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Tranny problem- did it happen to you?

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Was driving on the highway with PSM off, put the pedal to the medal to get by the slow-poke messing up the flow of traffic in the left lane, tranny down shifted to 4th smoothly, and then when it was revving high and tried to up-shift it slipped/stuttered and I had to hit the tiptronic on the steering wheel to make it go to 5th. What is going on???

Yes, my tranny fluid is at the level it is supposed to be, and no I did not have the floorshifter in manual (in case you were going to ask).

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Yes, something similar: PSM off, shifted down to 2. by wheel knobs, then pedal to bottom in order to pass a forward slow car. Up along the other car the car refused to shift up with the result of stalling at full rev. Dangerous!! (only one lane in each direction) The car stopped to accelerate and I used a dangerous long distance to pass.

I have told the Porshe shop, but they say they cant find any thing wrong!? I think there is a mix between software versions of the transmission module and the engine module.

Very interessed to know if other also has this problem, because it is dangerous.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, something similar: PSM off, shifted down to 2. by wheel knobs, then pedal to bottom in order to pass a forward slow car. Up along the other car the car refused to shift up with the result of stalling at full rev. Dangerous!! (only one lane in each direction) The car stopped to accelerate and I used a dangerous long distance to pass.

I have told the Porshe shop, but they say they cant find any thing wrong!? I think there is a mix between software versions of the transmission module and the engine module.

Very interessed to know if other also has this problem, because it is dangerous.

Why do both of you drive with PSM off?

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Yes, something similar: PSM off, shifted down to 2. by wheel knobs, then pedal to bottom in order to pass a forward slow car. Up along the other car the car refused to shift up with the result of stalling at full rev. Dangerous!! (only one lane in each direction) The car stopped to accelerate and I used a dangerous long distance to pass.

I have told the Porshe shop, but they say they cant find any thing wrong!? I think there is a mix between software versions of the transmission module and the engine module.

Very interessed to know if other also has this problem, because it is dangerous.

Why do both of you drive with PSM off?

PSM off is good for more power but i would try using tip with PSM on and see what that does

i ahve a V6 aswell and have had hard shifts

(but i also had my ECU reprogrammed :D )

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They had to order and install a new speed sensor harness. Now the car downshifts immediately when I tell it to, and no more failing upshifts. They also did a "hand-over" to reprogram everything.

Marco, I do use the paddle shifters w/ PSM off sometimes, but usually I slide the Tiptronic to manual and shift that way (this is my first automatic since 1985).

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They had to order and install a new speed sensor harness. Now the car downshifts immediately when I tell it to, and no more failing upshifts. They also did a "hand-over" to reprogram everything.

Marco, I do use the paddle shifters w/ PSM off sometimes, but usually I slide the Tiptronic to manual and shift that way (this is my first automatic since 1985).

haha yea tip is awsomee...glad everything is fixed :)

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Read about this in the manual

With PSM off it will not upshift in tiptronic mode

Could possibly be you were rev

ving to high to upshift and it stuttered.

I'm sorry, but worked for a full year, and the svc mgr said it it is supposed to shift automatically with PSM off.

Now that they replaced the speed sensor harness, it is working normally again.

On p. 223 of the manual it states, "When PSM is switched off, transmission gear changes are done at higher engine speeds."

Where in the manal did you find your information? I'd like to read what it has to say, because it contradicts everything I read and have been told.

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