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Amplifier help...

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Hi y'all, can someone tell me if this amp fit my boxster? ( 6x40w dsp 986 m680)

I have 4x40w 986 cabrio m490 amp in my car. thanks

It'll fit, but it won't work.

The 680 system is completely different than the M490. M680 has the "batwing" control unit for the DSP (Digital Sound Processing) and requires extra wires running back into the cabin to the DSP controller (at the batwing).

If you get the batwing controller and harness, then it is possible. But as is, it's not plug-n-play and will NOT work.

You'll need to find a 6x40 amp from and M490 system to fit (There's been some debate whether you need one from a cabrio or a coupe to make it work - sorry I never heard the final answer to this one but I think Tool Pants might know.) Also, you'll need to trim off 2 of the alignment tabs on the 6x40amp to properly accept the wiring harness from your 4x40. Then it's simply a matter of plugging in your rear speaker leads in to the open slots (5/15 and 6/16 IIRC) on the harness and bolting it to the bracket in the trunk.

Keep looking and good luck!

Edited by Cassiebox
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my advice is to buy a 'real' amp. ;)

40w per channel is very low, and for roughly the same amount of money as the Porsche amp, you could get a much more powerful amp that will drive your speakers better.

i'd also replace the stock speakers if that's what's in your car. i picked up a pair of MB Quart DKD-110's (4" coax speaker) for $50 and the difference is night and day. no kidding. you could spend a little more and get a nice pair of Focal speakers, too. both the MB Quarts and the Focals will fit in the Boxster dash. the stock speakers are really terrible, and swapping them is the best and cheapest way to get a better sounding system.

here's a pic and link.



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thanks all for answering my question, i did connect the amp and it does not work. Chris.. can u tell me how to add an amp or piggy back to the oem amp. thanks

i don't know about piggybacking to the oem amp, but adding a new amp should be pretty simple. all you need to do is supply power and connect the speakers and remote turn-on lead. you'll need to get the pin-out for the amp that you have, so you know which wires do what. then you just need to connect those wires to the appropriate connectors on the amp.

check out this how-to video...


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If when you say piggy-backing you mean connecting in series, dont even try it!!! Amps need a low input, so by connecting the high output of one amp to the input of another will result in you blowing the FET's or some of the circuits in side.

Not worth the risk, better to just by a decent amp.

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