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Blasphemy or not ---- I need a ruling

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Well folks...I'm not trying to start a huge debate or a flame war...but I thought I would inquire as to what your opinions are. I have an '01 996TT that is silver in color. I've always loved black cars and rather then selling my 'baby' and trying(and waiting around) to find a black one, I have contemplated repainting mine black. My thought was that it would be the perfect time to complete the body mods that I wanted (side skirts, and GT2 front end).

So what does everyone think....am I committing a cardinal sin or not? :rolleyes:

Edited by AWIZRD
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It would seriously affect resale of the car. I would not do it. Just trade for another black, plenty of them on the market.

Many parts of the car cannot be repainted so your car will always be two tone when someone does a PPI on it or look closely.

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Look at Michael Jackson, results could be as bad or worse.

Seriously, a color change should only be done on a car like this if doing a complete frame up rebuild on possibly a salvage car, race car etc. For starters the factory info label will not correspond with the color, then to do a really good job the outside of the car is easiest. The underside of the hood and trunk is more difficult, door jambs, door insides, under trunk, around motor, under all weatherstrips, rubber, etc. A great job requires all interior and glass removal, fenders, f & r bumper covers and more. Anything less is a coverup an half a**ed paint job.

I take it you didn't understand this, as well as the fact that a pefectly executed repaint will significantly affect resale value and a less than perfect one to a greater degree. In my book a repaint could knock off 30% or more of the potential value. Know the facts and make your own decision.

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  • 2 months later...
Look at Michael Jackson, results could be as bad or worse.

Seriously, a color change should only be done on a car like this if doing a complete frame up rebuild on possibly a salvage car, race car etc. For starters the factory info label will not correspond with the color, then to do a really good job the outside of the car is easiest. The underside of the hood and trunk is more difficult, door jambs, door insides, under trunk, around motor, under all weatherstrips, rubber, etc. A great job requires all interior and glass removal, fenders, f & r bumper covers and more. Anything less is a coverup an half a**ed paint job.

I take it you didn't understand this, as well as the fact that a pefectly executed repaint will significantly affect resale value and a less than perfect one to a greater degree. In my book a repaint could knock off 30% or more of the potential value. Know the facts and make your own decision.

I agree. The other aspect is that a buyer will always suspect that there was a collision that prompted the respray. A proper job would cost more than you might lose on a trade or sell&buy.

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