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Instrument Cluster Not Working

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Just purchased a 1999 Boxster and the dash lights were out so I did the DIY change to make them LEDs and the lights are still not working and now the needles for the MPH, REV, GAS, and Temp are not working at all. The LED display for the MPH and Time are working and light up just fine but the rest is just dead. I purchased the Durametric Software and it says that there is no communication from the unit so I was wondering if anyone has experienced this problem? Also, the keyless alarm and entry are also not working but can lock and arm the alarm from the door with the key. The clock set knob was also working fine but now I cannot set the clock at all. The dimmer switch also works to dim but not to brighten. I have to undo the battery and then it is set back to the brightness that I can see. Any advice out there? I have searched for days now trying to find a thread on here but no luck. If someone can direct me I would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from anyone. Thanks again. Fort Lauderdale here!


Edited by jackpjr
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Hey i was in Ft. Lauderdale FL over the weekend, was your boxster the one parked in the street in south beach miami? i seen it there with the top down near some resurant.

About your cluster, Take it back out and makesure you have every wire inplace correctly and the connectors are not in the wrong slots. Makesure they are clipped in fully and securely, Possible that you clipped the lever down on one of them too soon before it was accepted into the back of the gauge cluster.

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can you tell me where you got the LED lights for the dash lights?


I got them from www.autolumination.com. I had to pull out the old lights in order to use the post that screws into the cluster. The lights are soldered into the socket so you have to break the glass of the bulb and pull out the rest with tweezers. Be very careful of the glass in the eye stuff. You can purchase the whole thing from a website but I can't remember where. I will do a little research and respond back. The three lights that light up the Miles, Speed, and the Clock are the only ones working at the moment. Still working on the rest of the cluster issue. Good luck

Edited by jackpjr
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Hey i was in Ft. Lauderdale FL over the weekend, was your boxster the one parked in the street in south beach miami? i seen it there with the top down near some resurant.

About your cluster, Take it back out and makesure you have every wire inplace correctly and the connectors are not in the wrong slots. Makesure they are clipped in fully and securely, Possible that you clipped the lever down on one of them too soon before it was accepted into the back of the gauge cluster.

Nope not me.

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can you tell me where you got the LED lights for the dash lights?


I got them from www.autolumination.com. I had to pull out the old lights in order to use the post that screws into the cluster. The lights are soldered into the socket so you have to break the glass of the bulb and pull out the rest with tweezers. Be very careful of the glass in the eye stuff. You can purchase the whole thing from a website but I can't remember where. I will do a little research and respond back. The three lights that light up the Miles, Speed, and the Clock are the only ones working at the moment. Still working on the rest of the cluster issue. Good luck

Did you soder the new bulbs into the sockets? if not, 100% sure thats the issue.

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can you tell me where you got the LED lights for the dash lights?


I got them from www.autolumination.com. I had to pull out the old lights in order to use the post that screws into the cluster. The lights are soldered into the socket so you have to break the glass of the bulb and pull out the rest with tweezers. Be very careful of the glass in the eye stuff. You can purchase the whole thing from a website but I can't remember where. I will do a little research and respond back. The three lights that light up the Miles, Speed, and the Clock are the only ones working at the moment. Still working on the rest of the cluster issue. Good luck

Did you soder the new bulbs into the sockets? if not, 100% sure thats the issue.

Nope I didn't solder them in but they fit nice and snug. The ones that are not working at this point are all the ones I did not change and are still the original bulbs. I have taken everyones advice and made sure the 3 connectors for the cluster are nice and settled but still nothing. I am wondering if the cluster has to be reset or something from the Dealer? I found a place on the internet that you can send your cluster and they will fix it if that is what is wrong. Does anyone have any more advice before I sale a kidney? The readout for the milage, speed, and time are all working just fine. It is just the needles that are not responding and the back lights for the dials. Look forward to the next set of comments. Have a great weekend everyone.

Edited by jackpjr
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