard stops and now it's gone.

It took a few times, and not at slow speeds, like 100 km/h (62 mph) to 0 FAST.

Now my wheels are really dirty, but my brakes are silent.

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Misery loves company. I've got the same exact problem on my 2006 C4S Cab. under the same circumstances. I've got a little over 5,000 mi and the problem has happened many times. The brakes may be good, but the noise is terrible. Sometimes I've been tempted to use my hand brake to stop as the noise is so annoying and loud - sounds like a Mack truck w/ bad brakes. Just have to put up w/ it..... The dealer says it's normal. In my opinion, pretty poor for a performance car.

It's not normal...make them fix it!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Just did a track event with the copaslip and no noise. This

stuff works. I am now a happy non-squeaking Porsche



Where do you guys apply this stuff exactly? Do you remove the wheel , take out the brake pads, apply it, and put the pads back in? Or do you just shoot it all in there?

Thanks in advance,


Brake Newbie

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Just to confirm that since the mechanic at my dealer applied the goowee paste to my brakes several months ago and making myself few hard stops during the following couple of days, the terrible brake squeeking completely disappeared. I can recall only one time afer the car sat in my garage for several days while out of town, hearing a much subtle squeeking that was gone just a few minutes after riding the car again.

I will try to get the specifics on the paste and post it if I get the info.


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Just did a track event with the copaslip and no noise. This

stuff works. I am now a happy non-squeaking Porsche



Where do you guys apply this stuff exactly? Do you remove the wheel , take out the brake pads, apply it, and put the pads back in? Or do you just shoot it all in there?

Thanks in advance,


Brake Newbie

The can comes with a dabber and you apply it

to the back of the new brakes and slide them into

the caliper.


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